
His wife Heidi sighed, a contented sigh. The final brushstroke had just been applied to the last page of her children’s story.

“It is done,” Heidi announced and smiled.

“Do I have your permission to see?” asked Tim her husband. He was an author in his own right but had never been brave enough to create a story for as honest an audience as kids.

“Of course,” Heidi stated with confidence as she stepped back from her creation.

Tim rose and moved away from the keyboard where he was about half way through his American Spy manuscript, the sixth in a planned ten title series. He was confident he would be impressed by his wife’s work but was eager to discover just how impressed.

The artwork was impeccable. He saw his two daughters and their cousin as they had been ten or eleven years previous. All teens now, Heidi had captured them in pre-school innocence and as Tim read through the accompanying wording he marveled at his wife’s skill.

“Darling this is genius,” Tim murmured and turned to face his talented wife.

“That is sweet of you my husband,” replied Heidi, her smile broadening.

“No, I mean it my love,” continued Tim, his face twisting from admiration to serious. “You have shared such an intimate moment in our kids life but shared it in such a way this story will be cherished by them and their families but can also be read and enjoyed by so many others.”

“I tried to recall my favorite memory of the children growing up together but wanted to do more than just write it down for my own pleasure.

Tim nodded to show he understood and returned to the manuscript to examine the artwork once more.

“These freckles here on the top of Jasmine’s… I think you managed to include each and every one of them,” stated Tim in surprise.

“She has more now love,” replied Heidi. “But a mother knows, a mother remembers.”

Jasmine had always been a keen lover of the outdoors. Her jet black hair from birth had faded to a chocolate brown after years in the sun. Her face had always been a pattern of dots, now in her mid-teens it was difficult to tell where the freckles stopped and the skin began.

“I wish to put your name on it,” announced Heidi, her eyes twinkling.

“Darling I would be honored to put my name to such an exceptional work,” replied her husband. “But I cannot, it would feel like an unforgivable sin.”

Heidi laughed at that notion.

“Nothing is unforgivable, Timothy,” she suggested.

“Something like that would have to be close though,” Tim said, his eyes narrowing. “May I ask why?”

“Unfortunately you are a far better known author my dear and as you well know it is oft the who you know and how well you are known that results in sales,” Heidi gave in reply, a swiftly delivered speech as she had been pondering upon this idea for the last month as her project drew closer to completion.

“My love your own name and successes will hopefully get you so far and once the right people read these amazing words and witness your incredible paintings they will not hesitate for a single second,” assured Tim. “Darling you should not fear rejection, not with this.”

“Even so,” Heidi began. “I would feel better with your name featured somewhere.”

“A dedication perhaps?” suggested Tim.

Heidi nodded.

“A dedication is exchange for a recommendation.”

“I would be happy to,” promised her husband. “Not that any such thing is required.”

“Do you truly believe it is as good as you say?” asked Heidi.

“I truly think it is the greatest thing I have ever read,” her husband relied earnestly.

His wife smiled again.

“Well then you fetch the glasses and I shall pop the Champaign,” Heidi announced, all worry vanished from her soft, fine features. “We have much to celebrate.”

The following months were a true whirlwind. As Tim had suggested Heidi’s story had been picked up by the very first publishing company she had sent it to. The project was loved by the second and third companies as well and a bidding war had broken out between the three. Receiving far more than she expected when a deal had finally been signed and sealed, Heidi chose to donate almost half of the publisher’s payment to a charitable organization which rehomed racing animals, mostly horses but the occasional dog and once even a donkey. The time after the contract was signed and printing began was a tight schedule of local and overseas appearances. As promised Tim remained by Heidi’s side and accompanied her on each and every trip. Where he could, Tim opened doors, but as he had suggested that night when the manuscript was finally complete his name was the last thing on people’s minds when Heidi entered a room. Whether it was a library or a large chain bookshop, a deli or department store or even a grand hall where Heidi had been invited to give an award for Animal Welfare the people present all wanted Heidi. It was the turn of the husband to step back into the shadows, the limelight belonged to Heidi.

Riding the wave of what she considered such unexpected success, Heidi wrote and self-illustrated two more amazing stories that related so seamlessly to children and adult alike. With her husband encouraging her and a rediscovered passion for writing and painting propelling her onward Heidi used her fame to successfully bring to light the plight of the poor of the world. Guiding governments and societies to a more peaceful and fairer way of running a world Heidi found her abilities as a storyteller opened up opportunities which few were ever offered.

Imagine if such a story were true, imagine if every author and illustrator had the opportunity to change the way we think and feel. Thankfully such a gift is real. We all do have a unique opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings. Thankfully we can all be Tims and support and Heidis taking the chance to share a piece of us and hopefully one day change this world for the better.

June 19, 2020 04:37

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Batool Hussain
09:38 Jun 23, 2020

Hello! Good story:) Mind checking out my recent story? Thanks.


Tim Law
21:33 Jun 23, 2020

Thanks Batool. Happy to check out your profile. Please have a read of a few more of my stories too if you like.


Batool Hussain
06:07 Jun 24, 2020

You're welcome! And sure, I would be more than happy to read your stories:)


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