Kids Science Fiction Fantasy


Boom! Clack! The storm was getting more and more stronger. I turned on the tv. “This storm is what we need to save us from the drought and Its reviving us…but it’s also reviving some rather odd creatures’The Zombies!’ These creatures are spread all over the country because of the storm! Scientists are trying to find a way to prevent these nasty creatures from making our country into a zombie planet! Scientists also discovered … a zombie bite can make a person a zombie”.The news reporter was shaking while reporting. I turned the tv off. I was really shaken but still I was curious to see a zombie…I mean how terrifying can it even be. So I got out of my bed and tiptoed into the street. The owls were hooting and even my shadow looked creepy in the street because of the street lights. I thought that where could zombies be at nighttime then suddenly I got the answer. I saw a green creature slipping behind the bins. I walked towards the bin to just peek at the zombie. Then I heard a whisper behind me and when I turned around I saw A ZOMBIE. The zombie jumped on me and put his hands on my mouth. Then to my surprise he said that” shhh…I need your help! Our zombie world is in danger so that Is why we came here and this was the right time because zombies are really scared of the other weathers”. I was really surprised and to be honest I didn’t think of zombies being bad anymore. I had a zombie friend! I had a zombie friend! I had to sneak Drooper in my house.Drooper was not agreeing to live with the other zombies.When we finally got home I asked my new friend  that why was the zombie world was in danger. A tear rolled down Drooper’s cheek. He started “I…my zombie family died because of this so you see us zombies can’t survive in a weather other than storm but some how our planet doesn’t have storm and lightening anymore so we came here because this country will have a lot of storms in the future”. I said,  “l am sorry to hear about your parents”. And I was. So that was when I decided to help Drooper. We laughed, cried and shared secrets. I sighed, what a cool friend I got and he knew a really odd language that is zomioo. We had a lot of fun.The next morning I woke up early and as Drooper said…the storm was still going on. I was really sleepy but I had to meet the zombies to discuss a plan to save their planet. I met Drooper behind the bin. He took me to a tunnel underwater. It was so beautiful but once I entered the tunnel it was smelly.P-U. I saw zombies and it was not a good sight. The zombies were running towards me but Drooper stopped them just in time. He explained about me helping the zombies. All the zombies started thanking me! I asked them to clean up first. Then we sat in a circle. SMELLY! But I didn’t care. “Ok team! We have to save your planet as my friend told me here”. I pointed at Drooper. Drooper’s grin lighted the whole room. I was happy to help them. I asked for ideas. Everyone had a good idea but they …well don’t really work. So I had an idea of my own. I had to talk to my dad because he can help as he is a scientist.

At night when I went home, I went to dad’s lab .I didn’t dare to tell him about Drooper. I asked him,” Can a person change the weather for a lifetime on the whole… let’s see…planet”. My dad thought for a moment staring at me then he replied,” well…I think Its possible but It needs a bit of science”. I squealed with excitement. I ran to my room, got my coat on and ran down stairs. I practically skipped to the cave.I was so excited To go to their planet. When i told the zombies what I talked with my dad… but the zombies just stared at me. Drooper at last broke the silence, “ umm…we have a little problem you didn’t tell your dad about us…I have a doubt that he will help us”. I started to worry. I didn’t even think of that. Well…I went to home and to the lab again. “Dad, remember I asked you about the weather change thing…so why I asked was because I have a friend A  zombie! And they came here because… “… so I told him the whole story. My dad stared at me with wide eyes. It was kind of scary. Boom!clack! The thunder boomed. My dad shook his head and then answered me with a smile,”I’m in“. And so I took him to the cave. He held his nose tight. P-U. Me and my dad explained everything and we scheduled a day to go to the planet and the day finally came.This was the day! I woke up early and the storm was still going on. Thank goodness. I had no idea how we were going to go like by a rocket or a space ship. We went to the cave again. There the whole zombie people were ready to go to their home. Then Drooper pressed a green button and a trapdoor opened  and a platform rose up with a bright green coloured spaceship. Wow!!! This was the most amazing spaceship I have ever seen! We all sat inside. It was more shinier inside. Who thought zombies could be so clean. And Drooper told us that this spaceship is storm proof. Oh that was a relief. We zoomed towards the ceiling and passes through it. That was so cool. The sky was all black with storm clouds and we could see lightning striking the mountains and at that sight the zombies said wow but I thought that was just dangerous. Then after 8min we got out of the earth’s atmosphere. It was so beautiful all the planet and the view was breathtaking. Ewwww was the word that zombies used to describe the view but then a planet bright green coloured and with melted goo on it as grass passed us and the spaceship turned towards it. Now the zombies described it as wowwwww! We landed on that planet. Zombies were at their home, They started to sneeze because they were getting sick as there was no storm. My dad set his lab on the planet while I took care of the zombies. I brung garbage and all sorts of dirty things and they ate them in one gulp.  I went to ,y dad and asked how It was going and he was done. My dad took the formula and asked me to throw it all over the planet and soon it started raining heavily which turned into a storm. All zombies gathered around us and thanked us again and again. We said goodbye and Drooper took us back to earth. Ah home sweet home. Drooper said goodbye and hugged me. I was happy for him but didn’t want him to go. We said our last goodbye and Drooper went away…forever. Everything was back to normal…thanks to my dad!

September 22, 2020 02:30

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Regina Perry
15:04 Sep 27, 2020

I absolutely love the plot you've got here, Mahnoor. And your story was well-paced and fast moving. And I love the name you chose for the zombie, and the fact that they had their own language but still could speak in English. I guess they must have been on Earth for enough time to pick it up. The sneezing was also a nice touch, though it might have made more sense if they had turned pale or started to wither or something, as not being stormy doesn't really impact the nose- unless it does because the planet is too dry or something. Anyhow, I ...


Mahnoor Fatima
23:59 Sep 27, 2020

Thx and I will be more careful with punctuation next time.


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