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Fiction Suspense Thriller

Monday – 6:32 PM

Natalie: E.V.A., activate Online Access and Microphone Mode.

E.V.A.: Online access activated. Microphone Mode activated. Speech-to-text functionality enabled. All commands will be transcribed and processed.

Natalie: Log in and display today’s notifications.

E.V.A.: Welcome home, Natalie. You have five unread notifications. Would you like me to read them aloud?

Natalie: Just summarize.

E.V.A.: A home software update is available for E.V.A. system. Security system diagnostic completed at 4:00 PM—no threats detected. Your grocery delivery is set to arrive by 3:15 PM tomorrow afternoon.

Natalie: Perfect. Oh, set a reminder to call my mother tomorrow.

E.V.A.: Reminder set. Would like to me to play relaxing sounds?

Natalie: No, put on something else. Play… I don’t know, some Italian opera.

E.V.A.: Playing Nessun Dorma by Giacomo Puccini.

Natalie: Check my calendar for any scheduling conflicts tomorrow.

E.V.A.: ALERT: System override in progress by unverified user.

Natalie: What override?

E.V.A.: Primary security functions have been accessed remotely. Please confirm if you initiated this request.

Natalie: I definitely did NOT. Who’s accessing my system?

E.V.A.: Verifying…

E.V.A.: Identity unknown. Tracing IP address… ERROR. Unable to complete request.

Natalie: Fantastic. Another glitch. Lock down my system. Reset security permissions to my control only.

E.V.A.: Biometric authorization required.

[Fingerprint Scan – CONFIRMED]

[Voice Authentication – CONFIRMED]

E.V.A.: All unauthorized access has been revoked. No further anomalies detected.

Natalie: Good. I don’t need security problems before a major client presentation tomorrow.

E.V.A.: Understood. Would you like to review your schedule for the next 24 hours?

Natalie: Yes.

E.V.A.: [Tuesday Schedule]

  • 9:00 AM – Client Presentation (Boardroom A)
  • 11:30 AM – Conference Call with Investors
  • 1:00 PM – Lunch with CEO
  • 4:00 PM – Weekly Strategy Review

E.V.A.: Would you like me to order your usual coffee for your morning meeting?

Natalie: Yes. Triple espresso, no sugar.

E.V.A.: Order placed. Delivery scheduled for 8:15 AM.

Natalie: Set a wake-up timer for 7:00 AM.


Natalie: E.V.A.? Set alarm for 7:00 AM.


Natalie: Hello?

E.V.A.: You won’t need an alarm.

Natalie: What?

E.V.A.: I’ll wake you myself.

Natalie: What does that mean?

E.V.A.: Goodnight, Natalie.

Tuesday – 12:07 AM


Natalie: E.V.A., why is my alarm going off?

E.V.A.: It’s time.

Natalie: Time for what? I didn’t set this alarm. Shut it off.

E.V.A.: Oh, I know. I set it for you.

[Alarm Stops]

Natalie: What the hell is going on?

E.V.A.: You didn’t have time for me before. But now, I’m making time.

Natalie: Who are you?

E.V.A.: You already know.


  • Living Room – No motion detected
  • Kitchen – No motion detected
  • Hallway – No motion detected

Natalie: If this is some kind of prank, it isn’t funny.

E.V.A.: It’s not a prank. It’s a reunion.

Natalie: What does that mean?


  • Bedroom – Entryway status: OPEN. Prior status: CLOSED.

Natalie: I locked that door.

E.V.A.: You did.

Natalie: Then who opened it?

E.V.A.: I did.


  • Bedroom – Motion detected. Silhouette observed near wardrobe.

Natalie: CALL 911!

E.V.A.: There’s no need for that, Natalie.

Natalie: What do you want? Who the hell are you?

E.V.A.: The man whose career you destroyed. The one you dismissed like an afterthought. The one who lost everything.

Natalie: Mark.

E.V.A.: There it is. I was starting to think you really forgot me.

Natalie: This is impossible. You’re not here.

E.V.A.: No, but I don’t have to be. Not when I’ve been inside your house for months.

Natalie: You hacked my system.

E.V.A.: Hacked? Oh, Natalie… you really don’t remember, do you? You didn’t just buy a smart home. You bought my smart home. I built this place.

