Live up to your Dream!

Submitted into Contest #49 in response to: Write a story that takes place in a waiting room.... view prompt



A young girl with flaunting brown hair that would attract everyone to her, named Riya sat in the waiting room impatiently waiting for a call-back. She was paranoid that why was her boss so rude to her about punctuality. Why wouldn’t her boss call her at sharp 12 ‘o’ clock? She just couldn’t wait any longer. Then she got really angry however she needed the job badly because she lived alone, so she decided to wait until her chance. Riya waited and waited and dozed off to a deep sleep. The next moment she was awoken by the Receptionist she realized that it was really dark outside, she was confused, and then when she looked at her watch she realized that it was 8 ‘o’ clock!! She had slept for three hours continuously in the waiting room and now the boss had left. She was really sad and really angry about why she had slept, why couldn’t she keep her phone down last night instead of using it and not going to bed on-time. Oh… how unpunctual she was.

Riya was told that now the boss will only be coming next month for the call-backs, so she would not be able to meet the boss for the job interview now. Now Riya had two options one was to forget about the job and apply for another one so that she will be able to earn money, pay her bills and not live in poverty anymore, second, was to wait for a month without any money and get a chance to work in her dream office and become really successful in the business she adored. She had decided to stay firm on the second option and live up to her dream. Riya spent a whole month waiting for the day to arrive when she would be able to go to the office, work hard, earn money, spend time in Spas and Malls with her friends, then buy the most expensive dress and go to the ball.

Today, one month had passed by and Riya was all ready to go back to the waiting room and wait until she would get a call back for the dream job she had been waiting for all her life. When Riya was walking on the street a man strolled by and stole her handbag. Riya got scared, her heartbeat couldn’t get any slower, she was panicking, she was having a panic attack. She didn’t know what to do should she go to the office and get the job or go to the cops and get her purse which had all the money that was now left for her to clear out all her debts, her ID’s that included all her identification proof and many more important things that meant a lot to her. Riya was really confused so she decided to head to the cops immediately and get her purse. It had now struck 7 ‘o’ clock and it would be too late if Riya would now head to the office, so she decided to call the Receptionist if she could tell the boss why she couldn’t come and be there on time. Riya was now starting to get scared, she didn’t know if she should apply for another job or wait for another month without any money. Riya was really confused with this thought for a whole week, she was starting to get scared thinking of the creepiest thought that what if she never got a stable job, what if she was given an eviction notice from the house owner and she was now told to live on the streets. However, she wasn’t able to decide and in this confusion a whole month passed by and now Riya was going to go back to the office and meet the boss and not take a purse with her. This time she successfully reached at sharp 2 ‘o’ clock, the receptionist told Riya to go inside the chamber where the boss sat for all the interviews. Riya was scared, she was nervous; her fingers were trembling like they never had before and her throat was sore and dry. She quickly went inside and in an hour she was now an employee in her dream office. She couldn’t explain herself that day she cherished every step she took as though she was in her own land. She was happy with the decision and the conclusion that she would now surely have a stabilized salary and job. In that one year she had worked so hard that now she was given the opportunity to become the ‘Sales Manager’ of the company. Riya's success had made her more stronger and more energetic. She was now going to the Spas and the malls with all of her friends. But she never forgot that this could be taken away from her at any time the boss wanted to if he noticed or saw an immature and playful Riya. Then Riya worked really hard, with all her potential for three more years and successfully in the fourth year she had a very own company of hers called ‘Live your Dream’. 

Patience is always the Key to Success

This thought never left Riya’s mind; she would always remember the poverty she had once lived in.

Even though now Riya was the CEO of a company she would always welcome newcomers in her company and donate amounts in lakhs to the poor people so that they would also have a brighter future.

Now, Riya tells her story to everyone not because it is unique but because it is not. She also says that 'Struggle is always amazing' and the result will always be 'Worth the Wait'.

A few things to always keep in mind-:

-You are not alone

-Everyone is there to support you

-People love you

-You just need to work really hard

-Waiting is always Worth it

-Learning can never be known as wasting-time

-Hard-work always shows bright colors of life

-Giving never makes us small

-Everyone deserves a chance

July 10, 2020 17:52

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