Love at first sight

Submitted into Contest #16 in response to: Write a story that involves love at first sight.... view prompt

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Love at first sight

I have always wished for love at first sight. I have never felt love. My name is Brooklyn Payce. I am eighteen, and all I want is to feel a zing of love when I look at someone. I love my family, but that’s way different. I just want to at least have a crush on someone that likes me. 

I am kind of a freak though. I'll have a crush on someone, but then when they start to like me, I automatically pull away. I guess I just want what I can’t have?

There was this one guy though. Layton Brown. He was quite a catch. I was visiting my cousins in California about a year ago. I went to the beach with my guy cousin Jake. We were just going for the day because I live in Utah, so I never get anything like this. I was really excited to just spend a day doing nothing. I pulled my honey blond, naturally curly hair up into a messy bun. I was wearing my favorite swimsuit to. It was a blue one piece with yellow and pink floral patterns. We were laying in the sand when I heard a voice that I didn’t recognize. That’s when it all started. It was Jake’s friend Layton. “Hey dude. What are you doing here?” Layton was talking to Jake. I was wearing sunglasses, and tried acting like I didn’t care that he was here. “Hey bro. I’m just chillin. My cousin wanted to come to the beach for a day, so I took her. What are you doing?” My cousin replied. Now I sat up and nodded. I was trying to play hard to get. It didn’t work. He nodded back and I felt it. The zing. I felt the zing. I got these crazy feeling butterflies and so I panicked. I just layed back down and felt like an idiot. 

Jake was almost eighteen. He’s only six months older that me, but he likes to act like he’s six years older. So I knew he was going to find some way to embarrass me “Brooke you wanted to learn how to surf. Layton can teach you.”  Whoop there it is. I looked at him with a glare and replied in a snarky sassy tone. “I don’t have a surfboard Jake.” Layton piped in. “I have one you can borrow. How long are you here for?” I looked at him and said “Four weeks.” Layton smiled at me. “I can teach you every morning from seven to nine.” He seemed really nice. But I didn’t want to come on too strong. I looked up at him, “Thank you. That is very kind. But I don’t have a car.” I said. Seven was actually way too early.”Don’t worry. I’ll drive you and wake you up.” Said Jake with an evil, twisted smile. “K. Great. Thanks for agreeing Layton.” I said and smiled at him.

I layed back down on the beach towel while they kept talking. Then Jake asked me to go into the water with them. I declined the offer because I needed to tan. I thought that they left to go play in the ocean, but then before I knew it, I was soaking wet. They found a bucket and splashed me. I took off chasing Jake and swearing that I was going to kill him. 

Long story short, Layton gave me lessons, and then he had a girlfriend. I talked to Jake about it, and he said that he didn’t know that Layton was dating anyone. He felt really bad. I was really sad. We had had a real connection. And that was that. I haven't talked to him since. I have talked to Jake though. They are still best friends. 

I’m going to stay with them tomorrow though because I am performing at Disneyland. I just hope I don’t see Layton. 

My cousin and his parents are coming to watch me because my parents can’t make it. I am going to be there all day Friday and Saturday. We are going for rides on Saturday, and I am performing on Friday. They are picking me up at the airport in the morning. I am so excited! It’ll be great!


I am in California! I just got off the plane and found my family. “Cous! How are you!” Said Jake with a hug and a smile. “I am great! How are you?” I say returning the hug. “Great!” He replies. “I look at his parents and give them both a hug. “Thank you guys for picking me up! And thank you for letting me stay with you, and for taking me to Disneyland!” “No problem! We love you!” Replied my aunt Linda. 

When we got to their house and I asked Jake if we could go to the beach. It was only Wednesday, and I had till Sunday here. I needed to abuse it. He said yes, so I got ready.

On our way to the beach, Jake look at me all serious like. “Yes?” I ask feeling a little weird. “Layton has been asking me for your phone number. I didn’t give it to him. I know that he hurt you, so I wanted to ask if it was okay with you first.” He said. Jake’s an only child. So am I. He is like a brother to me. A really really great big brother. I replied. “Layton was the closest thing to love at first sight that I have ever felt. But him hitting on me and then finding out that he had a girlfriend was really hard. So if you don’t mind, just tell him I’m over him.” I was over him. He seems like a player, and I don’t want to be hurt again. He just looked at me, smiled, and nodded.

We went to the best beach spot. It was the least crowded, and it was a great place to surf. I keep a surfboard at their house for when I come down and visit. Me and Jake have the same design, but different colors. We both brought ours today. “K. I’m gonna go catch some waves- Let me rephrase that. I’m gonna go TRY to catch some waves.” I said laughing. “Okay. I’ll be there in a minute.” He said. 

