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Sam: Hello? Is this Maxine Redtail?

Max: Yes, who is this?

Sam: This is Samantha Abrams from school.

Max: How did you get my phone number? No one other than my dad and mom has this number.

Sam: You gave it to me for our project. The one in science. We created an entire mini pterodactyl skeleton. We got a 98 for outstanding work remember?

Max: The last science project we had was two years ago. Why are you texting me now?

Sam: I was told to talk to someone that I haven't talked to in a while.

Max: Who told you that? They sound like a quack.

Sam: My therapist told me.

Max: Your therapist told you. So you chose the quiet girl who everyone thinks is strange and creepy?

Sam: Would you rather I talked to someone else? Someone less strange and creepy?

Max: No I'm actually kind of glad you chose me. I needed someone to talk to. I was getting bored. Summer gets me down most of the time. And I have no one to hang out with. So I'm stuck at home listening to my dad drone on about countermeasures and fissures in the parabolic surfaces or whatever.

Sam: Um, okay?

Max: Who actually wastes time typing the word "Um?"

Sam: I'm blind, so I use speech to text, and it reads out loud your texts.

Max: Crap, sorry. I didn't know. Wait, I probably shouldn't curse or else your mom will get upset.

Sam: No it's fine. I'm wearing earphones so she can't hear anything except me talking. She's not home yet either. I didn't expect you to know anyways. I'm home schooled now. It makes things easier.

Max: I don't remember you being blind. The last time I remember seeing you, you were peppier than a cheerleader.

Sam: I was in a car crash last year.

Max: Are you okay? Did anyone die?

Sam: No one died. I'm okay, but it's just so hard to deal with sometimes.

Max: Sorry, just one question about you being blind, can you do that thing where you click with your tongue to see?

Sam: I tried that when the doctors removed the bandages. They laughed and said I had to have been born blind for that to actually happen.

Max: Is it hard?

Sam: What, being blind? Yeah, it is. Especially when I have to explain it or answer questions. You asked two questions by the way.

Max: Sorry. Crap, you're right, that was two questions. I have just one more though. What about surgery? Can't you just get a new pair of eyes and see again?

Sam: I'd rather not talk about that.

Max: Crap, I'm an idiot. Of course you don't like the idea of having someone else's eyes in your skull.

Sam: No, it's fine. That's not it anyways.

Max: You gotta stop doing that.

Sam: Doing what?

Max: Apologizing for everything. Like you shouldn't be here and you're sorry for that. Stop beating yourself up so much.

Sam: Okay.

Max: No, it's fine. Sorry for rambling on about you. Crap, my mom says it's time to sleep. See ya tomorrow, Sam.

Sam: See ya tomorrow, Max.


Sam: Max? Are you awake yet?

Max: Yeah, I'm awake. Wow, you sure wake up early.

Sam: Do you want to talk another time? So you can sleep?

Max: Nah, it's fine. I couldn't sleep anyways.

Sam: What? Why?

Max: Yesterday my mom took me to McDonald's and the clown kinda freaked me out. I didn't want to say anything about it.

Sam: The clown?

Max: Yeah, he kept staring at my ass like it was a Big Mac. And he wouldn't stop even when he saw me looking at him.

Sam: He's such a pervert! Who looks at girls' asses in public anyway?

Max: Exactly! Girls are always stuck dealing with the perverts.

Sam: I know right?

Max: Anyways, I wanted to invite you to a movie.

Sam: I'm blind, remember?

Max: An audio descriptive movie. A dog's purpose.

Sam: Don't they only let blind people watch those? Like people who are actually blind?

Max: Yeah, but I'm just gonna put on some sunglasses. They won't know.

Sam: When does the movie play?

Max: At 12:30

Sam: It's 11:30

Max: Yeah, I know.

Sam: Okay, I'll go put on some clothes.

Max: I'll come over and pick you up? We can eat at Denny's for breakfast. I'll pay.

Sam: That would be great, thanks.

Max: No problem.


Max: Sam?

2 hours later

Max: Sam? Are you okay?

One week later. No replies from Sam.

Sam: Max?

Max: What happened?

Sam: I went into surgery

Max: What? When?

Sam: The day after the movie.

Max: Why didn't you tell me?

Sam: I didn't want you to worry about me. There was a 70% chance of me dying.

Max: I worry about you because I care about you.

Sam: I care about you too. After all, what are friends for, right?

Max: Can you see now?

Sam: Yeah. But my eyes are now emerald green.

Max: That's amazing! So what's it like being able to see again?

Sam: Its pretty weird. Every time I look at my mom, she starts crying and looking at the ceiling.

Max: Do you want me to come see you?

Sam: I have to go see my uncle make a speech at a dinner party. Wow. It's pretty weird saying see after being blind.

Max: You're talking to master of all things weird. Well, I hope you enjoy the food at least. I'll see you tomorrow?

Sam: Yeah. See you tomorrow.


Sam: I was invited to a party, do you want to come with me?

Max: Sure! Who's party?

Sam: Ashley Brenson. She's inviting every girl in the whole school but everyone except me said no.

Max: I'll get ready.

Sam: I'm driving over.


Max: Sam? Please talk to me.


Sam: I was drunk when I kissed you.

Max: No it's fine. To be honest, I was going to kiss you.

Sam: What?

Max: I'm gay. I've been gay for a couple of years.

Sam: I liked kissing you. What does that mean?

Max: It means you're gay. Just like me. Well, lesbian is the proper term, but still.

Sam: Are we dating now?

Max: Do you want to date me?

Sam: Yes. If I could date anyone it'd be you.

Max: I was hoping you'd say that.

Sam: I love you.

Max: I <3 You

I know this story was quick paced and I don't expect to win at all because I did this for fun. All I want is for people to enjoy this. So thanks for reading.

March 26, 2020 19:09

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1 comment

21:39 Apr 01, 2020

I'd love to see this fleshed out a bit. This isn't a story-telling technique I usually enjoy, but I was completely absorbed in this story and stayed with it all the way through. The surgery came out of nowhere and that's where I think the pacing issues came in, but I love how the story begins and the whole idea of two people coming together under relatively unusual circumstances. It's pretty perfect for this moment.


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