Holiday Sad Christmas

 "Okay. What to do now."

 Seoul Bak had a birdcage with two turtle doves locked inside on the kitchen table in a lonely apartment, and she was trying to figure out what just happened.

 It was 8 p.m. She was getting ready to start her daily bath when someone knocked on the door.

 "God, why now," she groaned as she opened it. On the opposite side of the door stood Cene Parker, hiding something behind his back.

Seoul and Cene were childhood friends and she had a crush on him ever since high school but lacked the courage to tell him for years. By insane luck, they both landed a job in the same company in the same city. Every time Seoul saw her crush, she dreamily thought to herself, 'You and I are soulmates. The Moirai have weaved a perfect future for us both, you just don't know it.' But of course, she never said this. It was too embarrassing to do so.

 "Hi, mythology freak," Cene joked. Seoul was famous during her childhood for knowing the most about Greek and Roman mythologies. When Seoul was younger, people passed it off as a phase- most children loved mythologies but then found it to be boring later on. However, Seoul didn't stop loving the myths- she read stories over and over again, visited ancient Rome and Greek temples, and occasionally held her own temple sacrifices with a few shrimps.

 "Stupid, it's 'mythologist'. How many times do I have to tell you?"

 "I don't know. Anyhow, I realized it's Christmas soon, so I brought you a present!"

 Seoul gaped at her childhood friend. "You've been friends with me for 13 years and you can't remember that I'm not Christian? I don't celebrate Christmas, remember?"

 Cene mischievously smiled. Seoul loved it when he did that. He looked so playful and fun and happy. She was crazy for that smile.

 "Aha, but this Christmas is special. Guess why."

 "Is it the first White Christmas in 25 years?"

 Her friend's smile slightly drooped. "No, it won't be White Christmas this year. Again." The wide grin quickly returned. "But! It's going to be special this year for a better reason!"

 Seoul raised an eyebrow, not knowing why. She then noticed the hands behind his back. 'Oh my god,' she excitedly thought to herself. 'He's finally going to do it. He's going to tell me he started to love me from the day we met. No, keep calm. Let's first see what gift he brought me.' As Cene slowly moved his arms to finally show her what he was hiding, thoughts raced through her head as her heart started to thump. 'A ring? A doll? Flowers?'

 But instead, Cene proudly showcased a steel birdcage. Inside were two turtle doves.

 "You were always complaining to me when you were drunk how lonely you were, so I thought birds could keep you company!"

 Lost in disappointment, Seoul emptily said her thanks and goodbyes, then closed the door. She stood there for a while, maybe an hour. She was finally brought back to earth when she felt water tickle her feet.

 "Oh fuck, I forgot to turn the water off!" Seoul ran for the tub, birdcage still in her hand, and quickly turned it off. She stared at the water as it was slowly drained, then facepalmed herself. "...Fuck."

 Seoul placed the birdcage on the kitchen table. The turtle doves were cuddling each other, in love. She slowly sat down on the couch next to the TV.

 "Okay. What to do now."

 'Should I return them to Cene? No way, he'll be hurt- but I don't know anyone who can help me manage them.' She quickly pulled out her smartphone and opened Google.

 Seoul Googled 'how to take care of turtle doves' and scanned the page. It all seemed simple, actually. Feed them, bathe them, give them water... it was all common pet knowledge. She put on her coat and headed towards the nearest pet store.

 'This will be like taking care of dogs,' she told herself. 'I've taken care of dogs before. I'll make sure those two birds live their best life before they die.'

 She smiled. It was going to be easy. What could possibly go wrong?

 'THIS IS NOTHING LIKE TAKING CARE OF DOGS.' Seoul mentally screamed as the doves flew around the entire apartment, bombing every piece of furniture possible with bird poo and leaving little holes in any fabric as they landed and took off. She frantically tried to catch the birds, but of course, she failed at every try. Her phone's screen lightened up with a buzz, and Seoul jumped to see what the notification was.

 It was a message from Cene. 'Birdkeeping going well?'

 Seoul forced a smile and typed, 'Oh my god, thank you so much for the birds I love them so much, they're so fucking cute and they're so patient'.

She then added a smiley face, a heart-eyed face, and a heart emoji, as if just a word-only message was unconvincing.

 'Good to hear!'

 She sent an emoji with a bear hugging a heart, then slumped down as if her body was made out of liquid. The two turtledoves were perched on top of the couch, their eyes sparkling with curiosity.

 "Gah, what do I know! Birds are just too goddamn cute."

 Seoul decided that they'd be very good birds and she'd be a very good owner.

 The next day, Seoul was angrily driving towards the nearest forest with the birdcage and the two turtle doves.

 'I may be a nice person, but I won't be taking any of this shit anymore. I'm sorry to Cene, but god, he is terrible at picking gifts.'

 The turtle doves picked on Seoul's hair, poo bombed the livingroom again, stole her breakfast, and left a mountain of feathers everywhere. She tried feeding them, but they refused their food and flipped their bowl over, scattering the food all over the floor. She tried giving them water, but they flipped that one over too. Seoul was still trying to be a good, kind owner until one of them pecked her smartphone screen and left a dent.

 She then lost it.

 When Seoul arrived at the woods, she carried the heavy cage all the way into the deepest part of the forest. When she decided that she'd come far enough, she opened the birdcage and let the birds free,

 "Go, you devil birds! Go! Live the paradise life you want here! Get eaten or something, see if I care!"

 She watched them fly away, cooing. She thought about everything that happened yesterday. How Cene had visited her house, called her mythology freak nickname, and gave her two turtledoves. Which was funny, since-

 Seoul gasped, tears welling up in her eyes. She frantically yelled for the birds, but her throat throbbed and she couldn't speak. Hiccups escaped her mouth, and she fell to the soft dirt ground.

 "Come back! My doves! Come back- please..."

 She cried like a maniac as she brought her hands towards her face to hide the tears. Everything made sense. How Cene called her 'mythology freak', how he told her this Christmas would be special, how he gave her two turtle doves, and how he mentioned that the birds would keep her company.

 Turtle doves pulled Aphrodite, the goddess of love's chariot. Even if mythology had nothing to do with the gift, turtle doves meant enduring love.

 Seoul had just thrown away the love confession she craved from her crush for years, and she didn't know it and she couldn't do anything about it now.

December 20, 2020 16:32

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