Drama Fiction Teens & Young Adult

Getting an ideal regular paid job wasn’t something Karen was used to. She has had a swell time using what she has to get what she wanted. She has had strings of relationship just for the fun of it. She has travelled to cities to explore and have a one night stand. Svelte, blonde hair with an irresistible ethereal beauty, she’s sometimes called a 'goddess of beauty'. She walks with a gait that one can't help but turn and look. She relishes being the cynosure of all eyes and a scent of attraction. She once asked a friend how does she feels been a show stopper and her friend's response was 'great' but hers was ‘ecstasy’.

She woke up one morning, tired of all the event around her. “I can’t forever be stunningly beautiful . I can’t be forever young. What then happens when there’s a change? I'll become oblivion and relegated,” she thought within. The youngest of a family of three girls, she takes so much pride in her beauty that her older sisters had become envious of her. Her mother had always warned her not to allow her endowed looks to get so much into her head and that if not put under check, it will rob her off the beauty of life and cost her so much sorrow. She had ignored her mother’s advice umpteen times but now has decided to change and get a new lease of life.


“Oh! Hello! How can I help you?” the lady turned to look at her.

“I’m here to see if I can get a job. I mean if there’s a space for me here. I don’t mind.”

“Yeah! I like that, 'a space for me here,' because a place like this is not meant for pretty girls like you but the runway as well the big shows,” the lady responded with brows lifted.

“Please I just need a regular paid job. I have bills to pay and some schedules to meet. Moreover pretty girls need to work hard for the money.”

“Oh! I can see. Hmmmm, you’re indeed a wise one. I kind of like you. Can you come tomorrow? I'll talk to my boss on your behalf. Am sure he'll need someone like you.”

“Oh! Thank you so much. I indeed appreciate your kindness,” Karen replied with so much joy.

“You are much welcome,” the lady replied.

Working in a shopping mall wasn’t something she ever wanted but with time she got used to the whole drama. She had other bigger plans but wanted to use this as a starter. She wanted to enrol in a college and go into modelling, her long time dream. She was so hardworking and committed and that endeared her to her boss.

“Good morning Mr Ross, I was told you sent for me,” she spoke with so much ambivalence.

“Good morning. Yes indeed. Please, sit down.”

“Thank you,” she responded as she took her seat.

“At first I was skeptical about employing you. I haven’t had much of pretty girls like you working here and I do understand. They don’t really have a place here. This isn’t their world. But you have proved different. You are a rare specie. I can say one in a million. You haven’t only just worked but have been very hardworking and committed. Am grateful I listened to Angela. Well done.”

“Thank you. It’s an honour”

“If there’s any problem whatsoever please feel free to come to me. I'll try to be of help,” he spoke with an assuring smile.

She thanked him and took her leave. She wasn’t used to kind gestures like that. Most men she had known would want to take advantage of her. They would want to go under the sheets with her not minding her price. She has indeed met a different specie.

She was at work one day when a tall handsome man walked in. Immediately, she recognised him. She had had a one night stand with him and since then he had been on her trails. He was crazy over her and had begged her on the phone several times. She had changed her number because of him. Although suave and debonair and the desire of ladies, she wasn’t interested in having an affair, she was only catching her fun. She pulled down her cap and hurriedly walked past not knowing he had already seen her. 

It was evening. She was through for the day and it was time to go home. She changed from her uniform and waved her colleagues goodbye. She never knew that the man was parked around watching her. He had seen her clearly and was indeed convinced she was the one person he knew. He was indeed obsessed with her and could not wait for another day. He drove beside her and came out of his car.

“So we've finally met again. Why have you been avoiding me?”

“Why are you here? What do you want from me?” she asked stuttering, surprised to see him.

“Can’t you see. Am head over heels. Am crazy in love with you. Please just take me in”

“No! Definitely not! You're not crazy in love. You're just infatuated. You're just desirous of having me in bed some more times and after that I'll become a worthless work of art in your gallery. I have met and seen your likes. Your love for me is not true. Please can I take my leave.”

“No! Never! I won’t lose you this time around,” he grabbed her hand firmly.

“Don’t. Please you're hurting me. Please let go off me then we’ll talk,” she pleaded.

She later screamed for help when he refused to let go off her. Fortunately, there was a police vehicle on patrol. They came out of their car and saved her from her obsessed lover. He was arrested. She thanked the police officers. They asked her few questions and told that she might be asked to come to the station if they need more clarification. She thanked them once more and left for home. It was an escape for her from her dark past.

November 06, 2020 05:05

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