Fantasy Western

Chapter 1

The seafloor was a maddening mixture of green and blue. No disturbances lay ahead, other than the occasional cave or rock. If luck had crossed his path, he would have found a colony of vague coral reefs, scattered around in vague colors. Sometimes, even an archipelago which carried unknown islands of bright gold on their muddy carriages to the vast and ever mysterious surface, but now, it was nothing but the merge of green and blue monotonicity, which didn't dare to vary for another 100 miles. The gunslinger's guns knew no destruction. His willpower was more oblivious to it, and his goal had been crystal clear. To find the nobleman's spider, whose leader, it ceased to remember. Who covered entire cities and stories of oceanic intelligence, in it's ever camouflaging back, which was always remembered an isolated dome. Was it, the faulty system which caused it's mind to destruct and cover symbols of intelligence around the sea? Was it the nobleman, himself? He hadn't known, nor did he want to. All, he wanted was the spider to harbor bullets and destroyed systems in it's smooth, decorated metal, which now had wires and computers in the ball of insane metal, it was. If, the spider had been in front of him, the spider would have just been destroyed, within seconds, but that was the neat part, shooting was never an importance during his sessions. When a gunslinger shot, it was not about the respective man, whom his concern was, but of the gun, the man's job was to do nothing but see his enemy and to give the trigger a delicate caress, then, the job was done, but it was not so easy. A true gunslinger, was expected to have minds of steel and strengths, unimaginable. Now, was the job of the spider, where was it?

Chapter 2

A small, basic outline of shiny wings and snoots, molded itself onto the ocean. His shoulder, triggered back. His grip on the gun, initially faltered, his muscles contracted upwards in a panic-stricken fear, it was far and small, but it's shape, looked promising of pain and destruction, but, he found out, it was some unknown monkey, though people down, here had seldom, seen monkeys, real ones. These unknown monkeys had destroyed, much of the bright, green-colored sea, which lay above, beautifully, and had sometimes, made a pinch or two of destruction below, here. These monkeys, he knew had been dangerously common above. He walked nearer, his legs becoming nothing but a solid, moving object trembling with fear and anger. The monkey, trembled initially, but tried to swim away. In a sudden reflex, when, he felt, his hands had detached from his mind, he caught him, fear and excitement grappled his mind, it was the spider, his arm froze in physical and mental fear, his gun was inevitably drawn out. The spider's arm failed to be in it's control. It's guise was well structured, he thought, but the spider was not know for it's blind fear. It had accepted even, death with metallic bravery. His gun, slowly dodged to a safe retreat. It was not the spider, he knew.

Chapter 3

''Who are you?'', he asked

Answers and words failed the monkey

''Can you talk, at least?'', he asked

Voices had ceased to come out, was it a dumb monkey?

''Would a sheet of paper, help?'', he asked but was oblivious to responses. A sheet of paper, came out, his pocket, he had heard of mythical sheets of paper which disintegrated when exposed to this bright world of water, but whether, it was mythical or not, was a mystery. His mind had a temporary, strong block, but as soon as the pen touched the paper, the words came out, smooth and fast, cutting through. The words wrote themselves smoothly.

''Who are you, monkeys? Why are you all, destroying the beautiful world above?"

It's head shook in a sudden shock, as if it had seen sights, unbelievable to the naked eye.

''Monkeys? We are scuba divers, our costumes give us, oxygen. We are humans.''

He hadn't understood anything. Every word was a mental bullet to his head. He hunted for a lie in the monkey but noticed none. He continued to write. Mindless of what words may come.

''Who are you, mon, humans, why are you here, we know humans are a myth. Besides, they live on surfaces''

''We are humans, we live on surfaces, we came here, for a project, we have enough equipments to shoot attackers like sharks, please let me go, or I will have to shoot you.''

It had all started to make sense now. A rush of dopamine jumped and walked in his body.

Chapter 4

''Can you help me, find a spider.''

