Drama Science Fiction

On the night of July 14 3045, the home of world-renowned scientist Timothy Ziguarsen, age 358, was found burned to the ground. Locals nearby say they heard screams and banging from the house before the fire started two hours later. The New Omaha Police Precinct has not yet responded to questions about the slow response times to several concerned calls about the noise. Neighbors claim that three gunshots were heard about thirty minutes before flames engulfed the house. The Daily Sunrise Press reports that they have received what is supposedly the late scientist’s last email. Statements in this email are disturbing and worrying and are now under speculation. If your heart can handle it, please read and reach your own conclusions. The following is what the email contains:

Being a liar is an odd thing I must admit. Telling one person a lie is easy. Incredibly simple, really. But a lie only told to one person is hard to maintain. Because even if they trust you if they ask at least one other person about the accuracy of your statement, your lie can crumble like dust. However, telling a lie to many people is hard to do. You must be confident and sure, you must have something solid to go behind the falsehoods that slide off your tongue. Yet, if you’re able to convince a crowd, fool the masses? Your self-made story will become myth, a self-sufficient fib that’s passed around like air. You only have to tell one lie to the world for it to survive eons without you uttering another word.

But the guilt that grips my soul compels me to open my mouth again. It’s so hard to kill a lie the public adores. It’s so difficult to undo the seams of fabrications. I have told the masses that the sky was always gray. I have told the children that it’s immature to still dream of green grass. The people believe flowers are fantasy.

What is considered common knowledge is nothing but a few strings among the massive yarn spun by the ReBorn Americans. A way to cover-up the horrible crimes of their past. I do not know all the nooks and crannies held within the gospel of yesterday but I do know the misinformation I have spread to remake the truth. The world adores me for allegedly fixing the problems that plagued us. But I have solved nothing. Our homes are crumbling and I attempted to please you all by painting the front door a different color. By telling you that the cracks in the foundation have always been there and were essential to the house.

Many years ago with my studies of the earth and my research of the past, I found discrepancies in the mass delusion. I used to believe that the world was always like this, that the people who spoke of “real lush parks and non-synthetic trees” were drunks telling foolish tales through there yellow crooked teeth. But decades ago I discovered what every government enlisted scientist does but refuses to roll out of their throats.

 The world was taken from us centuries ago by the people we now rever as war-heroes. The government started conflict over petty politics and now presents itself as saviors. The corporations’ we love attempts to rebuild were simply a front to mine the world of what little resources it dared withhold and to convince the people that the beauty of Mother Nature never existed else the mob kill them for using her face as a battleground for the weapons they funded. And we men and women of science stood behind the monsters and declared that the blood dripping from their maw was normal and that the stench of corpses coming from their claws could be fixed with perfume.

The reality of it all is that the world is doomed. The earth’s once-mighty crust is now fragile and weak. The plethora of water we once had is now poison. And the air we breathe is limited. Any “solution” is delaying the inevitable. Building houses in the resulting sinkholes isn’t making the best of things it’s foolish. The newest water filter you bought doesn’t remove anything. And the claims that synthetic oxygen levels are high is a lie, the percentages the weathercaster tells you are pure propaganda. The world thinks that I have invented ways to reduce the bleeding throats and starved lungs but this is false. The government simply picked me out of all my colleagues and decided that the public needed a new hero to keep believing everything is fine.

Included in this email are my several scanned diaries and studies and documents on everything I have said. You will find proof that filtered water is as toxic as unfiltered. You will see the orders given to weathercasters on what to report. You will see scans of old history books that are now called fiction. In my diaries, you will see the names of people you should now longer trust. You will read the true stories behind the deaths of people such as General Rehild and Doctor Crawnsmore. Please read my swansong in good faith and in detail. These are the red words all the wall and I’m the dead man with a bloodied fingertip. I will be silenced soon and I pray that people find my dying gasp genuine for it’s the first time the words I speak to the public are not littered with half-truths and fables.

I have told my superiors that I am taking a few days of vacation at home. I have boarded my walls and sealed my windows, I need as much time as possible to send my confession. The seconds tick away and my sweat hits the floor as I await the inevitable. I send this email not in hopes of the world being saved, for we missed the chance when those bombs were dropped. There will never be a thriving forest because the ground is infertile and oozes blue nuclear waste. We will never see the animals that we now consider mythological as they went extinct long ago. The world is beyond repair and the number of humans has whittled down from billions to millions. I send this email hoping that justice is served. That those who doomed us pay.

I do not pray that I am forgiven. I have stabbed many friends in the back. I have betrayed people who wanted to fight against those that rule us. I have tricked my brothers and sisters into thinking that the state of the world is fine.

I simply pray that the people know that me and those who in charge of me deserve to feel the embers of hell lick our flesh.

September 05, 2020 02:43

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Rachel Yoritomi
04:26 Sep 10, 2020

Interesting world-building in a distant future. Some feedback would be to explore further/reveal more about which person(s) the email is addressed to, to create an additional relatable dynamic between the character and those to whom he wished to send this message.


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Susannah Webster
21:26 Sep 11, 2020

This world is clearly very thought out and I enjoy that a lot. I also love the part at the beginning before the email because it adds a whole other layer of intrigue. I also enjoyed your use of poetic devices and the powerful tone of the writing. One minor thing I would advise is to proofread this for little things like punctuation. Not a lot, but I did notice a couple of spots. Overall, great job! -SW


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