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Urban Fantasy Middle School

It’s crazy to think that this morning, I woke up at 7:03 a.m., like normal, got dressed in my flamboyant clothes, ate a quick meal consisting of Lucky Charms cereal, and headed off toward junior high. My name is Jaden, and this is my story of how one library book changed my life. 

I was never one for popularity, and when I arrived at school, I saw only one person was waiting for me. That’s Gem. (Her parents were going through a “We’re gonna’ be rich!!” faze, and went to Diamond Crater to search for diamonds, quickly retiring back to their posh hotel bedrooms to take a “nap”. Gem is a tall, 5’6”, skinny girl with a knack for art. She looked like what you would imagine an artist to look like, spiky hair, colorful clothes. We started toward the school.

“Hey, what time is it?” Gem asked. I responded with the time, but I wondered why Gem didn’t look at her phone. But before I could ask, the first bell rang through my ears, and we headed our separate ways to our first period classes. My first class was Literature, and we were reading some basic stories, same things as always. But then, towards the end of class, our teacher sent us to the library. As we arrived, our loud voices filled the cavernous room, and our feet patterned against the floor. I saw a flash of black, but then it was gone. Where it was, there was a single book. 

It was a big book, but none of the other students seem to notice it, sitting innocently on the table. They spread out around the library, looking for a book that fit the standard set by Mrs. Aberwall, our Literature teacher. As I picked up the book, I felt a soft breeze wafting through my hair, but once again, nobody in my whole class noticed, so I opened the large, leather textured book, and began to read. As I drifted across the pages, I saw that it was a book of diaries. But in every diary, there was a mention of a sudden popularity spurt. I kept going, reading every tidbit and more of the words, soaking it up as if in the Sahara, with water finally appearing for the trek.

Eventually, the bell rang for end of the period, and I ran back to class to see everyone already gone, including Mrs. Aberwall. As I hurried to get my bag packed, I flipped through the book one last time, before shoving it into my rose gold colored backpack, and promising myself I would read it later that night. As I hurried to my next class, there was nobody in the halls. I wondered if the bell had rung already. But as I slowed my pace, next to my upcoming class, the bell finally rang with the uber-high-pitched tone blaring in my ears. I raced into my seat, nonchalantly taking out my things from my bag as the teacher stood in the front of the room. He started the lessons per usual, and I only partially listened, aching to read the book again. I debated taking it out, and pretending it was my textbook, but quickly decided against it. Throughout the day, the urge to read just kept getting stronger, until, as I walked home, I felt that I would faint without it. 

I stumbled through the front door, and went quietly up into my room to read the book some more. I had yet to discover a title, and just called it The Book for myself. As I skimmed the pages, I noticed something was off. The pages I had already read were gone! Replaced by newer stories I hadn’t read, they only got stranger. In these stories, I saw some of the most popular girls in my grade, writing in this seemingly magical book of fantasies. I read until midnight, and just couldn’t put it down. 

The next day, it only got weirder. Remember when I said I wasn’t much for popularity? Well today when I arrived at school, it seemed that everyone was waiting for me. As I headed toward my class, I wondered if everyone was brainwashed or something. They were all following me, even though I was sure some of them had classes the other way towards the art room. As I practically sprinted towards the Music room for first period, I realized that once I stepped over the threshold into class everyone stopped following me. Why? I wondered. Then I realized they would rather be out of trouble for not going to homeroom, then follow the popular kid. 

As I went through class I could practically feel the eyes blazing through my head. I knew this had to do something with The Book, and could not wait to return it to the library to get this newfound popularity gone. I didn’t like being watched by people all the time, and didn’t realize that it was bound to happen when you are popular. For some reason, I actually pitied people who were the talk of the town because of that. 

After class, I raced toward the library, only to realize it was closed. Then, I saw a flash of black from the corner of my eye. I followed it to the Women’s bathroom. It pulled off it’s hood, and there stood Gem. “Gem! What were you doing? Do you know something about The Book?” I yelled. She just laughed and turned around. Her eyes were a pearly white, and I could not believe my eyes. “What happened?” I asked, wondering if I was safe or not.

“The Book, as you call it, is a magical item. I am the owner. It will make the holder, you, the center of attention for one day. But, sadly, after it is used I must leave. I cannot stay.” She frowned and said, “By the way, I need that.” And the book flew from my hands. And that was the last time I saw Gem. I still to this day wonder if I had actually been in contact with Gem, but I have pictures to prove it. The End.

April 26, 2021 16:17

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1 comment

Lexie Palmer
16:19 Apr 26, 2021

I wrote this story in hopes that the readers would realize that popularity is not everything. Thank you for reading my first "published" story, and I hope you have a great day! (:


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