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Christmas Drama Romance

Chapter 1 : Today is christmas eve.

I am celebrating with my whole family.

Cant wait to see everyone again.

This is the best time of the year and it's going to be the best one yet!

I got to my parents house.

I had to smile it's still the most amazing house just hiw I remember it.

I walked to the door and pushed the door bell.

The door opend.

My mom and dad where standing in front of the door with a big smiles on there face.

"Hello mom."

"Hi dad."

"Hello Coraline."

We both gave her a big hug and let her in.

"How have you been pumkin?"

"I am doing great dad just couldn't wait to get here and spend time with all the family."

"You both know that Christmas is my favorite time of the year and I just love spending it with family."

"Yes we know honey."

"Your dad and I are really worried about you."


"Pumkin we are both worried that you will never find a guy to be with to love you and for you to love him."

"Dad I am only twenty one years old I have still have time to find someone I still have time."

"We want to have grandchildren before we die sweetie."


"I am goong to got to the restroom I will be right back."

I walked to the bathroom and when I mean walk I mean really fast walking.

I shut the door behind me and locked it.

They are probably just doing this since I am the first family member here.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Coraline this is your mom."

"Your dad and I were thinking that you would be a great match for some of the boys in your class like maybe?..."

"Mom no."

"I will find someone some day I promise now please leave I need to use the restroom."

"Ok we can talk about this after the party."

Why do they have to do this to me evry year.

Whatever I better get out to the party.

I walked out of the bathroom and the whole house is full of people.

I tried to get through the crowd of people to get something to drink.

"Hey Coraline."

I turned around to see John.

"Hi John."

"I want to talk to you."

"Can we go somewhere private?"


I followed John outside.

"What's going on what do you have to talk to me about?"

I got down on one knee.

"Coraline we have known each other since fith grade."

"What I am trying to say is."

"Coraline will you marry me?"


I dont know him that well why is he doing this yes he is someone in my class but we never had anything to do with each other he wouldn't even talk to me until now.

"I am sorry John I cant marry you."

"You will find the right girl some day but that girl is not me."

"I understand thank you for hearing me out anyway."

I watched as he walked back inside to the party.

What is going on he was a bully to me in school and all of a sudden he wants to marry me I am so confused.

I walked back inside to the crowd house.


I walked over to her and gave her a great big hug.

"How are you girly?"

"I am doing good how about Casey?"

"I am so glad you are doing good."

"I am doing good to."

"It was nice to catch up talk to you later."


Casey walked away.

What was that all about I real dont know what's going on?

Well I am hungry.

Walking to the kichen I bumbed into someone.

"I am so sorry are you ok?"

"Yep I am all good."

"Are you all good you did fall?"

"Yep I am all good."

"Again I am so sorry."

I walked passed him.

I wonder who that guy was?

I started to full a plate of food up.

"Hey Coraline can I talk to you somewhere private?"

"Um sure Ken."

I followed him to my moms flower garden.

"Will you marry me?"


"Sorry I dont mean to yell."

"No i am sorry i will not marry you."

"Sorry to waste your time."

Watching Ken walk inside just like I did with John.

Ok now i am scared how many more are going to ask me and who is it going to be.

I might as well go back inside and join the party.

I walked inside and pushed through the crowd.

"Coraline can you help me in the kichen please."

I walked into the kichen.

"What's up mom?"

"Can you bring this out to the table please."

"Ok I will."

I walked to the table and put the food on the table.

"Hey Coraline."

I turned around to see Bob and Dane the twins on there knees.

In no.

Not again.

"Will you marry on of us?"

"I am so sorry but no sorry you both had to waste your money."

"There is a gril for both of you."

"You just have to keep looking because I am not that girl."

"Um ok thanks for your time."

I watched as they both walked the other direction.

I am so glad all of them are taking the disappointment so well.

Well better have some fun before the party is over.

This was supose to be the best christmas ever now its turning into the weirdest christmas ever.

I mean it's nice that people like me put it's still weird.

I sat down to finaly eat some food.

"Excuss me is it alright if I sit by you?"


Please not you to.

Wait hes the guy I bumped into.

"My name is Maverick."

"Nice to meet you my name is Coraline."

At least hes not asking to marry me.

"That is a beautiful name."

We talked for hours it's to bad that it had to end I was really haveing a lot or fun with him.

"Can I see you again?"


"Sounds great oh and can I get your number?"


I gave him my number.

I am so happy that someone wants to get to know me.

"Well see you later."

"Ok bye."

He walked out and shut the door behind him.

"Mom dad I am leaveing."

"Thank you so much for come dear."

"Drive home safley."

"We love you so much pumkin."

"Love you both to bye."

I walked to me vehicle and went home.

Chapter 2 : I woke up with Maverick still on my mind.

My phone vibrated.

I picked it up and read what it said.

"It said hi Coraline want to meet up today and talk?"

"Sure that would be nice."

"Where do you want to meet?"

"How about the flower cafe?"

"Sounds great see you soon."

I got out of bed and got ready for the day.

I am so excited.

I hoped into the vehicle and drove to the cafe.

Maverick was already there.

"I didnt keep you wait long I hope."

"Nope I just got here a few minutes ago."

"I am so glad to here that."

We talked for hours.

It got dark and we were still at the cafe.

"You two love birds it's almost time to close."

"Oh so sorry we will get going."

I pit the tip down and took Coralines hand.

We go out to Coralines vehicale.

"Thanks for the day I had a lot of fun."

"Thank you I had so much fun."

"Do you want to come over to my place?"


I followed Coraline to her place.

We walked inside.

"Wow nice house."


We talked all night.

Maverick fell asleep on the coach.

I covered him up with a blanket and went to my bedroom to sleep myself.

Chapter 3: Its been 1 year since I met Coraline and today I am going to ask for her hand in marriage.

Its Christmas eve when we met so I waited until Christmas eve to ask her.

I even got the perfect ring.

I got to her house and knocked on the door.

"Maverick you made it."

"I am so glad to see you."

I gave him a big old hug.

"I am so glad to see you to honey."

"I want to have a picnic with you today everything is already made what do you say?"

"Oh yeah I would love to go on a picnic."

I put my winter jacket on.

We got to the spot that he chose and it so beautiful.

We are lunch and talked for a long time the sun started to set even thought its christmas eve again the sunset is so amazing.

I turned to see Maverick on one knee.

"Coraline will you marry me?"

A bug smile came across my face.

"Yes I would love to marry you."


"Yes I am so happy that you said yes."

I gave her a hug.

"I am so happy."

"I am happy to."

I leaned in and kissed him for the first time.

December 18, 2020 21:37

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Hello Jasmine! Before I even continue this comment, I must say that I am so glad to have found your profile and to have read your latest story! Actually, funny thing is that while I was going through the stories to critique in the 'Wednesday Critique Circle' I stumbled upon yours, but boy am I so glad to have clicked your story and to have read it! I honestly cannot believe that this is only yur fourth story in Reedsy, and that you have improved so much from your first one! (Yes, I read the first one, then read this one, and now I am commen...


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