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Genre; Trilling romance, suspense

Written by; Favour Abiola

Chapter 1

Clara Rosy, a high school girl walked into the school compound feeling excited to see her friends and most especially her boyfriend.

She entered the school building and walked directly to her class

Baby; her boyfriend, Mike called when she got into the class

How are you doing? She questioned smiling

Not fine; he said and stared away

She squeezed her face and held his cheeks 

What’s wrong with my sweetheart this early morning? She asked still holding his cheeks

Why are you late today? Don’t you know how long I have been waiting for you? He asked

She smiled

Huh, I’m so sorry sweetheart, she said staring into his eyes

Fine, alright; kiss me; he said

Really? She asked smiling

Yeah baby; he said excitedly

Alright; she said and moved her face closer to his

She kissed him passionately

I love you Mike; she said unlocking from the kiss

I love you too Clara; he said smiling

Alright, let’s settle down for class; she said seating on her chair

Not long after, the electric bell rang and the lecturer entered

He then, started teaching

After some minutes, the bell rang and he walked out

Baby, let’s go for break; Mike said facing Clara

Alright sweetheart; she said standing up from her seat

They both walked out of the class together and turned to the direction of the canteen

Not long after, they got to the canteen and ordered for their food

They gisted and laughed as they ate

Mike picked up his fork and digs it into his food then placed it in front of her mouth

Clara in amusement ate the food and chew happily

Clara also did the same for Mike and they laughed

They kissed each other passionately as they ate 

The break ended and the next lesson began

They attended the first lesson together and after some minutes, it’s closing.

They both entered Mike car as it drove into Mike’s apartment

Mike is a guy born from a rich family. He was built his own apartment and that’s where he and his girlfriend do have fun.

They alighted from the car and entered into Mike’s private apartment

They settled down on the couch

Clara laid her head on Mike’s leg as he played with her hair 

They gisted and laughed happily

Not long after, their mood changed and they began romancing each other

They kissed each other for about an hour 

Gradually, Mike started caressing her boobs

He unzip her shirt and trousers and not long after, she became naked

They had hot s*x for about 2 hours until they became tired

Mike drove Clara home and drove back to his apartment

That was the last day they met each other because that same day, Clara’s dad, who was a custom officer was transferred to another country entirely; their new branch in abroad.

After hearing the news, Clara became sad 

How can she cope without her boyfriend?

How possible is it?

Is she gonna call him that he should forget about her?

Is it also possible for her boyfriend to cope without her?

Or is she gonna inform her dad that she can’t go with him?

Find out in chapter 2.













Clara didn’t know what else to do since she called her boyfriend and told him about it but he cried and begged her never to leave him alone in this country, he said he can’t do without her.

She was so disturbed

She also can’t do without her boyfriend because he was so special to her

She can’t tell her dad that she won’t be able to go because he is a very strict man

He doesn’t take nonsense and according to his workplace, he must go with all his family members.

She is left with no choice than to leave for abroad

They packed out that same day and flew out of the country

Ever since Clara went, Mike wasn’t like before

He became sick for months 

He doesn’t chat or talk with any body

His life became miserable

He had four different accidents while driving because he wasn’t concentrating

Same with Clara, she was never like before

She isn’t jovial and free with people like before

Even in her new school, she had no friend

She is always moody in class

Days passed, months passed and years passed







Clara sat in her office chair compiling some documents together

Not long after, there was a knock on the door

Come in; Clara said 

The door opened and her secretary entered

Any problem? Clara asked facing up

Not really ma’am but you have visitor; she said

A visitor? Didn’t I tell you not to allow any visitor that I’m very busy right now? She yelled at her

I’m so sorry ma’am but he insisted on seeing you, he is the owner of M.S Building and construction company. He said he needed to see you urgently; my secretary said

M.S Building and Construction Company? I asked squeezing my face

Yes ma’am; she said

That reminds me of my Mike’s father company. Or is it another company entirely? I thought

Let him come in; I said

Okay ma’am; she said and walked out

Not long after, I heard a knock on the door

Come in; I said 

The door slightly opened

I stared up and to my surprise, it’s………it’s MIKE

My eyes widened immediately

Tears rolled down my eyes

Mike, I called in tears

My baby; Clara; he said and ran to hug me

We embraced each other for some minutes

We unlocked from the hug and he held my face and kissed me as we used to do back then

I feel so happy to see him again

I love you Clara; he said in tears

I love you too Mike; I said

We embraced each other again

So how did you know my company? I asked after we have settled down

Well, while I was scrolling through the internet one day and came across your company name with your pictures on it. I searched for the address and wrote it down somewhere. Luckily for me, our company did another branch here in New York and my dad transferred me here so I used the opportunity to visit you; he said

I feel so happy to see him again

We get along again and see each other every day after work or during lunch time.

One day, he proposed to him

I was really surprised

I feel so happy and excited to marry him

He introduced me to his parents and they liked me

I also introduce him to my parents and they welcomed him well

Our wedding date was set and I was really excited about it

Days passed and we got married

We lived happily ever after.


Clara and Mike are made for each other, aren’t they?

So how was the story so far?

I need sweet comments.

Love you all

Brought to you by Favour Abiola

August 09, 2020 18:41

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1 comment

B.T Beauregard
04:37 Aug 20, 2020

Here from the critique circle. Great job!! My only advice is maybe go back and fix some punctuation and tense mistakes. Love how it had a happy ending. Keep writing!! :)


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