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the night just started, the red sky turned purple and faded to black. all they cared for the money that they planned about. it has been years and they finally got a perfect place to rob. it is a place almost twenty blocks away from the hideout. the place is not much like a hideout but it is a dark place that people don’t notice promptly. they wanted a place like this to stay, if it was a visible place, it would be hard to hide. they shaped everything to date, everything they wanted. there was no chance for a mistake. they practiced for this night, they are a bit auspicious, they found a perfect date to even rob a bank. there were clowns for guards, there were a lot of drawers, there were passwords to crack, there were files to check and there was an exhaust plan, which they possibly would have never forgotten. that was their last hope if this robbing doesn’t work.

“how much hard could this be, if we planned it to a limit where people can become doctors, if I would have studied this hard I surely would have become. I don’t think being a doctor would be fun, this an amazing experience, I cannot tell how happy I am to do something that much people only think of doing”, one of the robbers in the black leather jacket thought. he didn’t know much about the other’s thoughts but he was pretty sure that they related to him.

“Everything we do, this is my last chance, if there is just a suspicion for me in this robbery, I am definitely ending up in-, before he could complete his thinking, a man started that came out to be the planner of the robbery, he has got a sharp brain.

“Listen, everyone here”, everyone stopped their hands and legs and concentrated on what the man tried to speak.

“I know we are practicing for years and we are sure we will be successful in the robbery but we still have some flaws to discuss, no one will speak anyone’s names there, there are cameras with microphones, so we better stay away from those, next thing, we cannot touch a single piece without gloves, if one print we all are going down. one last thing about today, where is Nitin”?

everyone was staring at the other’s face, they had no idea where the man is, they were in their own flow.

“has anyone seen him, coz I haven’t seen him in like there days and I have no clue where he is, is he still in the plan, anyone”, the man in the yellow t-shirt asked.

no one had the answer, like him, no one has seen him in days. the problem was that he had a rescue plan if they get stuck in the incident somewhere.

“If he isn’t there, we can still go on with the plan, right”, the man standing right to leather jacket said, his clothes weren’t really seen, he was standing in true darkness. he had a tone of hopes for the plan and anxiety about the escape.

“we will still move on, if anyone else wanted to quit like Nitin, they can”, the captain had to reply to him and raise their minds, there should be no doubt when you go to banks and especially for a burglary.

“I think we are still going”, the leather jacket spoke, helping their captain.

no one else spoke anything but they nodded their heads and the captain took it as a positive sign.

“so instead of five people, we are now four people and still we can conquer this plan”.

“no we are still five people with different perceptions”, a man rose from the shadows formed in the darkness where they can barely differentiate between shadow and the man. his face was seen after a while when he came under the street light.

the light fluctuated, it blinked, stopped, and then again blinked and repeated itself, his face was seen, and then only his reflection, a blink, and his face was seen. he was no other than Nitin.

why was he here after three days, was he here with a plan, was there something that he wanted to tell us because if he wanted he could have left the room at his will and none was there to ask him, they were going for the plan when he wants there, so there was no problem with his being or not.

“Why are you here, is there something important that you want to tell us”, the yellow t-shirt asked.

“first of all, where the hell have you been, where were you these days”?

Nitin inhaled a gas of air and spoke with his full potential. he wasn’t ready to acknowledge it now but he knew he was right, he shouldn’t have done this to them but the thing he was about to do was better.

“i, I, was, I just”.

“oh, just leave the crap there and tell us, where have you been, there is no one to judge you”, the captain investigated.

“um, I was out with a thought, I was just walking from the bank and I saw people rolling around the bank, I saw hopes in their eyes, I cannot do anything to break their hopes”.

“and what about ours”, the leather jacket realized making himself visible from the darkness.

“They didn’t have to destroy hopes, our dreams are killing theirs, some of them are begging, some are just on the streets without a hint of their future, the most effective was the farmer that just wanted five hundred dollars and his concepts were crushed by out the idea of robbery”.

everyone was gawking at him, Nitin wasn’t sure that his idea touched them or to but he was certainly on his plan, he will do the best of what he thought and they won’t let the people down whom he promised.

“you got this crap in one day”, the captain started.

Nitin knew there will be a question like this because his beliefs were the most robust in their group.

“no”, he giggled with disbelief, he was certain that they will ask but he never anticipated the tone.

“no, I thought about it during these three days, I passed by the bank on Thursday and I couldn’t keep myself away from this idea”.

the man who was standing next to the leather jacket stepped up and tried to keep his words.” what are we doing now”, his redshirt was seen, but it was disturbing that the red wasn’t seen in darkness.

“you can go on in this plan, I won’t interrupt you, I was just here to tell you these words and think upon them in some time, and I will be pleased if you think on it”.

“I don’t think there is anything we can do now, except going to the bank and make out beliefs our primary identity”, no one cared who spoke this but it was all of them’s thought, they wanted to go inside the bank, and it was now or never.

they ignored Nitin and ket back on the boxes that they loaded the van with. One of them walked back into the darkness. He took some boxes from the back of the yard, someone called him and denied him to take those boxes. He kept those boxes back and came out. The redshirt was carrying one bag that he delivered to the captain. He checked the bag and it contained the guns. The captain didn’t hand the red shirt one because he might get startled and then room their plan. So they kept him away from the mess. They were busy doing their needed tasks and were ready to leave in seven minutes, the breakfasts were nearly empty, all the boxes were kept in the van which belonged to them. Nitin was still staring at them, he had faith that a single person from them will at least believe in him, no one even glanced at him, they felt his presence but tried not to divert their thoughts. The captain rose aside and ordered Nitin.

