
I was going to a birthday party of a one year old baby. It was almost 8.30 pm. The party was arranged in a five star hotel. I was confused about the gift I should give to that one year old baby. I looked at the starry sky and started thinking, giving gift isn't piece of cake in todays world. Your present symbolise your earning. People judge you by your gift.

The meaning of gift is love and affection we show towards a person but today that meaning is lost!

The stars reminded me a thought :- I love the stars because they can't say anything. I love the stars because they do not judge anyone.

For my point of view people sometimes give expensive gifts but what's the use if there is no affection behind it. So after a long thought I decided to give a 'baby-kit' which contained food-bowl, bottle, soap, sanitizer and baby wipes!

My 8 years daughter was with me while buying the gift. When I ordered it she said ," Mom , people expect big from you. It represents our personality. You cannot give such a cheap gift to that baby. "

When she said that I remembered the proverb which means:- Whenever you are settling the account , you should settle up to the last dollar. Don't neglect even a small amount. But when you give a gift to someone think not of the price but the affection behind it."

When we reached the five star hotel ,rich and we'll renowned people of the town were already present in the party. Everyone wearing rich clothes, diamonds etc. The gold and diamonds worn in that party was more than KAY JEWELERS!

The rituals were the same. Parents cutting the cake, father bursting a big balloon and sparkle coming down, Snow shower spray, Happy Birthday song. Giving gifts and then dinner.

Teenagers and cousins snapping selfies with birthday boy who was unaware what was going around him. Soon the birthday boy started to cry after seeing all the flashes of cameras and I guess the diamond necklace was poking him!

I saw the gift given to the birthday baby. It contained golden ornaments, some cash and even laptops and bicycles which were too big for him.

Once I went to my friends town which was famous for its embroidery. One evening I went for window shopping with my friend in the area which was full of embroidered pillow covers, bags, purses, etc.

Suddenly I came across a beautiful hand bag. I went near the stall and asked the shop keeper it's price. It was young couple. They both looked happy and charming. The girl in the stall was healthy and beautiful. She had a beautiful smile. She looked gorgeous without any ornament on her body.

The man said the cost of the bag was $20. My friend found it costly and stated to bargain. My eyes caught on a small baby nearby. He looked healthy and happy and had worn simple clothes. I was so curious that I asked them who the baby was.

The girl replied with a smile," He is our baby."

"Oh! Why did you bring him to the market?" I asked curiously.

"Unfortunate we cannot keep him home because we don't have anyone at home. " She replied hesitantly.

"What about the neighbours? "

"Oh! No! They all working in different place in this area, so we bring him with us."

I always loved to speak with people and know their livings .

"How do you manage your home and work?"

"In the morning I wake up early in the morning and work on the designs and housework chorse. My husband loose after then baby and later he does the work and I look after the baby. In the evening we bring the baby here." She replied.

"So are you literate? "

"Uhhhh! No. I cannot read or write and this is our family business. His family used to do this business and in town my family did the business. So I know how to design stuffs. But my husband had studied upto middle school so he can read and write."

"Oh! How old is your child ?" I asked.

"He is one year old and today is his birthday. "She smiled and continued, "I want my baby to study hard and live a better life. I want him to enjoy rest of his life. We have suffered a lot and we don't want to him to suffer. "

Till now the bargain act between my friend and the man was over. The man was nit not ready to reduce the price. Myfriend didn't buy the purse and pulled my hand to leave. One again I saw that healthy boy smiling at me. It was his birthday. Then I remembered the that wealthy five star hotel party. Eveyone have their own fates. It was his destiny that he was born in here.

My heart said that I should give him a gift. I opened my purse and removed $30 dollars and pressed it on his small fist and we started to walk.

Suddenly I heard a call from behind, " Miss, Miss..."

We turned back and that woman from the stall said," Miss, please take your money back. We are not beggars. We have our self -respect. We don't need anyone's sympathy. "

I could sense anger on her face. I said to her," Oh! This is for the baby. I thought of giving him a gift. It's being 10 minutes and we have spoken to each other and now I know you! This is a token of love from me to my newly made friend's son. The money is my blessing."

Her eyes were moist. She said," Miss, everyday many people come and go in our shop. But it was always about the business. They all treated us like business people and never as a human. It was you who had showed some tender love and came my baby blessings. "She removed the beautiful bag and kept in my hand and said," I hope God fills this bag with prosperity and happiness. "

Then I saw at the baby who was still smiling. I had lots of tensions that day but seeing their smile my tensions vanished away like the gust of winds takes away all the dust.

Then I remembered the thought of Stephen Hawking :-

Remember to look up at the stars and how down at your feet.

Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist.

Be curious and however difficult like may seem there is always something you can do and succeed at.

It matters that you don't just give up.

I sat in the car and soon the car roaded on the silent roads where it was just the stars and me.

Look at the stars, see their beauty and in that beauty - see yourself!

Looking at the stars reminds me to Keep Flying Higher

and to

Fight like a Fighter!

Soon it started to become dark and those little celestial bodies started to shine brighter than before!

I stared at them and felt like they all were smiling at me.

April 29, 2020 11:18

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06:10 May 19, 2020

Nice comparative aspect covered. Keep flying higher.


Vidisha Gawas
02:44 Jul 11, 2020

Thank you so much


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