

  • A person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or the success of something

A word that I have heard thrown around a few times; whether it be in a conversation or a ‘motivational’ book claiming that ‘to live your best life you must have an optimistic outlook’. 

To be quite honest, I do not get it - how is one supposed to be optimistic in the world we live in. I watch the news every-so-often and when I do, I feel anything but optimistic.

We are here live at the scene in which many gunshots were fired last night, killing around four people; leaving five severely injured. The only evidence we have found that might lead us to the suspect is a black hoodie that held the same exact bullets that were fired. We will keep searching the area for more clues but for now, we suggest anyone living in the Lincoln City area be cautious, as the suspect is still on the loose. Now back to you Mike with our daily politics.”

“Thanks, Marie. Today at the senate, the two parties face off in a debate - regarding what should be done about our current issues. We will be airing the debate at five-thirty, so stay tuned”

Yes, I would totally be staying tuned into some debate that I had absolutely no care for. If politics are in your interest, go for it - but I have no interest in something that separates the world even more than we already are.

Looking out the window, the once blue sky was now covered in grey clouds - completely draining it of its natural color. Raindrops pound against my window, making it seem as if someone was throwing rocks at it. The ground is now muddy, ready to dirty any of your nice shoes as soon as you step onto its surface. In the distance you could hear the faint barking of - my neighbor’s rowdy boxer - Buster; probably barking at Mrs. Welsh’s cat again. 

A few of the kids were out and about, making use of the puddles that lined the road - jumping in them. They would enter the house afterward to the lecturing of their parents complaining about how they got their new one hundred and fifty dollar shoes dirty. 

That is all we seemed to do lately - complain. 

I know for a fact, that I am not one to talk - as I complain at least once a day.

On Mondays I usually complain the most - because it is Monday, do I need a better reason.

It’s not unusual when my brain doesn’t have a positive thought in it, it doesn’t know how to be positive

You got that right, my brain retorted. 

I rolled my green eyes, moving to stand from the sofa. A knock on the door sounded, echoing through the room like wildfire.

“Give me a second” I called, making my way towards the huge oak door.

Geez, who is it now?

Opening the door I was shocked to see that it was my aunt Teresa.

“Julie! It’s so nice to see you again”

Within the span of five seconds, I was wrapped in one of my aunt’s famous hugs. She always smelt of vanilla icing; I hugged her back, before pulling away.

Curious as to why she was here, I lifted an eyebrow.

“Oh - well you see, I was in town and I figured ‘why not stop by and visit my favorite niece’.

She shrugged off her burgundy rain-coat, already drenched from the down-pour outside.

I closed the door behind her, but mostly to keep the glacial winds from entering my warm home.

“So there is this new theme park that was just built about a few miles away from here, would you like to go?”

I narrowed my eyes, questioning her reasoning.

“Aren’t we a bit old to be going to a theme park that is filled with 10 year-olds?”

“Well, - in a sense - yes..but I think you would benefit from this particular theme park. It has a theme, its theme this year is...positivity”

Her gaze landed on me, uncertainty being the most prominent emotion. She - being a member of my family - knew that I was not one for positivity, the word was completely absent from my vocabulary.


In the end, I decided to give in and go; it wasn’t every day that my aunt stopped by - and I did not want to make her stay here a ‘snooze-fest’.

Immediately upon arriving all I saw was the word ‘Positivity’; oh the irony. Walking up to the gate, a woman who looked too happy was selling tickets. 

“Welcome to Blithe Island, the island of positive energy!” 

I cocked my head to the right, confused.

“Why did you name it Blithe Island?” 

It may just be my lack of knowledge but I had no idea what blithe meant.

“That’s the first time I have gotten that question, but I would be more than happy to answer. The literary definition for blithe is happy or joyous, and we like to make sure that whoever enters this park is ensured that whatever is happening in their life right now, can use this as their own personal get-away. Hence why we added the island part.”

Wow, that was an in-depth answer. Although I hate to break it to them, my ‘pessimistic’ attitude was going to take more than some positive energy to break it.

We thanked the lady - whose name tag read Juniper ( a name I had never heard of) - before heading off to the first segment.

The sign above it read: ‘Positive Thoughts’.

We took a pamphlet - to read more about what this section was wanting us to know.

“One of the best ways to stay positive is to rid your mind of the dissenting thoughts that may take over our head when exposed to a negative situation”

I scoffed quietly, my own mind not having the capability to process said thoughts. Shrugging, I tried it - not expecting a result.

The rain isn’t really that bad; after it comes a beautiful rainbow - ensuring that after every bad situation, a positive thing comes because of it - whether we realize it or not.

I found myself shocked at the way that thought went through my head with such ease; I shook my head.

This wasn’t right, it didn’t feel right.

Or maybe you’re just saying that to cover up the fact that you now know you could be positive, you just haven’t tried it.

No, I was made to be negative - being optimistic didn’t suit me.

So then why did I get a sense of relief when that thought flowed through me.

“-lie, Julie!”

At my aunt’s voice, I turned. Just now noticing how far she had walked, leaving me falling very far behind.

I jogged, catching up to her. 

The next section was the last one - dealing with mental tricks anyways.

“Surround yourself with positive people”

Yet again, I scoffed. My family was some of the most positive people that I knew, and look at me; still as negative as ever.

Then came the actual theme park, there were simulations of negative situations that should be taken as positive. 

For example, there was simulated rain that covered the park - bringing with it simulated puddles. 

The kids loved it, jumping in each one, a joyful spark illuminating their eyes - making them look so youthful and...almost untouchable.

It was then that I realized the rain wasn’t so bad.

It wasn’t about the muddiness that dirtied your new tennis shoes. It wasn’t about the dreary sky that the clouds brought with them. 

It was about the escape that the rain brought. It allowed children to get off of their electronics - although this doesn’t apply to everyone - and to see nature in its works. 

I was now seeing rain in a new light; what I used to think of as a miserable day has turned around. The rain came and washed away the energy that the world did not need, creating a new chance - a blank canvas of some sort - for us to mold the energy to one that would benefit everyone.

The dampness that came with the rain, dampened the soil - allowing us to have those magnificent flowers, shrubs, and trees that provided a sense of life; even provided us with food so that we could live.

To think that I used to scowl at these things - to loathe them - disappointed me. As every sense of learning went, this would take time. I would not turn into an optimist overnight, but I would surely work on it.

“Julie? Are you okay, you look like you spaced out there…look I get it, this-” she motioned around the park, “isn’t your sort of thing, but I thought it would help. We can leave if you would like?”

I smiled, “No, bringing me here did help me, it helped me realize that somethings can be positive - if you think of it like that. It has changed my outlook on life.”

“So that short message at the beginning of the pamphlet did help, you just had to rid of those negative thoughts. Even if it’s only for a second.”

I laughed, pushing her shoulder slightly. 

“Indeed it did”

December 20, 2019 16:48

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