Crime Suspense Thriller

As I run down the alley I realize everyone in town is against me. All of them. My Mom, Dad, even my little sister, Kandice. I’m Sarah Jean Lewis, the 17 year old girl who everyone thinks killed the mayor. I am currently trying to find a place to hide as people are coming after me from all around town. I tried telling them the truth, about who it really is. I solved the mystery but their minds are so set on me that they won’t listen.

1 Month Before

I’m 17 year old Sarah Jean Lewis, the popular girl. Captain of the cheerleading squad and football team boyfriend. I live in the extremely quiet town of Turksonville, California. “Sarah! Can you go get the paper from the store? I forgot to take an extra for Dad while taking my route.”, yelled my little sister from downstairs. “Sure!”, I yelled back. Kandice, my 13 year old sister runs the paper route for the town. I ran down the stairs and got a piece of toast from the kitchen. My dad was drinking his morning coffee. Momma was making breakfast. “Where are you going, honey?”, My mom asked. “To go get dad a paper.”, I told her. “Be safe and take your car.”, she told me warningly. “Alright!”, I said sarcastically. I jetted for the door with the keys to my baby blue Nissan Altima. I went to the store to get the paper when I got a call. “Mayor Handerford is DEAD. You can find her at Seasonville Docks. If you tell the police, something bad will happen.” said the voice from the phone. I gaped in horror. Before I could speak, the person hung up. I drove to the Seasonville Docks as fast as the speed limit would let me. 

When I got there, Mayor Handerford’s body was sprawled out on the wooden dock. She had a gunshot wound to the head, and ligature marks on her hands. I rushed over. Right beside her was a note and gun. The note was in my  handwriting! It read this: 

    To Whomever found her: 

I asked kindly for her to approve a form. She clearly said no. This is what happens when you don’t listen to me.  If you get a letter from me, you better do what I say or you know what happens.


I was dumbfounded. Someone forged my handwriting and is sending threats. Before I could call 911, red and blue lights were all around me. “FREEZE!” said a voice from behind me. “HANDS IN THE AIR!”, said another voice. It was then I realized it was a trap. Deputy Jackson came up to me and put handcuffs on me.” You’re in big trouble, girl. Seriously this time.”, The Deputy told me. 

“Do you realize you’re  throwing your life away not telling the truth?” asked Deputy Jackson. “But I am!” I said almost to the point of crying. “I found the gun and letter there with the body.” I told him defensively,” and I got a call from someone saying to go there and that I shouldn’t go to the police.” He stared at me trying to figure out if I was lying. “That sounded like a rehearsed speech if I’d ever heard one.” He said as if trying to establish dominance in conversation. After 24 hours and no proof, they sent me home. My mother sent me straight to my room and said that I was grounded. I went up to my room. I had time to reflect and think. If I hadn’t cried wolf so many times, they might actually have believed me. I cried until my eyes hurt. I finally went to bed and had nightmares about Mayor Handerford’s blank eyes, the gunshot and most importantly the ligature marks. 

The next morning I woke up feeling groggy and determined to solve Mayor Handerford’s murder. I started working at 8 a.m. and when mom came in at 10a.m. I had finished a murder board and almost my own case file. “What do you think you’re doing?” she asked. “Solving a murder.” I responded. Let’s base the facts:

  1. The killer called me of all people
  2. The killer was trying to prove a point (needing attention for a cause)
  3. Tried to frame me (and was also successful)
  4. Knows my handwriting

These are facts we know already. Just then, I heard the doorbell ring. “I’LL GET IT!” I yelled. But by time I got there dad had already answered it. “Hello Sarah I just came to tell you just because you’re a killer you can’t miss school” said a voice. I peaked around the door and it was Principal Olefa. I smiled and he said, ”We all know that you did it.” Then he winked at me. WINKED! “Thanks for stopping by but I’m taking the day off.” I told him. Once he left I rushed to my room. We have a new main suspect. I decided to do some research on Principal Olefa. When I did no, results came up at any schools or any other job records. 

I went to school the next morning, just to be made fun of. I got called Sarah the Killer, Forceful Death Lady, and Mayor Slayer. My personal favorite is the last one.  As I walk down the hall I hear people crying, whispering, and making fun of me. I snuck into Principal Olefa’s car and started snooping. Under the driver’s seat there was a small cardboard box. I rode my bike home with the box. A million thoughts in my mind, yet going to school wasn’t one.  Once I got home I opened the box. I never expected what I found.

Inside the box there was a credit card, drivers license, and ID all with the name Jaimee Handerford on them. Why does Principal Olefa have this in his car?  That one question repeated in my head. “This is my evidence!” I thought to myself. I drove my bike to the police station, and entered. As I went over to Deputy Jackson’s desk. I slammed the box on it and said, ”How’s this for ruining my life!” The Deputy just stared at me then the box. “What is this?” he asked. “It is full of Mayor Handerford’s stuff.” I told him. “And where exactly did you get it?” he asked. Oops… Hadn’t thought about that. “I must ask again Ms. Lewis.” He asked again. “I-uh- got it out of Principal Olefa’s car.” I told him desperately. He gaped at me in surprise. “You did what!?” He shouted at me. “I broke into the principal’s car, and stole the box because I thought it was my ‘get out of jail free’ card and evidence.” I said calmly. The Deputy shook his head in an unapproving manner. “So you thought it would help you to break into someone else's car? Well, I got news for you. I gotta keep you for one night as a fee for doing that. Also, how do I know you didn’t plant the box there, huh?” He told me smirking. I swear everyone in this town is out to get me.  

I awoke in a jail cell with my whole body aching. It was 2 in the afternoon when I was released from the cell. Deputy Jackson gave me a 3 hour talk on responsibility. I ate dinner at Jimmy and Ma’s, then I started to walk home. I heard footsteps and yelling coming toward me so I started to run with a full stomach. The noise was getting louder, then I saw an alley. I started to run down it. As I run down the alley I realize everyone in town is against me. All of them. My Mom, Dad, even my little sister coming after me from all around town. I tried telling them the truth, about who it really is. I solved the mystery but their minds are so set on me that they won’t listen. I ran and ran but the alley seemed to never end. I decided to stop and catch my breath. Once I finally reached the end, the noise surrounded me. I looked all around. The mob was everywhere I turned. I felt myself tearing up. I started to cry and shout but they were so loud I couldn’t hear myself. Then, all of a sudden all I heard and saw was Principal Olefa. “TAKE HER AWAY!” he yelled and the mob obeyed. The closer, closer, and closer they got the more the darkness started to come get me until.

I gasped for air. Then I hear a subtle voice get louder. “SARAH, SARAH JEAN LEWIS! GET DOWN HERE NOW” My mother’s voice rang through the house. I sat straight up and then whipped up my covers. I ran down the stairs and looked around and Principal Olefa was sitting on the living room couch. “Hello Sarah. It is a pleasant surprise to see you up so early.” he said with a smirk on his face. Then he winked at me...

December 02, 2020 02:34

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