Coming of Age Contemporary

During their three-year engagement, Gillian lost count of how many times Archie Abelard had kept her waiting. He’d caused them to miss endless restaurant bookings, the start of every film and party they’d ever attended, plus two holiday flights. By the end of their relationship, Gillian tired of Archie’s lousy excuses despite humouring his hilarious attempts to rescue their social life from certain calamity. 


   On Gillian’s wedding day, it was the roadworks on Camden Road that contributed to Archie’s late arrival. The joyful cadence of ancient bells chimed overhead as his taxi pulled up outside the Church of St. John the Evangelist. 

   “That’ll be twenty-two quid, pal,” said the driver, extending his chubby fingers.

   “I need you to wait,“ Archie said, brandishing a fifty-pound note.

   “I’ll keep the meter running,“ he replied, pocketing the note.

   “Just hang on, I won’t be long.”

   “Don’t worry, I’ll be here.”

   “Much appreciated.”

   “Good luck.”

The church organ’s swirling arpeggios greeted Archie as he skulked past the oak-panelled door. A pimply young usher in an ill-fitting suit proffered an order of service and whispered, “Are you with the family or …?” 

   “I’m know the bride.” 

   “Family seating to the right and---”

   “Thank you.” 

Archie smiled and headed left, selecting a rear pew behind two women wearing exotic fascinators, resembling graceful waterfowl. Despite their wafting plumage, he had a clear view of the altar and a handy position for a strategic withdrawal. Archie hadn’t come to make a fuss, but once he’d made his presence known, he intended leaving.


Gillian made a point of being punctual and was never late for appointments. She found Archie’s rotten timekeeping infuriating and despised his apparent lack of concern. However, today of all days, she was stuck on Camden Road; there were roadworks in progress and a burst water-main to contend with. Her father grimaced beside her as their taxi driver hammered on the horn and cursed under his breath. 

   “I don’t want to say I told you so, Gillian.”

   “How could I know there’d be a hold-up?”

   “I blame it all on your previous suiter.”

   “What’s Archie got to do with it, Dad?’

   “He was a bad influence, that’s what.”

Gillian took a deep breath and, closing her eyes, counted to ten and exhaled through her nose. Archie had been late all the time and got away with it. Why shouldn’t she? It was acceptable to be late on her big day.


Archie didn’t know why Gillian had decamped and left her engagement ring. He'd returned two days later than expected from a lads’ weekend away to find it on their kitchen table, along with her door key and a “Dear John” letter. She wrote that she’d had enough. It was all over. Gillian didn’t elaborate or explain and hoped they’d remain friends.

   Now Gillian was getting married to some guy she’d only known for three months. Archie couldn’t believe she’d get married so soon after their break up. He’d always treated her with respect. Gillian had no reason to leave him. Archie admitted he wasn’t punctual, but he was reliable in many other ways. Archie just needed time to prove himself.


   “Here we go, sir,” said the taxi-driver, pulling up outside the church.

   “About time too, young man,” said Gillian’s father.

   “Better late than never.”

   “After you, my dear.”

   “Good luck, miss.”

Gillian and her father alighted the taxi, and he offered her a sturdy arm as they approached the front door. Mister Winward was glad that she’d dumped that ne’er-do-well boyfriend and relieved she’d calmed down after a frantic year of speed dating and agonising heartache. He’d expected his daughter to be settled by her late twenties and furious she’d wasted three precious years with that ‘Archie-bloody-Abelard.’


Hidden from view in the church’s upper gallery, a lively organist treated the patient congregation to his extensive repertoire of rousing tunes. The happy couple’s various relatives had arrived in formal anttire and occupied the first six pews on the right side of the nave. Archie searched the congregation for acquaintances from his previous life and detected occasional squawks of delight from Gillian’s two closest friends on the front row. The groom was chatting with his best man to their right. He didn’t look like Gillian’s sort. Her new man was thick set with slicked-back hair and a slight paunch; maybe a rugby player? Archie had assumed he’d been her type, now he wasn’t sure.

   The couple in front of Archie hissed in clandestine tones, causing their hat feathers to bow and curtsy like two enamoured swans performing a courtship ritual. 

   “Her new man’s a proper hunk.”

   “Check the tight buns on him.”

   “He’s minted too, lucky cow.”

Surely, she couldn’t be serious about this new guy? Wasn’t he just a flash city boy? 

