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It is Friday 13th 2021, today is the day of Andy's and mine anniversary we got together when I was only fourteen And now i'm fifty four . The both of us got married when we were twenty five, and were blessed with two boys and one girl. We had named them Rubin, Gray, and our sweet little girl, Eiffel. They all grew up to be such sweet kids. I was born in April 5th 1966 and my husband was born in March 19 1966. We were only about eight, when we first met. I was heading to school, when I arrived I didn't know anyone. And I was lonely, that was until Andy came up to me. And ever since that day, we were best friends. We would do everything together we were inseparable. Then it was my 14th birthday, I went down down to a small creek in the woods where Andy and I would hang out. I sat down beside Andy, when I did I didn't realise till now how much I liked him. As I looked up at him, I could see his ginger hair was in a mess, and he had cute freckles scattered across his face. When he blushed, his big green eyes would sparkle. I blushed a little when he looked at me, then out of no where I kissed him. And surprisingly he kissed me back. Every since that day, he would walk to my house with a red rose and walk me to school. Almost every body at school was jealous. On my 15th birthday, he got me this gold necklace, I still wear it till this day. Then he took me to a cliff with a special picnic. We stayed there and watched the sunset. It was so beautiful it was like I was in a never ending dream. When he turned 15, I had made him this big blanket, that he always wanted. When I turned 17, he drove up in his new car and we went on a camping trip. It was amazing, all I could smell was pine and could feel the mist against my face. This time he got me a puppy. It was so adorable. We both named it creek. Because that was where our first kiss was. When we both where 18, we had decided to move to Alaska. We both loved the cold, and loved to go on adventures. This was the best thing to ever happen, We stayed there till we were twenty four. Than we moved back, because his mother was ill. And on my twenty fifth birthday, he proposed to me. I was so overwhelmed that I fainted, but I was alright and said yes. We soon married after that in his family's barn, it was such a beautiful wedding. After the wedding, I found out I was pregnant with our first child. As soon as we found out it was a boy, we named him Rubin after his grandfather, who sadly past away. After a year I was once again blessed with another baby boy so we decided to name him Gray. Than after two years, I had a baby girl name Eiffel. We all grew up to have such a beautiful family, Andy and I were so thankful for finding each other, and having three beautiful children. I remember When I was fifteen and it was a cold winter. So Andy and I had decided to go skating and than we made snow angels but I was so cold that he had to carry me to his house just so I could warm up. Once we got there, he made hot chocolate with candy canes and marshmallows. Then we sat down by the fire, and soon I fell asleep. When I woke up this cat was sitting on me and I could smell cinnamon buns. I stood up and found Andy's mum sitting on the couch with a big blue book, Andy was out so the both of us decided to go threw his baby pictures. His mum even let me keep some, which I though was real nice of her. Another time was in summer, I had came over to visit. His mum said she would like each of us to make a cake while she was in town. So Andy and I made the cake and I made the frosting, he kept making fun of how messy I was, so I decided to put salt in his frosting, I told his mum of course and she said that was really funny. So when he took a big bite he had spited it out, he looked at me and said good one. Then he took his cake and pushed it in my face. We both laughed so hard we cried. When I was 19, Andy and I were living in Alaska, and I remember when it snowed so much, it was over five feet. If we had to go anywhere, we would have to get this big sled we had, and go out our bedroom window. We had to do this for about a week, poor creek, he was to scared to go out side so we had to make him a litter box for dogs. But Andy and I had tons of fun, he would play his guitar while the both of us sing by the fire place. And we would cuddle up with a bunch of blankets, and some times we were making forts with all of the blankets and pillows we could fine. We both also drank a lot of hot chocolate, and ate homemade cookies. Everything was like a big dream, but instead we would never be waking up from this one. It was quite the night to remember. I loved all those memories, and today since it was our anniversary, all the joyful, and beautiful memories came flooding back, this was the best part of life. I got everything I ever wanted. I love you Andy.

February 14, 2021 22:58

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1 comment

Siobhan Mulalley
21:37 Feb 24, 2021

This is a sweet story, of a lifetime of loving memories. I like the descriptions of the couple and the places they went. The little details that make the lasting memories were good. There were a few spelling and grammar mistakes, but nothing major, and they are easily missed. For example, you put the birthdays in when it should be on. I know this is something I also need to be more wary of. Overall, a lovely story


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