
Write your story... Dude what are you really waiting for. Benny went to see a guidance counselor to help him decide on something but it was a very long line,why? because it was Monday and so many people wanted to get an advice on which job is better for them or if they should get married and such . And this was Benny's experience. Chapter one (Benny meets a friend) Benny just came and then got a sit close to a man. Benny:hi am benny......haaa!!! it's such a long to Mrs Christine's office (the guidance counselor),i wonder why so many people wants to see her today. Well am here for a good reason to see her but shhhh i can only tell the GC (guidance counselor).hmm i there are going to give us numbers. Secretary: hello everyone, this is Mrs Christine's secretary if you are see her please get a sit and get sitted, but if you have a special appointment please come to the register and take the first numbers. Benny:Aww i wish i had a special appointment,i need an attention urgently. John: sorry dude i gotta go cause i have a special appointment by the way it was nice meeting you actually it wasn't because you didn't let me say anything but bye am John. Benny: bye it was nice meeting you too..... wait what did you mean it wasn't. John: never mind bye. Benny waited in line for hours some people even got tired and left but Benny still waited even though it will take him the whole day. Secretary: the cards given to you all had your number on it so when it is called come with it here. Chapter two (Benny saw a pretty lady) Benny: what I got number 198. Some people after and before Benny left but he still waited.As Benny waited, he sited a very pretty lady then he approached her. Benny:hi am Benny. Candy: hello am candy but you can call me Check Benny: so what number are you Candy:am number 185. Benny:wow that's close to mine am number 198. Candy:(packing her hair) the weather is so hot today. Benny: yeah Chapter three (Benny gets beaten up) Benny: you look pretty Candy: thanks (smiling) Candy's boyfriend saw her smiling with him and told his friends to beat Benny up. Benny:no!no!no!no!no! oww oww oww please stop am sorry (crying) Immediately he stood up and ran to another sit far from CJ and her boyfriend. After more hours of waiting it was almost his turn, so he decided to go get some snacks maybe a smoothie and a popcorn.When Benny came back a huge lady was already on his sit and he didn't know what to do, so he decided to trick her.When looked at her hand and she wasn't wearing a ring so he said Benny: excuse ma'am a man was looking for you outside and I think he wants to propose to you then she quickly ran out . when she went out she didn't see anyone so she went back in and gave Benny a huge punch and that made him get a black eye. Chapter four (Benny's turn) Secretary: number 198 if you are still here please step into Mrs Christine's office. Benny: (ran into the office with excitement) Mrs Christine:Mr Benny please what are you here for. Benny:I just wanted to ask you if.... Christine:(cuts in)oh no I'm late, sorry but it already my closing hour and i need to go get my car fixed.Am really sorry. Secretary: everyone waiting for Mrs Christine sorry but it already her closing hour but you can go ahead to Mr sunny's office. Chapter five (Benny waits for Mr sunny) Benny was disappointed but he still didn't give up so he went to make a line to see Mr sunny. Benny: but this line isn't so long. Benny got number seventy one this time so he sat down.As he waited one of his old friend in school who was a great guitar player and a rapper saw him and approachedapproached him . Benny: Hi Michael Michael:heyyy long time no see bro Benny:why do you need to see Mr sunny. Michael: I just need advice for a new song. Benny: nice, what about your girl friend Veronica. Michael: she dumped me to be with"the sweet muscle guy Daniel. Benny:Aww so what number are you. Michael: number twenty one Benny: twenty one, oh look it's your turn. Michael: bye Benny: buy,now I'm all alone again. Chapter six(Benny gets into a fight) Benny was still waiting when he accidentally spilled someone's soda,and that person was Jack the coolest kid when they were in school and he is still cool .he has lots of followers and always loved to challenge people because he thinks his the best and his followers always told him so. Benny:I'm so sorry Jack I didn't notice you kept your soda there I'm sorry Jack: oh you will be sorry after a fight. Followers: fight! Fight!! Fight!!! Benny: guys please I don't want to fight I have a headache you know. Jack:you must fight (he gives Benny a huge punch) Benny: oww,so that's how you want it you will get it (tries to punch him on the face , but Jack grabs his hand and used it to slap his face then punched him again). Jack:is that all you got,show me what you got ha ha ha followers: hahaha hahaha The fight continued like that,Jack gave Benny the beating of an enternity and was about to win then Benny accidentally rubed dirt on his shirt while trying to stand up. Jack:hey see what you did to my shirt and I promised my mom that If I fight I won't get dirty and now you ruined it.I got to go clean this up. followers:but what about the fight . Jack:forget about the fight let go clean my shirt and I don't care if I lose this one fight ,at least is better than making mom mad . Followers:that means Benny wins this time boooooo! Benny:I don't care if you boo at me all I care is that I beat Jack I beat Jack I beat Jack Jack I beat Jack Mr sunny:Mr Benny please come to my office since the two people before you left so you are up. Benny: yes!Mr Sunny I am so happy it's my turn. I just wanted to ask if I should eat mushroom pizza or pepperoni pizza . what do you think.

July 05, 2020 14:44

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Elle Clark
21:28 Jul 11, 2020

Ha! I like the reveal at the end! I can’t believe he waited for so long and got beaten up just for that advice!


Aliyah Yahaya
16:38 Jul 12, 2020

Reply here... thanks,it was even funny for me when I was writing it


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