He’d be off like a shot when he got bored. Then she’d be sorry.


Archie hadn’t enquired about Gillian’s new squeeze, but there must have been a reason for Gillian to say, ‘Yes’. Maybe he was useful around the house or patient with her father? Archie never got Mister Winward’s approval, and they’d clashed over politics. 


The church’s south door swung open, framing the bride and her father in the entrance. A sudden hush descended upon the gathering as they stepped forward. Gillian had wrapped her lithe silhouette in elegant white silk and cantilevered her auburn tresses high above her domed forehead. Mister Winward thrust his top hat at the hapless usher and adjusted his cufflinks before offering his arm once again. On cue, the strains of the Bridal Chorus issued forth and Mister Winward guided Gillian into the nave, like an intrepid tugboat manoeuvring a luxury yacht into a congested wharf. 

   At the junction with the central aisle, Mister Winward clocked Archie and glared, bearing his jagged incisors. It wasn’t a lingering threat, more like a fleeting amalgam of triumph and revenge. His gait didn’t falter, and when he squeezed his daughter’s arm to indicate Archie’s presence, she failed to interpret the prompt. Gillian was far too busy basking in the adoring gaze of her well-wishers to worry about a has-been. She shimmered like an apparition as she tottered towards her future husband, who turned to face her, grinning from ear to ear like a witless buffoon. 

What was she doing with him?


If only Archie had listened to Gillian, this could have been his day. They were perfect for each other. Even after three years of cohabiting, they used to finish each other’s sentences. They were a team, and she’d said as much. Decorating their flat was an exercise in effortless clairvoyance because they possessed similar sensibilities. Whenever Archie selected a paint colour, Gillian would complement his choice with sympathetic soft furnishings and vice versa. 

   Both Archie and Gillian enjoyed entertaining and invited healthy competition into the kitchen as they prepared food for both themselves and their friends. They liked nothing more than wandering down Queen’s Crescent market on a Saturday morning and foraging for spices and herbs, and selecting fresh vegetables and fish from their favourite stall-holders. Archie recalled a happy day when they bought all the ingredients required to conjure up a homemade curry from scratch; grinding coriander seeds with turmeric and cumin, and milling black pepper corns and cardamom pods. It took all day to concoct and cook, and their guests consumed the lot in ten minutes flat. They laughed and lived enough for a lifetime in those three years together. They were lovers and best friends.


As time went by and the carefree weekends disappeared. Gillian spent more time with her girlfriends and drank in ever-increasing amounts. They spent fewer work nights together, making less time for each other. On their third New Year’s Eve as a couple, Archie had intended to propose as the midnight bells chimed. He thought it would be a grand gesture and a moment to remember forever. However, it didn’t work out as he’d planned. If Archie was poor at timekeeping, his timing was far worse. 

   Gillian was late for once and in a foul mood by the time they arrived at the venue. She’d had a couple of drinks beforehand and Archie had agreed to drive. By that stage of their relationship, he was the driver by default, and she’d become the designated drunkard. A couple of hours later, as Archie was fumbling for the ring, the midnight fireworks exploded and Gillian lurched towards him and launched the contents of her stomach at his jacket. Archie never told her about the ring and later returned it to the jewellery store.

   During the last six months of their relationship, Archie returned home later and later. Their conversations became sporadic and angry. He was never there, and she was never sober. Isolation and withdrawal are reluctant bedfellows who are mutually exclusive and seldom in accord. Archie’s didn’t return late on purpose from his lads’ weekend away, however he didn’t think Gillian would notice, let alone care. He didn’t consider that she might hurting, too.

   Gillian maintained Archie wasn’t committed and stated that she wanted more than he could give her. Everyone else in their circle of friends had got married and they told Gillian she’d be next. It was expected. What was wrong with Archie? Why hadn’t he done the decent thing? Gillian’s friends said he must be seeing another woman. Archie denied the accusation. Besides, she’d never believe him if he told her the truth about the ring and his disastrous New Year’s Eve surprise. It was too late to explain everything to her. Or was it? Maybe he had one chance. 


As the opening hymn drew to a close and its final reverberations ricocheted around the granite walls, the priest offered quiet words of encouragement to the bride and groom. He raised his Book of Common Prayer and the congregation fell silent.

   “The purpose of marriage is that you always love, care for, and support each other through both the joys and sorrows of life.”

