
"Dead people can't order pizza,right ?"

these thoughts kept going through my head as I stood before a human who had lost the ability to live.

* * *

The name is Dale,if anyone is asking and like every teenager, I never expected this.waking up to an annoying streak of sunshine and an unrepentant alarm clock was one thing that portrayed a bad day,I still don't understand how those cereal ads make mornings look glorious.I pride myself in being an early bird but as fate will have it my roomates Jane and drake decided to talk life out of me,at first it was strange because we don't really have conversations, we were just a bunch of introverts who had rent in common but two shots of alcohol had a way of schooling introverts.Jane was as cool as a cucumber,no one knew what she did and how she got her money but she always paid on time and drake claimed to be a student but we all knew he was an enigma.It was an unlikely bunch but I had to make ends meet.That night was one glitch in the matrix of life and was never going to repeat itself.

I hurriedly cooked up excuses as I tried to freshen up,the constipation trick was now old,dead family members were unavailable because I had literally killed almost all of them with excuses,so,I decided to go with depression since my boss was keen on mental health.

Pizza delivery huts was not a dream job,to me at least and getting into that red fashion-deprived work attire was heart breaking.twenty minutes later,I was on a bus and my day got even nicer because two drunk human beings decided that it will be fun to crash their cars on a hot monday morning.

I finally got to work feeling like a divorced husband and my boss was not having it,she literally barked at me and at that point I just gave up on my excuse.

Linda,my boss had a culture of transferring aggression and for some reasons, I felt this particular display of affectionate anger was not meant for me.

For three hours,I deliberately avoided eye contact,loitered like an idiot and played tricks on my co-workers and in that period I got quite philosophical,

"Do you know time moves slowly when we rush but rushes when we slow down",I was feeling like Steve Hawkins already.

I tried to keep my mind busy but just then Linda interrupted,"lazy bones, it's time to make work

"what a cute nickname",I thought

My first job today day was to deliver ten boxes of medium pepperoni pizza to an individual who I think is probably stuck in a little house and sitting before a computer and stealing catfishing people on social media,but this was not the situation when I stood before a gigantic gate staring at a gargoyle in the middle of a quiet enormous yard.

I approached the house with caution after pushing the gate open and for every step I took captions from popular horror movies filled my head.

The building was old but gracious and it had doors meant for banquet halls and that meant knocking was equivalent to wasting time,I pushed the door in as I tried calling out but no one answered.

I made my way into the house while looking for a table so I could dump the boxes and that's when I saw him,the highlight of my day, the Frankenstein to my fairytale,the final note in my dirge...A dead man or should I say boy! He dressed like a traveller but this was easily smeared by blood.

I knelt to check his breathing and this man had crossed the point of no return.my palms got sweaty and my brain had just one thought, "Flight!" but before I could leave someone tapped me and the words

"don't move!" hit harder than anything I have felt.

From the cold shiver running down my spine,the range of weapons moved from crowbar to a gun.

"Who are you?" it asked,the voice appeared feminine but at this point my masculinity took a leave.

I tried to speak but I couldn't make any sound,believe me, this fear had weight and I was crushed by it.

"I guess,I will just make you meet your dead friend" the voice continued

and at that point, I turned on impulse and the revelation hit me.

"Dale" the voice said

"Jane" I called back,

Jane stared blankly at me with the gun still raised,she tried to think and it was quite obvious I was a lose end.I tried to plead but this jane looked different from last night.she had the eye of a killer and wait, was she wearing leader?

"Jane....Did you...do this ?"I stuttered,"

Jane appeared to show remorse and for a moment she lowered the gun.

"Dale,you don't know me" she said,

"You don't know what it's like to lose both parents and stay at the mercy of the street,You don't know what it's like to be trained by the mafia and you have to pay all the debt you had by being their errand dog" she continued.

From her dark makeup,I could make out a tear and I had confidence to speak...

"But Jane...." I tried to speak

"But what dale,last night...I felt love for the first time,I was able to laugh to drink happily with people I wasn't going to kill later and all of a sudden life decides to mess it all up at this hackers home" she continued while fighting a tear.

I started feeling relief but just then,it looked as if she transformed back to her normal work self

"What do I do with you neighbour,why did it have to be you? " she asked rhetorically almost smiling wickedly.

At this point,I was visibly shaking and crying,I tried to picture death but that made me cry more.

"Calm down dale,I won't hurt you, but I have just one question for you" she asked

I looked up hopefully like a sheep dog,

"Can you keep a secret" she continued.

I hurriedly answered not even thinking the question through.

"Scream !" she commanded

I had to do it,I screamed with all my energy and just then I felt something hard hit my head and before it went dark I thought I heard this words, "sorry dear,I will disappear from your life"

August 21, 2020 20:48

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