Craigslist>Ann Arbor>Jobs>Household Help
Help wanted with household chores. Retired widow living in a large home in need of help with cleaning, gardening, cooking, etc. Great part-time job for a young woman in college or otherwise. Please email if you are interested in scheduling an interview. References required.
- It is not okay for recruiters to contact this job poster.
Oh hi, sweetheart. You must be Amber. Look at you! The boys must be tripping over themselves to stand next to you. Come on in. I have a kettle on the stove. Let’s sit down over a cup of tea and I can tell you what kind of help I need and you can decide if this is right for you. Come with me.
I like the basic black tea from Lipton but I have a bunch of other varieties. What would you prefer? Oh, you drink black tea as well? Okay, easy enough then. I’ll bring the sugar and lemon. Would you like some milk as well? Very good. Just sugar and lemon. The proper way. I like you already.
Have a seat at the table, dear. Let’s talk about this. You see, my husband Harold passed away a few years ago and it has just been getting more and more difficult for me to take care of this place. We have always wanted to keep it in the family but I’m getting older now and it just keeps getting more and more difficult to manage. I need some help. Is this something you might be interested in?
Oh, that’s delightful! I’m so pleased. And trust me, it won’t be too demanding. I’m not very difficult. You’ll see. I think we’re going to get along just fine. Can I get you anything to go with that tea? I have some of those nice Biscotti pastries. They are so good. Would you like one? No? Okay. If you change your mind just let me know.
So, tell me a little bit about yourself.
Oh. Really?
That’s very interesting!
And did you grow up nearby? Do you have family here?
Can you please just excuse me for a moment? I need to visit the lady’s room. I will be right back. Just make yourself comfortable. I won’t be long. Are you sure you don't want a Biscotti? Okay, but I am going to have one, I think. They are so good. Be right back.
Sorry. Maybe that was a little longer than I implied. My sister called and I had to speak with her for a few minutes. You look sort of tired now so just come with me, dear. I want to show you around the house and some of the responsibilities that come with this position. Let’s start downstairs. Are you okay, sweetheart? Hold my arm. You seem a little unsteady and I wouldn’t want you to fall on the staircase down to the basement.
Okay, so this was my late husband Harold’s workshop before he passed away. I know that over in this corner of the cellar it almost looks like a jail cell. A bit strange, for certain. It was like that when we bought the house over thirty years ago. We never learned why. Maybe the previous owners kept pets there. Are you okay? You look like you are having some trouble.
I’m sorry, Dear. I have a confession to make. I wasn’t quite honest about everything with you just now. This is my husband Harold right here inside this closet holding those zip-ties. Just take a seat on the cot here inside the cell, sweetheart.
No! No! Don’t struggle. Harold is tall and still very strong for his age and he does not want to hurt you. Neither do I, but we will if you force us to.
See? See?
That would not have been necessary but we will do it again. Stop crying, dear. You brought that on yourself, and I can see by your eyes that you are growing more tired now. We are going to leave those zip-ties on your wrists and ankles for now but if you are a good girl we will remove them once you fall asleep in a few minutes. I don’t know if you tasted anything odd about that cup of tea that I served you.
Let me explain the two main things that you need to know. We want to give you some time to consider these two things during the hours between when you wake up down here tomorrow morning and when we bring you some food and water tomorrow night. We will explain the system of rewards and punishments in more detail then. Well, I will explain them. Harold doesn’t really speak anymore since the stroke.
Stay awake now. This is important.
The first thing is this. Do you see that nylon ankle strap that Harold secured to your right leg? That contains a location-tracking device that automatically alerts my iPhone if you somehow manage to escape the secured perimeter we have set for you. As you surely saw on your drive out here, this is a lonely road that we live on. A very lonely road. We are way out here in the country, right? You know this. It will take a while to get anywhere, and Harold is going to drive your little old Honda right into Bromus Swamp just down the highway after you fall asleep.
To quote Johnny Cash, my favorite musician ever (Harold’s too, back when his hearing was still good), “You can run on for a long time. Sooner or later God’ll cut you down.” We are your new Gods, and we will cut you down if you try to run. Trust me. Don’t challenge us, sweetheart. Just don’t challenge us.
The second thing is this. Do you see that second nylon ankle strap that Harold just secured to your left leg? That is a dog training device. It emits a shock when activated and at top voltage it is quite unpleasant. Harold tested it on himself once to confirm this and our old bullmastiff, Rufus, let out a real good squeal the first time he felt it. And as you can see, Harold just secured two more of them to your leg.
I can see you are getting rather sleepy now so I will let you rest, Sweetheart. Tomorrow night, after you have some dinner, we will talk more and go over your daily duties and all of the rules you need to follow. Things will be fine if you just follow the rules. The previous girl lasted almost seven years. You’ll get used to things after a while.
We’re not very difficult. You’ll see. I think we’re going to get along just fine.
