
[This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.]

A red room

No windows

Smoke Suffocates

Find a window

Find a window

I need to crawl

But she needs to come

What do I do?

For my loved one?

My daughter,

the only piece of her mother still here

is being gobbled up with fire

Leaving me in fear

Find a window,

Find a door,

If we ever get out

I'll meet you at the war

A war for my life

The life I might not live

My daughter beside me


Almost dead

If we make it out,

I will write you back

I will tell you of the horror

that shall haunt me on from here

the flames licking up

my beloved home


all that I cherish

We made it out

I am not allowed to see

If my daughter is here

I wasn't helped

All I did was crawl




I really don't like this hospital room

The walls are painted

in red and orange flowers

they had to sedate me

after I screamed

as the walls lit on fire

They did not light on fire

They were pretty flowers

Now icy blue

Sleepy purple

Was I moved?

Or did I put out the flames?




It's on fire again.

A silent white room

There she is

Pain stabs as I stand




I hit glass


She is in there

I could tou-

But only cold glass

Screaming again

Always screaming

And I am out again

Out into blackness


As years pass,

I get better

You need a bad day to get better

and a perfect day before it all falls apart

So I watch out

No perfect days

But I am okay with bad ones

I saved my beauty

My daughter



Her name is what put her to rest

I saved her

But she is gone


I see flames everywhere

I will never forget

The fire put out my flame

It ate her right up

Now I live in cold

Always cold

Constant cold

Never hot

F orever

L ost

A t

M y

E ternal

I am forever lost at my own eternal. How long will I live? Without her? In my brain I am stuck. Nightmares. Tricks on Vision.

My nightmares.

Always the same.

Red room. No windows. No doors. Bodies lay around me. Everyone I have ever loved. Then the fire starts. Licking up my family. Swallowing me whole. Then I awake.

Screams echo wherever I go. They say it is called PTSD, Post traumatic stress disorder.

But it can’t be healed.

Everything should be able to be healed.

But Flame couldn't be healed

And now I cannot be healed either.

I write letters now,

I tell her that I am still fighting to drag her away,

Away from my

No, her,

Old home.


Our life together was long.

But short.

It was beautiful.

But ugly.

I need to move on.

I need to heal.

However broken I am.



I will join you

**This next part is for extra words. I had so much trouble making a poem so long, I only got to 500 something before I was like, I can't write anymore.**

[This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.][This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.][This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.][This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.][This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.][This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.][This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.][This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.][This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.][This is poetry, I know it can not win in a story contest, but this is my style. Enjoy! Tell me if you like! Also, this poem is not a romance, though it does include love, but not romance. Also, if you are weary of death/suicide, do not read this. As simple as it is, at the end, there is a slight reference.]

October 24, 2020 01:31

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