He wrote, expecting the least of responses.

''UH! I have been searching for the same thing, I am not sure, if it's the same. But sure!''

He smiled menacingly under his mask, which seemed to hide a whole world of hidden emotions inside. ''Did you spot the spider, anywhere'', he asked. The head nodded in response. ''Oh!", he said. It seemed to be his lucky day, his day changed for the better. ''Where?'', he asked. The hand pointed straight ahead and the gunslinger walked the path.

Chapter 5

Excitement and the unfaltering image of the spider were the only fuels in his body which made him walk forward. Was the man, a spy of the spider? Was he a separate evil, himself? ''Please tell the truth.'', he asked mechanically. The man shook his head again. It was time to rest, he thought. He lay on the seafloor, relief conquered his mind and he felt as if he was drugged. The sea above, seemed to dance in varying shapes. The spider seemed like a distant dream, resting, undisturbed for unknown years.

Chapter 6

He awoke, shortly. The sea around, had not changed, but the atmosphere had. It told of the spider. The man's hand shook and pointed to the straight, as if the spider was found, he ran, in a vague certainty. A vague outline formed again. It was the spider. Not some monkey or human as a final result, but the spider, it's madness caged in an unknown gate. It drew open , with the sound of grinding of metal, dominating the sea. He ran forward, forgetting the man in his fear.

Chapter 7

Instead of everlasting darkness and gore, he found bright colors floating around, which smudged around the sea. A blanket of a mixed blue, green and red covered what lay ahead of him. He was a one-man army now. No partner crossed him, no teammate crossed him. It was one of the slogans during his sessions, ''A gunslinger for himself''. It was him and only him, the smudge had converged to a tiny point and revealed a separate, whole world, which unmasked it's magnificence before him. Just as, the city started to cloud his eyes and mind, the memory had come back. He drew his gun and the sounds of the gun took over once again. He searched for the same dome, which lured him, promising of it's defeat. There were no people who threw their gazes upon him, he felt a large presence swarming in a life of secrecy. He walked upon, and thanked the city for slowing down, his tired legs. He had known that once, a human had received threat from the citizens of the city, a promise to betray him to the leader. Was the spider, the leader? He hadn't known. His conscience started to crush on itself, some presence had swarmed over his head or right under his feet. It was here, but it was hidden, and near him, another sight beheld itself, it was the dome, the alluring dome, which never failed to impress. He ran to it, and the dome swallowed him, as he went

Chapter 8

The gunslinger had been hit by a mental blow, that clouded his mind and eye. It wobbled his legs and hands. A strong balance of anger, supported his mind. It broke easily, as well.

He woke up, disoriented. A blur of red and green, passed by, revealing a smudging blue, as it left. Smudges converged once, again to a rectangular box, then, it him, almost, to stun him, that they were computers. A messy entanglement of blue and green wires lay from a few of them. The blur of red and green, revealed itself, as well, it was the spider. A few wires, hung from it's side, but the rest were perfectly smooth. It's red eyes focused on him. His hands focused on his gun. Just as he got in the right excitement for war, he knew what to do.

Chapter 9

A shot blasted itself upwards. Within a few seconds, the sound of lean, broken metal, clouded this insane cave of computers and wires. Within another set of time, water gushed in. The spider's shell closed on itself, shelling it forever, until the water disappeared. His hand threw itself and a final bullet brought it's close. It speared right onto the engine and the spider danced, the dance of it's own destruction, the sea carried him onto the surface, he liberated himself freely, as the sea did it's job. Enjoying the peculiarity of the sea was a true happiness.

Chapter 10

More colors, swarmed over the dome, they were of varying shapes but bore just one color, white. They carried the mythical humans, whom once, were nothing more than myths, subject to fantasies. The white color, faded more and more, and to a final disappearance. He had disappeared as well, to find the Tower of Atlantis which settled on his goals, missions and dreams. The human, he met faded to a mystery, once again.

June 11, 2022 15:14

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