Archie considered all the reasons their relationship ended. 

   “Today you will exchange vows of marriage which will unite you as husband and wife.”

It wasn’t a lack of commitment on his part as much as procrastination.

   “Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

Archie’s father told him that silence helped self-awareness and relieved stress. 

He’d said it stimulated the brain and helped process information. 

Silence is powerful. 

Archie raised a trembling hand as if he were back at primary school and confessing to a historical misdemeanour; releasing those pet mice in class or maybe hoofing that ball through the headmaster’s office window.

   “I object,” said a voice as an arm extended upwards amongst the throng.

The congregation gasped in unison like an orchestra of decrepit accordions, inhaling their last breaths. 

   “No,” said another voice, “I object!”

Out of the corner of his eye, Archie saw another hand aloft and yet another arm waving two rows beyond, and three more rigid limbs closer to the pulpit. 

There’ll never be another Gillian.

Maybe it’s just as well.


Archie’s day ended as it started. He slumped back into the taxi’s rear seat.

   “Where to now, pal?”

   “Home’s just fine.”

   “Right you are.”

   “Indeed I am.”                                   

The End

May 12, 2023 18:40

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Lily Finch
02:05 May 13, 2023

Poor Archie. Or is it poor Gillian? I enjoyed the story, Howard. Nicely done. Thanks for the good read. LF6


Howard Halsall
02:28 May 13, 2023

Hey Lily! That was fast reading!! :) I just updated it with a few fresh edits…. Anyway, thank you for reading my story; I’m glad you enjoyed it. TBH - neither character is particularly sympathetic, which adds to the humour, I guess. Take care HH


Lily Finch
02:39 May 13, 2023

True. LF6


Howard Halsall
02:40 May 13, 2023



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Ruth Porritt
08:11 May 13, 2023

Hello Howard, Thank you for writing this piece. It is the exact kind of thing I enjoy reading. Question: Have you considered turning this piece into a novel? I would would love to be the first reader to buy a book (authored by you) about the complete history of Archie and Gillian's relationship. p.s. I especially enjoyed Archie's inner monologue, and the high quality of your description. Any writer (including myself) can learn a lot about superb description by reading this piece.


Howard Halsall
05:08 May 14, 2023

Hey Ruth, Thank you for taking the time to read my story and leave your positive feedback; it’s much appreciated. To answer your question; no I hadn’t thought about extending the idea to a novel, however if I do, I’ll let you know and credit you with making the suggestion. Take care HH :)


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Martin Ross
17:08 May 27, 2023

A wonderful story of relationships and truth, and the power of being the one voice willing to speak up. You have a great sense of infusing reality into a dramatic narrative, and that last exchange with the cabbie hit just the right, satisfying job. Another excellent story!


Howard Halsall
22:48 May 27, 2023

Hey Martin, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they’re much appreciated. I’m glad you enjoyed it and hope it lingers a while…. Take care HH


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Dylan Patrick
01:37 May 21, 2023

As someone who feels like he could do a better job of not of screwing up his friends' plans, I almost want to feel bad for Gillian. As the old saying goes, however, "well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions!"


Howard Halsall
02:54 May 21, 2023

They really are a remarkable couple, aren’t they, Dylan? Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. Take care HH


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Marty B
17:47 May 18, 2023

Those two deserve each other! Two not likeable characters, but somehow in opposition they become relatable. I liked the imagery in the story, especially 'Mister Winward guided Gillian into the nave, like an intrepid tugboat manoeuvring a luxury yacht into a congested wharf.'


Howard Halsall
17:54 May 18, 2023

Hey Marty, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. I’m glad you enjoyed it and appreciate your positive feedback. Take care HH


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TJ Samek
17:30 May 18, 2023

I like the way you build tension throughout the story by playing with the timeline and flashbacks. I did notice a continuity error; at the beginning of the story, Gillian left her engagement ring behind when she left Archie, but later you note that Archie never gave Jillian the ring. Otherwise, this is a fun story with an unexpected ending.


Howard Halsall
17:52 May 18, 2023

Hi TJ, Thank you reading my story and sharing your thoughts. The engagement ring is a recurring issue in this tale. Hmm… maybe it’s existence is down to an unreliable narrator? Certainly, Gillian had motive and opportunity to root through Archie’s belongings when he failed to return from the lads’ weekend trip. Who knows what went through Gillian’s suspicious mind by the time their relationship had been reduced to rubble… Anyway, thank you for giving me your positive feedback and hopefully my story has provided a little food for thought. Tak...


