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Drama Romance

It was a bright sunny day. Denial, 25 years old young man, was very excited as he was going for an interview for his dream job. After completing his masters in engineering, Denial just saw one dream, that was to work for the world's best IT company Alpha, and just focused on completing it.

Denial woke up early in the morning and started memorizing the points, which will help him in his interview. He was very excited for the interview. He wore his favourite black and gray suit, which was a gift from his ex girlfriend and which was his lucky suit.

Denial entered the interview hall with shivering feet and hands, as he was very nervous regarding this job. His mind was full of confusions and he was constantly trying to memorize all the points necessary for an interview. Soon, Denial was called for the interview. There were 4 interviewers sitting in front of Denial. Denial greeted all of them individually but his eyes stopped at the 4th interviewer sitting in the corner. It was a beautiful lady with fair skin and nice curly golden hairs properly tied in a ponytail. The girl was wearing a white shirt and black skirt. Denial and that girl, whose name was Mishel kept looking at each other for about a minute. After that Denial's interview was started but he was not able to concentrate on it and his mind was completely filled with Mishel's thoughts. On the other hand Mishel was also not interested in talking to him and she just kept staring Denial during the interview. After leaving the room, Denial was just thinking about Mishel and was not even aware of his interview.

After two days, Denial got his job confirmation letter. Denial was not able to believe it. He was very much confused rather than excited about his selection. His selection was just made by Mishel, yes Mishel was the one who requested all the other members to choose Denial as she was knowing about Denial's dream of working there.

Denial had completely made his mind for rejecting the job as he didn't want to face Mishel. But suddenly his doorbell rang and his father was there on the door.

"Good morning, my son."

"Dad! Good morning. You are here, now? Is everything alright? " Denial asked in a confusing tone.

"Son, I need your help. I am helpless right now. Please help me."

"Dad, what happened. Why are you looking so tensed. What's wrong with you? "

"My son, I suffered a huge loss in my business and because of it I even had to sell the house. And right now, I even don't had enough money to pay the rent of our house. So please help me with this, son."

"Dad, I will help you in all possible ways I can, but you know that I don't have any stable job right now."

"It's okay my son. We will manage it somehow. Don't worry about it."

"Okay Dad, I will do something. You go and freshen up yourself."

Denial's confusion was doubled after listening his dad's trouble. Denial went to his room and opened his cupboard and took out an old bag. The bag contained a lot of Denial's photos with Mishel, cards, perfumes and a lot of letters. Denial remembered the day, when he met Mishel for the very first time, about 3 years ago. It was a rainy day, when Denial gave lift to a blind girl, and it was Mishel. After some back to back meetings, both of them fell in love with each other. Both of them decided to live the rest of the life together.

After a year of their relationship, a good news came in their life, that Mishel can regain her power of vision as somebody has donated the eyes. Both of them were very happy regarding that. But during Mishel's eye operation, Mishel's blood pressure was increased and her health became critical. Denial was constantly praying for Mishel. A few hours later, Denial came to know that Mishel's condition got worsened and she was in coma. Denial was very much worried about Mishel's life that he promised god, that if god would save Mishel's life, then Denial would not meet Mishel ever in his life and will never try to know about her whereabouts. After a few hours Mishel's dad informed him that Mishel's condition is under control. After that day, till 3 years Denial didn't met Mishel and removed every memory of himself from Mishel's life.

Thinking about his father, Denial decided to join the office. He started working in the office and completely ignored Mishel. He was confused that whether Mishel came to know about his identity or not. But on the other hand Mishel was also completely ignoring Denial.

One day Mishel's dad visited her office to meet her during break. He told her,

"Mishel, I actually saw Denial here, Denial D'Costa in the office. Is he working, here?"

"Ya dad, he is working here since 3 months. It's really very difficult for me to watch the culprit of my happiness in front of my eyes for 12 long hours but I don't know why, but my eyes always search him. It's really a pleasure for me to watch his smile inspite of knowing that he is not mine."

"So why you allowed him to work here. It was all upon you to allow him or not. And wait for a minute, how you came to know him, how you recognized him, as you had never seen him, before."

"Dad, eyes are not always neccessary for a person to recognize the other. My eyes were watching him for the first time when I saw him during the interview but my ears heard him about millions of times so how can I fail to recognize him and his expression cleared off my remaining confusion."

"My dear, I am happy to know that you still feel for him. And I am sorry for..." her dad stopped.

"Dad with eyes I am living my life but without eyes I was enjoying my life. But I started enjoying my life again when I saw Denial and it was actually a great pleasure for me when I saw him for the first time. But dad, that thought always shuttered myself that he is married and he left me when I needed him the most. Dad why he did so, why dad?" Mishel started crying.

"My dear, I am sorry. I lied you."

"Dad, what have you lied?"

"My child, Denial is not married. He didn't left you by being selfish but he left you for saving your life. He left you because of the promise he made to god, that if god will save your life then he will not meet you forever. And I lied you because I thought that, if you will know the truth then it would be difficult for you to life without him. But I was wrong my child. So sorry my child."

"Dad, do you think he still loves me?"

"My child, I don't know but Ya if he is responding you then he is not in love with you and if not then yes he still loves you."

After the break Mishel went to Denial and asked,

"Why you ruined my life, Denny."

Denial started walking without answering but suddenly Mishel hold his hand, and asked,

"I want my answer Denny, or I will kill myself."

" No you can not do this Mishel."

"Then answer me Denny, why you left me? Why?"

"Mishel, I."

"Don't utter a word Denny. How can you even think that my life is important for me than you. How can you even thought that I will live happily without you. No Denny, No you were wrong. You were completely wrong Mr. Denial D'Costa."

And Mishel hugged Denial. Denial started crying and hugged Mishel. Denial kissed Mishel on her forehead and said,

"No Mishel I cannot live without you. But I took that promise as it was the question of your life."

"Denny I don't know if I will die or not if I will live with you but I am sure that I will definitely die if I will live without you. Please Denny, don't snatch my life, again. Please Denny, please."

Denny agreed with Mishel and both of them got married and lived together happily forever. 

August 28, 2020 08:01

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1 comment

Rayhan Hidayat
16:07 Sep 05, 2020

Hey, so I thought this was a very solid take on the prompt! The use of a blind character in this genre was well executed; the way she recognized her ex-lover despite never laying eyes on him was heartwarming and only served to bolster the romantic premise. Good job on that! I am curious about the protagonist’s name, though. Is there a symbolic reason for being called “Denial”? Unless it just happens to be his name, I’m gonna assume it’s meant to signify his denial that he still wants to be with Mishel. And one other thing: why did he prom...


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