
Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



As I'm inside this dungeon Castle house on this gloomy blooming day rainy day so they have slick hair glasses high top sneaker shoes some light blue jeans with the tie aye collar t-shirt with some old school look style Platt throwback shirt Bangs sticked up spiked hair side slick down through the back of the head.eyes color brownish burgundy breath smell old dirty gym sock with morning coffee smell,foul smell reeky stinking informal smell,like a stiff swiff cold cool breeze shotty Sprint dodging quick movement goofy ball of slime in a dark nite with a creepy wet light snow flake cold dripping slimey smelly tickley twitching bust of laughter on a saddened nite .with a business briefcase filled with documents with Prada designs cereal tiger and trail of paw prints. Leading to railroad tracks ditching secret passway path. Designs ,with a pitch vibration lowness deep hunting dungeon cell Ransom screaming cracking cracky voice help me please I'm sad ... Trap, help me out here... Hurry not most time left as the walk in the piercing rain traps as they go thun thun rain falling like the sight of a waterfall rushing river water and a day sleeper wearing sluggish old thug. As I peek in the refrigerator hunger pain stabbing wound it war hunger saying what should I eat what should I do can't go anywhere so that I know where should I go stuck as I sit by the window pane watching the rain drizzle down the window frame looking like man where can I go what can I do so then I start to hum making beats and this rain and the inside so I won't get we looking at, my rain boots, raincoat right,rain hat taunting umbrella well with this rainy day be over want to go outside and play like a little kid in the sunny day as I sit there watching away hit the window pane almost as if hard enough to break the window as the rain come down harder and harder stuck inside just me and my imagination as a sickening rain comes down I stand up has on my hip head a little tilted nice perfect raindrops stuck on the window like a little girl jumping rope playing hopscotch on a sunny day where would you like to go it's raining out it's raining outside get all wet and cold the pitching code pinching coldness is it what pinch through my little pale skin blow me up like a girl off of Charlie and the chocolate factory as she ate that blueberry and was told not to where can I go outside and play when can I go outside and play oh what the heck I'm going today only knowing that if I do I might catch a cold and be in the house eating soup be obedient listen to your peers for you oughta catch a cold little girl as it go in one ear and out the other as I stand up on my two feet looking out the window knowing how much I want to go outside and play like a little girl running away ,skateboard skateboard don't skate away oh how I want to come out and play. Like a happy child riding a bicycle for the first time falling off hurt that's how I felt as if it was raining outside and I couldn't go nowhere knowing that I might get cold or wet or even catch a cold as how I grow old and my Gregory voice grumpy old voice how I want to go outside just has to be a way that this rain. why today why today I really want to go outside and play so please go away like a noisy sound please go away rain please go away a little boy want to go outside and play with his bat and ball a game a catch on a sunny day with his dad happily jumping bouncing all over the place how we want to go outside and play rain please please go away. Getting very upset very mad very angry please spend hours almost ate the whole entire house away like a gingerbread house it's nothing left I want to go outside and play. In between in the middle double double Dutch Dutch bro I want to go outside and play stuck in their side all to my lonesome like a princess stuck in a dungeon trying to get out that's how I felt as the rain drench the ground puddles of it keys like as on the piano in my hand like a little infant playing with keys don't play please rain go away I got my keys and I want to go outside and play lock the Keys up..throw away the beautiful princess throw away stuck in a dungeon oh wow that's how I felt. As the rain oh my beautiful rainbow in the sky as if the sun was playing peek-a-boo one drop 1 drizzle here comes up whooshing pour of gushing rain. kid begging his mom over and over or punishment stuck in the house can't go anywhere that's how I felt very upset angry that it was raining that I might get all wet can't go outside can't go to the show don't want to really put on a show in the inside oh how I want to go outside and play on this rainy day. Hoping hopefully the sun comes out it warms up weather forecast rainy day definitely rainy day. Boring boring boring rainy day please go away stay away as the butterflies beautiful wings sit on the flowers playing in the rain how could they take all that rain like that coming down hard slowing up they're flying everywhere getting knocked around by the rain and windy gushes of wind coming down oh how it's raining really want to go outside to play but I don't want to be like that little bitty bug getting thrown around by the wind and the rain cold trying to play on a swing in a park somewhere cold rainy I want to go outside to play it needs to go away out of all days why did it have to pick today like a kid blowing out their candles making a wish want to go outside and play wish away oh how I dawn longing on how long this will be and take as I start to sing the song rain rain go away don't come back on another day. What a little laughter tease. Hypnotizing dreaming raindrops how they keep coming down harder and harder I think this is going to last forever and the end of the day's forever well I ever ever to go outside and play repeatedly radio come on forecast say weatherman say it's going to be a rainy day. So everybody stay inside stay away from the rain today.. as I never got the time and chance to go outside and play the end.

March 22, 2020 05:20

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