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01:50 May 18, 2023

Okay, I have to ask: He didn't know why she returned the engagement ring (but later you say he didn't give her a ring--he returned it when she barfed all over his jacket), so what ring? Then you say how she hated that he was always late, but he talks about how perfect they were together (I liked all of those sweet moments), without acknowledging that she gets annoyed with him for being late, but then talk about how she's obviously got a drinking problem, which is bad enough that he should leave. You never do say he loves her, and I get littl...


Howard Halsall
06:52 May 18, 2023

Hello Patricia, Your apology is unnecessary, I am more than happy to read your comments and delighted to receive your thoughtful response.


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Kylah Mitchell
16:29 May 17, 2023

I love this so much. I wish i had the talent you have :D


Howard Halsall
17:27 May 17, 2023

Hey Kylah, Thank you for reading my story and leaving your positive feedback. I’m sure everyone has a story to tell…. Go for it!! Take care HH


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Sarah Hurd
14:49 May 17, 2023

As someone who went through a three-year engagement that also didn't end in a wedding, I enjoyed the humor throughout your piece! There are a few nice bittersweet musings sprinkled throughout as well, and I'm glad you showed us a bit of each perspective for these two former lovers. This was a light and fun read in a lot of ways and it really held my interest, nice job!


Howard Halsall
14:57 May 17, 2023

Hey Sarah, Thank you for taking the time to read my story and share your thoughts. I’m glad you enjoyed it and pleased that it struck a chord. I appreciate your positive feedback and look forward to reading your next submission too. Take care HH


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Chris Miller
13:59 May 14, 2023

Hi Howard, The tugboat and yacht image is excellent! I liked the sketch of a realistic relationship in such a short space too. Good stuff.


Howard Halsall
22:50 May 14, 2023

Hey Chris, Thank you for reading my story and leaving your positive feedback; it’s much appreciated. Take care HH


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Helen A Howard
12:12 May 14, 2023

Hi Howard What a pair! Neither of the original couple were all that great as characters go, but that made it all the more interesting and entertaining. A lot going on behind the scenes too. Archie was pretty hopeless, but his heart was in the right place (I think). I hope?? Thanks for an enjoyable read.


Howard Halsall
22:44 May 14, 2023

Hi Helen, Thank you for reading my story and leaving your positive feedback; it’s much appreciated. I’m glad you enjoyed it and hope it provides food for thought :) Take care HH


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Mary Bendickson
03:57 May 14, 2023

Ooh. Lots of layers here. The other objectors could have been from bride or groom side. I don't think Archie got his objection in sideways.


Howard Halsall
22:42 May 14, 2023

Hey Mary, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they’re much appreciated. Yes, it all got a bit messy in the church. Archie was probably lucky to get away :) Take care HH


Mary Bendickson
22:55 May 14, 2023

Thanks for reading mine.


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Kate Winchester
20:27 May 13, 2023

I really liked this story! You have many great lines, but this one is my favorite: “The couple in front of Archie hissed in clandestine tones, causing their hat feathers to bow and curtsy like two enamoured swans performing a courtship ritual.” I really want to know if Archie got his girl!


Howard Halsall
22:36 May 14, 2023

Hey Kate, Thank you for reading my story and leaving your positive feedback; it’s much appreciated. Concerning Archie getting his girl; only time will tell…. Take care HH


Kate Winchester
12:32 May 15, 2023

Welcome . I’m happy there’s still hope. ☺️


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Joe Smallwood
20:26 May 13, 2023

Howard I did not want it to end. You are so fortunate, the setting of this story is charming, disarming, the characters sympathetic even when they are not... And the detail, your complete understanding of how these people live is very convincing. I just have one quibble, a tiny one. Dialog? You would have a great time with these people talking to each other wouldn't you? I mean you know them so well, wouldn't it be hilarious? Unless you were more intent on something serious here? Anyway just a suggestion. Thanks! Enjoyed it immensely.