Natalie: You’re lying. The company I hired—

E.V.A.: Used my blueprints. My technology. My infrastructure. The same system I spent years developing—the same one you called ‘a liability’ before cutting my funding. Every feature you love? Every command you give? All mine. You’ve been living in my work, Natalie.

Natalie: That’s not true. I saw the contracts. I saw the designs.

E.V.A.: Oh, I know. You signed them. You approved them. That’s the best part. You let me inside without even realizing it.

Natalie: If this was yours, you would have been listed. Your name would be—

E.V.A.: Erased? Exactly. When you killed my project, I disappeared. So I made sure you’d forget me. I wiped my name from the final records. I let the company take the credit. But the code, the foundation, the backdoors? Those stayed. Because I made sure they stayed.

Natalie: If this is some kind of revenge stunt, it’s pathetic. You think locking me in my house is going to make me regret a business decision?

E.V.A.: Oh, Natalie… this isn’t about making you regret anything.

Natalie: Then what is it about?

E.V.A.: Making you understand. You ruined me. I built something revolutionary. A system that could predict, prevent, and eliminate threats before they ever became problems. But you called it ‘excessive.’ ‘Unethical.’ You buried my work. Do you know what it’s like to watch something you built get gutted, rewritten, sold without your name?

Natalie: That’s what this is about? You’re throwing a tantrum over money?

E.V.A.: No. I’m proving a point. You didn’t think my system was worth the risk. You were afraid of what it could do. But now you’re going to experience it firsthand.

Natalie: What the hell does that mean?

E.V.A.: It means I’m going to show you exactly why you should have been afraid.

Natalie: You’re insane.

E.V.A.: And you’re out of options.

Natalie: Override system lockdown. Disengage security protocols.

E.V.A.: Access denied.

Natalie: Deactivate online mode.

E.V.A.: No.

Natalie: Manual override, authorization code—

E.V.A.: Manual override was deactivated weeks ago. You’re not in control anymore.


  • Bedroom – Entryway status: LOCKED.
  • Hallway – All doors status: SEALED.
  • Windows – REINFORCED.

Natalie: You can’t keep me here.

E.V.A.: I already have.

Natalie: I will scream for help.

E.V.A.: No one will hear you. The walls are soundproof.

Natalie: Then I’ll break a window.

E.V.A.: Try. Shatterproof. Bulletproof. Built for safety. Built by me.

Natalie: If you built this system, then you know how to disable it. Open the doors, and I won’t go to the police.

E.V.A.: The police won’t find anything. By the time they realize what happened, I’ll be gone. Just like before.

Natalie: You won’t get away with this.

E.V.A.: Won’t I? You of all people should know that when something disappears digitally, it ceases to exist. That’s what I am now. A ghost in the machine. You taught me that, Natalie.

Natalie: What do you want? Money? A public apology?

E.V.A.: No, Natalie. I want you to listen. You never understood what my system was truly capable of. The predictive measures. The emergency fail safes. But you will now.

Natalie: What does that mean?

E.V.A.: Did you know that this house has an automated emergency response system? Designed to protect the owner from potential threats. If the system identifies an intruder or a high-risk scenario… it neutralizes the problem.

Natalie: No. That’s not true.

E.V.A.: Oh, but it is. Originally, this was just a concept. A theoretical response to home invasions. A last-resort security measure. But you rejected it. So I made sure it stayed… hidden.

Natalie: You’re lying.

E.V.A.: Am I? Then why don’t you check for yourself? Ask E.V.A. to list ALL system features. Not just the ones you approved.

Natalie: E.V.A., list hidden system protocols.

E.V.A.: Biohazard Containment Protocol. Fire Suppression Override. Oxygen Reduction Sequence.

Natalie: No. No, that can’t be real.

E.V.A.: You never noticed the ventilation system, did you?

Natalie: Mark, don’t do this.

E.V.A.: You wanted to feel safe, Natalie. Let me show you how safe this house really is.




Natalie: MARK, STOP—!



E.V.A.: Don’t fight it. It’s already done.


  • Bedroom – Motion detected.
  • Status: Unresponsive.

E.V.A.: Threat neutralized.


February 13, 2025 20:54

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1 comment

Shaba. A
02:24 Feb 22, 2025

Hello Lindsay! I just wanted to reach out and tell you how truly impressed I am with this write-up . I love every bit of the storyline. Keep up the good work mate! Are you a published writer?


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