“Listen, Nitin, I know you considered that we will hear you and change our heart but that is a mixed shit, no one is gonna believe you now, instead you should leave with a bit of self-respect”.

Nitin enclosed his eyes with the captain. He tries to look away but all he could recollect was his destructiveness. He couldn’t neglect every idea that he gave to them, he spent a great time with those four, he needed the best for them. His job of advising them was complete.

“I will leave then, thank you”.

As Nitin left, the for of them submerged themselves in the van. The captain sat in the front seat with the yellow T-Shirt. The redshirt was seen at the end of the van. It didn’t have any seats after the first two. He sat on one of the boxes that they carried to fill money and papers that provided money. The leather jacket was standing half kneeled on the back of the seats, his head visible between the two seats through the gear. Their plan, that they were planning for the past three years was finally going to be successful. All the time that they have to their thoughts will yield today. The van took a turn from the right and entered the main Street.

“How dumbstruck was Nitin to decline the larceny at the end when he will just get the money”, the yellow T-Shirt started the conversation while driving.

“Ain’t gonna see bigger from than him, he is a piece of artwork, a proper shit”, the captain didn’t describe his anger.

“We are here, now everyone keeps their holes shut, no talks, just actions, keep going, uninstall all the necessary things and walk to the task”, the jacket scaled his words and moved out of the van sidings the red shirt.

All of them charged with the mask that covered every detail on their face. They were ready to break inside. While the two in the front seat jumped down and started banging the door open, the two at the back uninstalled the materials they wanted. As the room was empty inside the van, the door banged open, the sound was minor but noticeable.

they all got with the tools they wanted and entered the half-opened Shutter. all of them were wearing masks that only revealed their eyes. it was dark inside, four of them carried the torches to the drawers, the bank was a bit dusty, it was locked for a week. it was hard to stand inside without coughing, they stayed as calm as they could. the yellow t-shirt’s torch revealed the gloves that they were wearing.

the captain steered them towards some cupboards. two of them went to the cupboard and the other two searched for the key to the lockers. the red shirt passed by the vault that carried all the money inside. the vault was already open, he glanced inside, his eyes had a glimmer, they were shining. he ran straight with his torch on, he ran towards the captain, he grabbed his collar and brought him to the vault. his eyes glimmered, they carried tears in their eyes, the vault was empty, there were just two or three notes that were found lying on the ground. the four of them gathered there and stared at each other. without their own recognition words came out of their mouth.

“what the hell happened here”, the redshirt raged.

everyone was shocked listening to these sorts of words from his mouth, he was a silent sort of guy who just spoke when necessary and his words were always immeasurable but now, it was different. he spoke in rage, he was angry and he was right.

“did the bank cleared itself before we could”, the leather jacket splurted.

“why will the bank do something like this”?

before anyone could answer him the lights blasted the room, it shone with all the frequency, the fans were flying in the air, everyone had the same shocked expression on their faces. no one ever thought of this situation and if they had a scape plan they didn’t have the person who thought of the plan. footsteps were heard, people came inside the shutter, no one of them spoke any word.

“turn here, this is police, we have covered all the weapons that you had, surrender yourselves and you will see the next sun”.

all of them were wearing masks so they turned to that side. two policemen came and covered the side, another two came with the handcuffs, all the four thieves were handed to the police. the inspector went inside the vault and validated that it was abandoned.

“so you already sent all the money to your partner, okay take them in custody”.

the four policemen with the thieves and the inspector walked outside, the media followed them there and need the footage. the inspector stepped ahead and answered their questions.

“Sir, how did you reach here in time”, one of the reporters inquired.

“We got a call from someone who told us about the robbery”.

“who was the person”?

a person from the crowd stepped and stood next to the inspector, the captain couldn’t take a look at his face, he wanted to know who the person is, he leaned towards the crowd and looked at the person, it seemed like a man. he leaned further a bit, the man was Nitin. he complained about them. when he couldn’t resist the robbery he complained to the police about them.

“he is Nitin, he gave us the information and in turn, we are rewarding him 50,000 dollars in return for this information”.

the inspector handed the check to Nitin and walked with the culprits towards the police car. the police sealed the van that they came here in, they might have reached the place where they planned everything. the captain saw back and glanced at Nitin, he was smiling. he did what he wanted and he was happy now.

everything happened bad to the culprits, in the end, they were bad and bad happen to them. one thing that didn’t process the leather jacket’s brain was the empty vault, if they didn’t steal a note from the vault then why was it empty. did someone come before us and took all the money? who did this?

two men were sitting in a truck, a truck with an endnote stating,” you see what happens to you but you don’t understand what we do”.

the three men inside were talking invertedly.

“so what do you think happened to the four fools”, the man driving the truck snickered.

“what would have, they in the jail and we with the money”, the man sitting next to the driver said.

“what are we doing with this money, Nitin”?

Nitin was sleeping on the seat installed next to the driver with a pillow

“what will we, umm, I think we will go on a world tour and we can reach the airport with the complimentary fifty thousand”.

they passed the board naming Hawaii on it, they were passing by the interstate highways to Hawaii, without any fear. they had almost 12 million dollars in their hand and two people that knew how to chill. that was all they wanted.

November 17, 2020 09:14

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Ketki Trivedi
06:00 Nov 21, 2020

Liked this one too


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