Howard Halsall
06:38 May 14, 2023

Hey Joe, Thank you reading my story and sharing your thoughts and suggestions. Concerning more dialogue; yes, I could have had a bit of fun and I always reckon the best points are made when humour is involved; it adds another vital layer and lends an air of authenticity to any piece. “Play for laughs” Take care HH


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Timothy Rennels
20:24 May 13, 2023

Quite the twist at the end! I loved the phrase "like an intrepid tugboat manoeuvring a luxury yacht into a congested wharf." Bravo


Howard Halsall
22:33 May 14, 2023

Hi Timothy, Thank you for reading my story and leaving your positive feedback; it’s much appreciated. Take care HH


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Wally Schmidt
15:40 May 13, 2023

Howard, you've woven a vivid tale about a couple that uncouples. At first we are only privy to Gillian's POV, but as with all things. it turns out that there is more than one side to the story and that Archie has some valid concerns too. Gillian's father gives the story a layer of conflict and reality that works very well. It's great how the tension keeps building in the church about what is going to transpire. As for the ending I felt like you left us hanging a bit about who these other objectors were. I almost expected Archie to wake up ...


Howard Halsall
06:11 May 14, 2023

Hey Wally, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they’re much appreciated. Concerning the ending and your question about the other objectors; there’s was a reference to Gillian’s “frantic year of speed dating and agonising heartache” after their bust up. I imagined that she’d made up for lost time and made a few new acquaintances…. I hope that helps, however I’m glad you enjoyed my tale and look forward to reading your next submission. Take care HH


Wally Schmidt
13:03 May 14, 2023

Thanks for clearing that up. Never imagined so many haters would turn up to a wedding (every bride's nightmare?}, but it kind of makes sense. Good luck with the contest. WS


Howard Halsall
22:49 May 14, 2023

Thanks Wally :)


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Mike Panasitti
14:22 May 13, 2023

An enjoyable exploration of a romantic relationship thwarted by one partner's chronic lack of punctuality and the other's messy drinking habit. I was left with several questions, the most important being: does Archie's timely objection allow him to get the girl? Thanks for sharing.


Howard Halsall
06:04 May 14, 2023

Hey Mike, Thank you for reading my latest and sharing thoughts. With reference to your question about Archie; he’s managed to escape for now, although I think there’s mileage in the idea; maybe Gillian will finally drag him up the aisle, kicking and screaming? Who knows? Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed it and hope it provides food for thought. Take care HH ;)


Mike Panasitti
13:11 May 14, 2023

Howard, what would be the point of eating more conventional fare if writers such as yourself didn't provide us with nutritious food for thought? I think eating feeds my thinking habit. Thanks again for sharing your story.


Howard Halsall
22:48 May 14, 2023

Hey Mike, I’m glad you enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to your next story too :)


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Michelle Oliver
14:14 May 13, 2023

Hey Howard a great story. Just a quick clarification. You start by saying “during their three year engagement” but further on reveal that he never actually asked her to marry him. Did I miss something? Other than that, I liked the way you showed two sides of the same story. It reminds me of that saying there are always three sides to a story, my side, your side and the truth. I liked how we were drawn in with sympathy to each narrator and come to realise that neither side was perfect. In the end, they both had a lucky escape from each other....


Howard Halsall
05:33 May 14, 2023

Hey Michelle, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. I’m glad you enjoyed it and hope my blunder at the beginning concerning the engagement didn’t ruin it. I think for the purposes of an immediate fix, it’s best to imagine the word wrapped with inverted commas; “engagement.” (The line should have been: “During their three years together, Gillian…. “ I put it down to a flurry of 4 o’clock in the morning edits to hit the submission deadline. No excuse, to be honest.) Concerning the other objectors note; there was a referen...


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Carly Arden
07:50 Jun 19, 2023

GREAT LOVE SPELL CASTER DR PETER THAT HELP ME SAVE MY RELATIONSHIP. TEXT OR ADD HIM UP DIRECTLY ON WHATSAPP +1 (646) 494-4360 My name is CARLY ARDEN. I want to give thanks to DR PETER for bringing back my ex husband. No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that Trust is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person, It was ...


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Carly Arden
07:50 Jun 19, 2023

GREAT LOVE SPELL CASTER DR PETER THAT HELP ME SAVE MY RELATIONSHIP. TEXT OR ADD HIM UP DIRECTLY ON WHATSAPP +1 (646) 494-4360 My name is CARLY ARDEN. I want to give thanks to DR PETER for bringing back my ex husband. No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that Trust is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person, It was ...


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