Mystery Man within 8'x5' fixed glass

Submitted into Contest #97 in response to: Start your story with a character looking out of a window in the middle of the night.... view prompt


Bedtime Fiction Mystery

Twinkling stars were playing hide and seek, covered by the moving clouds in the night so meek. It was half past one, thoughts of being lonely had just begun. Beside that window she kept herself stand, wondering for the end would be so grand. She waited for an year to meet the man; the man of her dreams, the man of her life, to the world she proudly tell herself to be his wife. That was the night she was waiting for so long, as the day next had to take her to where she actually belong. It seemed the fast moving hand of the clock got tired, it was stopping as if it had been fired. Just like her life which had been a roller coaster, she so wanted it to slow down and no more being an imposter. It was dark inside the room, the sheets purely white seemed lit by only the light of the moon. 

Stuck in between the tall buildings, from the 6th floor she could only have the view of the dull backside of the adjacent buildings and peeking through the edges was a street with a rotary. That was the only thing she could look upon through that screen but no one passing by at that time of the hour. Her eyes were fixed over the light falling down from the street lamp over the paved pathway. Tired of watching the emptiness of the street, she decided to dose off with blinds open and the moonlight finding way from the fins of the blind. As time passed by, staring up over to the cieling with eyes wide open making her difficult to sleep. The thoughts of the next day running through her mind were not letting her mind to rest. She started feeling cold. A shiver made her goosebumps so intense. She pushed the bedcover and put her feet down. Not realizing its the temperature of the aircon she can lower down, 'The night is getting cold', she said. The sound of clock ticking was helping her to keep the pace of her feet one by one through the length of the room. Following the moonlight, she went by the side of the window again. The fixed glass window was secured by wooden blinds with openable shutters to the sides. She leaned herself over the fixed glass and started to watch the street as if she was waiting for someone to stop by. Her eyes were getting heavy but were not willing to shut. Her eyes suddenly noticed a drop of water over the glass pane sliding down and there was another then another but slower than the rythm of the moving hand of the clock. 

A car stopped along the street but the only sound that was getting into her ears was 'tick tock', the sound of the clock. A tall handsome guy wearing a dark coloured shirt sneaks out of the passenger seat holding a box. His strong built was visible from his fitted shirt. Hair so short, neatly dressed as what she could observe from that distance. Her eyes went curious for him as they seemed to be trying to get to know him. He moved his arm and twisted his wrist.

Must be looking at his watch, she said to herself and then looked at the clock but could not as it was dark inside. Not bothering to switch on the light and neither her phone, Must be around 2, she again murmured. 

His head was moving right and left, looking over the both sides of the street. 

'Is he looking for someone? Who meets someone at midnight..!' 

The car lights flashed and started to move till they gone out of sight leaving him behind standing alone under the street lamp.

As time was passing by, she assumed by the sound of thousands of tick from the clock, the movements of the blue shirted man were becoming monotonous. 

Slowly she realised the room to grow darker and a shadow started to cover the light from the moon. She looked above. The feathery clouds moving in front of the moon and anxiously covering its light. The drizzle was getting visible in the light of the street lamp. The man was still standing there now motionless looking over the right side of the street. 

Her eyes got still as she started to feel for the helpless man waiting for no-one knows but him. 

'You idiot man, why dont you go? she shouted hesitatedly. 

but he did not move..

'God knows what he is upto..' Saying this she moved aside.

Despite of her apathy, she was feeling concerned for the man standing there at this hour in the rain. 

She poured water in a glass and pulled the chair towards the window and glanced towards the street light. 

Where has he gone? Has he met the one he was waiting for? She curiously started to stare here and there till the extent her eyes could lead her. It started to rain heavily. 

Where could he possibly go? The weather is so rough outside. Did he call his car back.

Oh I missed it...!! She felt disappointed.

There was a very dim light coming from under a tree with expanded foliage. She squinted and noticed that the light moved. 

She forced herself againt the window pane to move herself as closer to look clearly out of it. 

The light went off and on again and again. 

'What is that?' She asked herself.

The light went on and moved, then went off. 

This continued for around 9-10 times. She tried to look outside from every angle through the window to have a clearer view. 

Sleep was like evaded from her eyes. She was more concerned of the outside world activity going on, forgetting that she had to look nice for the next day meeting with her man after almost an year. 

She suddenly got stunned when she felt a cool breeze touched her face, wondering where it came from when the window is having a fixed glass. 

She heard someone say "Why can't you come to me when I am so close to you. I know you are awake."

Taken aback she was. 

She got terrified and tumbled over her feet held the chair which was there beside her. 

What was that I just felt and heard? 

She was all agog. 

Perplexed she went to the window again and gazed out through the light coming from the street lamp but it was hazy. Her stomach was churning and heart felt heavy as she eagerly tried to have a look around but couldn't even find the shadow of the man standing there. She was disappointed and stood there as if she was waiting for him to return. 

The telephone rang with a loud noise. She realised it is already 7:30 in the morning as she slept there on the chair looking out of the window. 

Ma'm, your taxi has arrived. You need assistance with your luggage?, the voice on the other side of the phone asked. 

'No'. She answered. 

She got herself ready in 15 min and there she was standing in the lobby. 

While moving out of the building, she sighed 'Atlast the quarantine is over' and gave a nasty look to the building. She was cheerful to leave behind everything and waiting for the new life waiting ahead. 

Suddenly she got a shiver down ger spine when saw something which reminded her of the previous night incident. 

'Stop'. She ordered the chauffeur.

The taxi was crossing through the same rotary visible from the room she was inhabited in. She was looking at the street lamp, the pathway and the tree when her eyes got numb. It was the same box, the box covered in a white and red floral printed material. She desperately wanted to jump off the taxi to fetch the box. More than frightened she was, thinking of the voice that whispered in her ears yesterday. She took a deep breadth. "Lets go", she said.

She did not look behind whatever it was, who ever the man was she saw through the 8'x5' window yesterday, the mystery stood still. 

June 11, 2021 15:15

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