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This reminded me of "Then She Was Gone" by Lisa Jewell. Super creepy; I loved it! And I love the one-sided, dialogue-only format. I did something similar with my entry, but in a much more light-hearted way that included the occasional reply. Nice work!
Thank you so much. Just read yours. It was great. I like your voice. Keep writing and I'll keep reading!
Awesome, thanks! And ditto!
Wow this story took a dark turn I wasn't expecting 😮
Good idea to keep the conversation one way. It kept the tone light and almost blase', making the content of the chat all the more chilling.
This was a great piece. It swept by quickly and smoothly as the situation became more perilous. This was punctuated perfectly with an ending the seemed helpless for the victim.
Awesome work
Thanks, Tom. I appreciate your kudos. Have you ever written a story without any real advance planning? You just start writing and the story simply flows from your fingertips? That's what this one was. I usually don't begin writing a tale without a clear starting point and an ending destination but occasionally they just flow organically and it's quick and easy. I love when that happens. This took me about 45 minutes, with edits. The story I wrote this week ("Hell Is Other People") was at least 4-5 hours overall.
Have a great weekend, my friend!
I did written some very quickly but mostly I dip in and out over the space of a few days. Probably ends up totalling 4-5 hours as well.
I do wish I was better at getting into a flow. It makes a novel seem more possible.
It is impressive that you bashed this one out so quickly. It felt perfectly structured
Thank you, sir. I appreciate your friendship.
The one I knocked out in less than an hour was called Pinch the sun from the sky. I didn't have a lot of time that week but the prompt was so bizarre I couldn't resist putting something in. I think it ended up riddled with grammatical errors but people seemed to like the plot. It was only just over a thousand words as well.
The one I spent the most time on was called prison chip. It's the only one I had shortlisted. I was really happy it was recognized because it was inspired by science stuff I had seen in my day job. Id like to know what you think of that one if you get chance.
Nice job with the monologue form. What a scary, chilling, horrific story.
Thank you so much, Kathryn! Very kind of you to take the time to read my story. Glad you liked it. Most of my stuff is pretty creepy. It's kind of my thing.
I love the one-sided dialogue here. 'Maybe that was a little longer than implied ..' Truly creepy! I've probably been swayed by too much US content, but to me, using Craigslist seems like the equivalent of running upstairs instead of to the car outside that has the keys in the ignition!
Great stuff, short and punchy.
Haha! Yes. Using Craigslist is kind of like the kids in a slasher movie running into the slaughterhouse to escape the chainsaw-wielding serial killer instead of just getting into their car and driving off. (What fun would that be?)
Thanks, Rebecca! I've been trying to keep them short and punchy lately. I appreciate your time. Hope all is well with you.
Thank you for the compliment. I too have been concentrating on shorter stories lately. However much we want to support the people we follow, it can get a little wearisome reading through the 3,000 word limits. Too much descriptive prose, however well-written, tends to make the eye wander to the next paragraph.
I think we all feel a need to prove the points we're making, but I don't think it's always necessary. People are very adept at reading between the lines.
I am very well on this fine British morning, and I very much hope you are the family are too.
Yes, agreed. Nothing wrong with using all 3,000 words, but as the old axiom goes, "Never use two words when one will suffice."
I like Hemingway. I do not like Faulkner. (Apologies for the purely American writer references. I do realize that you taught us both the language and the craft but, after all, I am from here. This is what I know. Arthur Machen was awesome though! Plus, you guys are basically taking over Hollywood now. British actors are the best. I can't even tell you how much I love guys like Mark Rylance. So good.)
American literature is fantastic. For a British reference, for example, I cannot stand D H Lawrence, who is feted in the UK for reasons I will never understand.
Mark Rylance has just lost his wife of many years, so I guess he's going through the mill right now. But like all great actors, he'll be back.
I wish I didn't know that about Mark Rylance. I really don't know much about his personal life but he seems like a good man and he is obviously very talented. He was so great in the Netflix film "Don't Look Up". If you have never seen it...highly recommended. "The Outfit" was great too. I love that guy. I love Gary Oldman and Colin Firth and Emma Thompson and Imogen Poots and Idris Elba and Helen Mirren and Judi Dench and Benedict Cumberbach. (Oh fuck, I almost left out Daniel Day Lewis!) You guys are just straight up killing it. A whole new British Invasion, and I love it. Just keep it coming.
This is so well done - one-sided dialogue is tough to pull off - classic example of having to read between the lines and you did this brilliantly throughout! Kudos and best of luck. x
That's very kind of you, Elizabeth! Thanks for the kudos and glad you liked this story. Watch out for those Craigslist scams!
And here I thought the girl would be the villain.😰
Nice! The misdirection worked. Thanks, Mary.
Loved it! What a fun and terrifying ride!!
Thanks, Elizabeth. Glad you liked it. Just replied to your emails. Talk soon.
Yeah, pretty dark. Poor kid should have known: "Not okay for recruiters to contact."
Never trust Craigslist. Never.
Message received. :-)