Do you know who I am

Submitted into Contest #96 in response to: Write about someone welcoming a stranger into their home.... view prompt



It was around 3:30 p.m April was sitting down on the couch watching tv with Zeus, who's the family dog. The doorbell rang and Zeus looked out the window and started barking when she noticed a man outside. He had on torn jeans, a t-shirt that said' Be Nice', he has long brown hair that goes down to his shoulders, and hiking shoes.

"April who is at the door mom asked? "I do not know, I have never seen him before. "Should I open the door April said".No call your dad to come downstairs to open the door mom said." He can take a break from fixing the pipe under, the bathroom sink mom said".Your father is a big guy, and it might scare this man. "You never know what a person will do that comes to someone's house you do mom said". Ok, April yelled upstairs and said dad can you come downstairs, and to see what this man wants that rang our doorbell April said"?.Why can't your mother open the door, I am busy. Mom is busy preparing supper, and she does not want me to answer the door in case he is dangerous April said". "I will be downstairs in a minute, I need to wash my hand's dad said".

Dad opened the door and asked the boy what do you want?" The stranger said I was hiking Sam's Park. That is only a few minutes away from your house. I know that park you are talking about. "I go with my family sometimes for a hike at that park dad said". "Sorry for interpreting you now tell me why you came to my house dad said"? I fell on some rocks when I was coming down the mountain. When I got up I notice blood under my kneecap. I looked in my backpack, and I do not have any bandaids. That is why you see my jacket wrap around my left leg. There was no one on the trail to ask for a bandaid. I notice your house when I walked back to my truck."I thought maybe you can give me some bandaids to put on my cut and a trash bag to throw out my jacket stranger said?"

I understand what happened to you. Lucky for you my wife is a nurse. Come in so she can put a bandage on your cut, and my name is Al. I can stay outside, I can put my own bandage on my cut, and I need the trash bag for the jacket stranger said".

I want you to come in and I will get a chair, for you to sit on. I am going to tell my wife Sarah what happened to you, and she will get the bandage. Al went into the kitchen and said Sarah the person who rang our doorbell hurt himself and needs a bandage. "He got a cut when he fell down after a hike at Sam's Park Al said"

Al had the chair for the stranger to sit on. This is Sarah my wife and she will be putting the bandage on you Al said". "Sarah said I need to clean your cut first before I put the bandage on you". "It might hurt a little." I understand the stranger said".

"Thank you for putting a bandage on my cut, and giving me a trash bag the stranger said". Why don't you stay for supper, food is already on the table, and you must be hungry. "I made meatloaf, mash potatoes, and carrots Sarah said". "I am hungry and I have a two-hour drive the stranger said". What you made I do like.

Sarah said to April can you put another dish and glass, and silverware on the table we have a guess for supper.

May I have a face cloth and hand towel to wash up, before

I sit down to eat the stranger asked? I will go get the face cloth and hand towel, and my name is April." Thank you April, the stranger said".Zeus went up to the stranger and licked his hand. The stranger pet Zeus. Then Zeus went on her dog bed near the kitchen. Do you have any dogs? No, where I live they do not allow animals. Hopefully, someday, I will have a dog." You will be good with dogs,I say that Zeus doesn't always go to strangers, that come into our home Sarah said". She will hide somewhere until they leave.

I notice she falls sometimes why is that? stranger asked? The vet says Sarah said," Tears came down Sarah's face, Al gave her a hug. "I am sorry I asked the stranger said". That is ok just sad because she is only five years old. She is very unique and she likes to talk." I pray to God that a miracle will come for her Sarah said". Maybe you will get a miracle." I do hope so, she is just too young Sarah said"

April came back with the face cloth and hand towel and handed it to the stranger. The stranger thank her. Where is your bathroom the stranger asked? It is down the hall, and on the right April pointed to show the stranger.

The stranger sat down at the table and started to eat. Al asked the stranger what is your name? I have a name that people do not understand, and I have to explain what my name means." Dad leave him alone and let him eat. He had a hard day April said".The stranger did not say anything. The father did not ask his name again.

May I be excused from the table, I need to go to the bathroom stranger asked?" Yes, you can and I need to change your bandage again.; I see blood through the bandage I put on you Sarah said". "That is ok I need to go home it is already 5:30p.m the stranger said. "It won't take long Sarah said" . "I will think about it the stranger said".

When the stranger was walking to the bathroom, he passed a desk and grab a pen. He went into the bathroom. He wrote on a piece of toilet paper. He wrote I want to thank you for your kindness, and you took care of me. A miracle will come to Zeus.

Remember to believe in me J. He put the note on the sink.

Sarah, April, and Al were sitting on the couch watching the news. "April said mom, dad he has not come out of the bathroom yet. it has been ten minutes. I am going to go see what is going on, I want to make sure he is not hurt April said." April went to the bathroom and saw the door was open and a note on the sink .she read it and was surprised what she saw. Mom, dad you need to hear the note the stranger left, April read the note out loud. Sarah said oh my god all this time we had Jesus in our house. Zeus got up from her bed and did not fall. I got my miracle Sarah said.

June 04, 2021 01:15

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