Creative Nonfiction Happy

Savana was walking to her grandmother's nice cozy home. The house was outside of town and took a while to walk to. Savana's long blond hair blew in the spring's quiet breeze. It was a good day for a walk, a warm day with a cool breeze. Savana's blue eyes then caught something. It was her grandmother's house. The Orange two-story build was a cozy place to settle before the day was truly done. Her grandmother's raspberries and blackberries lined the fences that surrounded her home. They had yet to grow any berries and still had the flowers growing, but Savana knew that last year's bounty was turned to delicious jam. The strong oak tree in the backyard was getting older, just like Savana's grandmother, but never gave in to old age. Trees were great like that. Savana remembered when she would visit her grandmother every weekend as a kid, getting to eat the berries growing on the fences or eating the winter and spring jam on toast in the mornings. She also remembered trying to climb the old oak tree when the weather was just right. It never gave in to a little girl's climbing. Or a teen's climbing. Now Savana was grown up and had a job. She had her own house to live in and her own needs to pay attention to. She hadn't yet visited her grandmother that year, but she wanted to go talk to her grandmother again.

That morning before she walked over to her grandmother's house she had showered and got new clothes on. She then put her hair in a braid after seeing the wind blowing. It was blowing softly, but it was strong enough to mess up perfectly good hair. The clothes she was wearing were baby blue and cyan. Her shirt was long-sleeved and had a turtle neck while her pants were shorter and had back pockets. They were not the fake kind, thank goodness. Her bright blue shoes were pared with navy blue socks that went a little above her shoes. She quite liked the color blue, it was even painted all over the inside and the outside of her house.

When she reached the stairs to her grandmother's house, made of stone and had fences stopping someone from falling too far, she began to climb them. The stones had moss growing from different cracks and some had dandelions growing as well. The well-worked stones waited for someone to come along and replace them, but it never happened. Sevana climbed the stairs, admiring the beauty of the natural world that incorporated itself into human builds. The little wooden shed that Sevana would play in as a child was now overrun with vines and other weeds. Sevana eventually did reach her grandmother's house, the warm orange in a sea of green and brown. She noticed her grandmother was now also growing a full hoast of vegetables. She reached the door and knocked.

Her grandmother opened the door, with her blue eyes twinkling and smiling her great smile. Her grandmother motioned Sevana into her home and closed the door behind her. A large collection of cutlery was out of the cupboards and plenty of ingredients were out.

"I thought we could bake a pie while you're here little Say Say," said Sevana's grandmother

"I'd love to bake with you." Sevana looked around the house. It was just like before.

The couches were placed in the living room, one with 2 spots the other with 3, near the glass table. The walls were open while plenty of the tables had images of children and grandchildren, even including one of her newest great-grandchild. The grandparent of which was Sevana's uncle. The warm calm colors of orange and yellow were strewn all around the walls. The dining room had a great oak table and chairs. The radio played a calming melody as the two began to put together a raspberry and blackberry jam pie. The serenity of Sevana's grandmother's home was strong. They put together the ingredients for the pie crust and placed it in the pie tin. The poking of the crust was swift and the crust was ready to bake. As it baked they put together the filling. The jams were mixed with sugar to thicken them up. By the time the crust was done baking for the first time around, so was the filling. They put the filling inside the baked crust and let it bake another time.

"So Sevana, how has life been for you so far?" asked Sevana's grandmother

"It's been great. I have a boyfriend that dad approves of, I have a nice steady job, things are going great for me right now!" said Sevana

"I'm surprised to find you have any time at all for someone like me if that's the case," said Sevana's grandmother

"Well I do have time for someone like you," said Sevana "Because I make time"

"Do you mind if I ask what your job is?"

"I do not mind. I am a writer. I've been getting quite popular, but a city-esk location is not the type of place you want to write stories. "

"Does your boyfriend have a job?"

"No, but he helps me critique my stories. He loves to read my stories any time he can"

"Ah, I see. Normally your father wouldn't want a jobless man, but it sounds like being jobless is just what you want. He must have lots of time on his hands, right?"

"Yes, he does, but it lets him get me some writing prompts for my stories."

Just then the timer dinged for the pie.

"The pie is done. Let us bring it to cool" said Sevana's grandmother

The two walked over to the oven and took the pie out and placed it on a window cill. The pie looked great.

"Is there anything interesting going on in your life grandma?" asked Sevana

"yes, there has. I've been getting interested in video games. One, in particular, I quite like is a game called slime rancher," said Sevana's grandmother "those tar slimes get quite annoying though."

"You've been getting into steam games? What other games have you played?"

"Well, there is another one called Raft. I've played that one with a few friends, as well as a not so popular game called among us. I found it while streaming steam."

"Ooh, never heard of that one before. what's it like?"

"It's a murder mystery game. One or two people get to be an imposter and their job is to kill everyone on the ship. there's also an HQ and some kind of planet, but those cost even more money. For now, I think I'm good on the ship."

"That sounds fun! I might have to look it up."

"Mhm! If you can bring your laptop or any kind of digital device over to the town hall this weekend, there will be a few other oldies playing the game too. I find the little guys quite cute."

"You're very tech-savvy for someone of your age."

"Thank you. I'm quite glad I found out about the internet. What an interesting place it is. I have even heard of, erm, oh right! It was called Tumblr and Reddit."

"I have Reddit. Mostly to go through r/entitled parents when I'm bored."

"Ah yes, I've heard of them too. in fact, the r slash guy is what made me learn about Reddit."

The two continued to talk for quite a bit before getting back onto the topic of the pie. At that time the pie had cooled down and was ready to serve. The two ate a slice of pie as it was almost noon. Sevana waved goodbye to her grandmother and promised she would be back the next day, this time with her boyfriend.

December 09, 2020 00:33

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