I was in the water for about an hour when I came out to grab some water. Someone said my name. I looked around but didn’t see anyone. That was until I saw Layton. “Brooklyn! Hey! How are you?” He was trying to make small talk. Small talk that I didn’t want. “Fine.” I said not looking at him and walking away. Jake must have seen this because he ran up to me with a water bottle. “Water? You were looking good out there Brooke!” He said. I gave him a look of gratitude. I started walking over to our setup when Jake started talking to Layton. I only heard bits and pieces because they were being very discreet. I heard Layton ask Jake why I was neglecting him, and then Jake said something about his girlfriend, then I stopped caring. I put down my water and headed for the ocean again. 

I passed by Layton and Jake when I heard Layton say my name. I didn’t turn though. I just acted like I didn’t hear him. As I was walking, I stepped on something really sharp. It stabbed my foot, and I fell to the ground with a cry of pain. Jake and Layton came running. Jake looked at the bottom of my foot, and Layton looked for what cut it. My foot was all bloody and looked like I would need stitches. Layton said he found a piece of glass. They carried me to the car, and Jake drove me to the hospital. 

This means no more beach this trip. No Disneyland. No dance. I was going to Disneyland for dance, and now I have let down my team. 

A tear started streaming down my face. “Brooke. You’ll be okay. I promise. I know it hurts, and I know you’re scared about not being able to perform, but I promise it will all be okay.” He said in a very reassuring voice. It actually helped me to calm down a little bit.

We pulled up the urgent care, and Jake helped me get inside. He went to go tell the doctors what was happening. They got me in right away. When they cleaned it up they found another piece of glass inside my foot. It hurt so bad. 

I was really scared. They said that the were going to have to do twelve stitches. Six inside, and six outside. I knew that it was going to hurt, but I’m tough.


I got back to my aunt’s house, and I took a nap, I was really tired. I am on crutches, and the doctors said that I’m not supposed to walk for at least two weeks. But I’m just gonna tape it up, and put on an ankle brace for the arch support. There is no way I’m not going to the beach or dancing at Disneyland.

I woke up from my nap a few hours later and went downstairs. It was 5:45. The sun was going to start setting soon, so I decided to take a walk to the beach. I didn’t tell Jake because I wanted to be alone, and I didn’t know where he was. But I did tell my aunt and uncle so they wouldn’t worry about me. 

I got to the beach and sat on the pier. It would be another half hour or so till the sun would set but the sound of the waves and the soft wind was all I needed. 

I had been sitting by my myself peacefully for about twenty minutes when I heard someone say my name. I looked up and it was Layton. The last thing I wanted was to talk with him. I looked away and tried to ignore him. It didn’t work. “Brooklyn. I know that you’re really mad at me, but I honestly didn’t mean to hurt you. I wasn’t trying to lead you on. I promise.” That was when I looked at him and decided to keep being bitter. “I don’t really care Layton. We don’t even live in the same state. Why do you care if I forgive you or not. I honestly have no feelings for you anymore.” I refused to look him in the eyes. I was tired, and I had a really long day. “Just listen-” I cut him off. “Can we have a conversation later? I came to the beach for some quiet and calming ALONE time. It has been a long day and I am not in the mood.” With that I stood up and hobbled away.

When I got back to the house, I went into the kitchen to get a water bottle. My aunt, uncle, and Jake were all eating dinner. “Hey honey. How was the beach? Want some dinner?” Asked my aunt. “I’m not hungry but thank you. I think I’m gonna turn in for the night.” I replied. 

Jake knows me better than anyone. So I should have known that he would come upstairs and ask me what was going on. “Brooke. What happened? I have never known you to turn down pizza.” He said. “Layton keeps trying to talk to me. You think he could take a hint.” I complained to him. He looked at me. “Brooke. I think you still like him. Why do you have to ignore him? Why can’t you just talk to him and tell him why you’re mad. It does no good telling me.” I opened my mouth to argue, but then realized that he was right. I needed to give what I thought love at first sight was a chance.

I hurried down to the beach hoping hat Layton was still there. He was sitting on the beach near the waves staring out at the ocean. I hurried as fat as I could to get him. “Layton. I-” Than I stopped. He turned around and saw me. He immediately jumped up and walked over to me. “Brooklyn?” He said obviously confused. “Layton. I was talking to Jake and I realized that the closest thing to love at first sight is you. I knew that when we met years ago. I was just so hurt that I tried to push those feelings aside.” I looked up into his blue eyes trying to figure him out. That was when he stooped down and gave me a kiss. 

At that exact moment, I believed that those butterflies where love. Love at first sight.

November 21, 2019 18:12

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1 comment

Debra Caples
13:56 Nov 30, 2019

It's LAID not layed and you never capitalize he after a quotation. You get some of your verb tenses mixed up. Is it present tense or not? I, too, had one of those Italian thunderbolt moments and have always wondered what happened to the guy. I knew him for just a few hours and then he was gone.


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