Adventure Christian Teens & Young Adult




Un sugar coated.

Un blanketed.

De brided.

Cats beware.


Other cats.

(Disclaimer: Thus author is a true lover. Of all furry and not so furry animals.)

Even turtles, the animals who breathe out of their butts.

Really. It is true. They do. I love them nonetheless.

If you doubt, do not believe, look it up!

My source of the yummy (albeit gross) information is completely trustworthy. (AWA)

What more is there to do?


Not make a deal with the devil is a good start.

A deal with the devil. (gb)

Terrifying terror.

Pay close attention. (gb)

Moral compass.If you live the principles of a good and honorable life,

Life is good.

Will have to do less self explanation of all things,


Will not have to rely upon others for direction of directional deficit. IE: N, S, E, W.

”You are not a hapless dupe.” (gb)

You have the power within you to change much.


Unto us a child is born.

Within the next monthly calendar, we prepare, we pray, we light lights, we wait in anticipation of

The birth of goodness.

It is to come.

Every year at the time.

An opportunity for people to come together and wait together.


No more.

It is a process.

Of self discovery.

Of give.

Of take.

Of giving.

Of receiving.

As a recipient.

Of His great gift.

If you believe it.

You will receive it.

The message.

If you do not, yet,

Life is a confusing haze of temptation and egoistic tendencies.

”Hop on the train?”

Better late than never.


But as mentioned.

It is a process.

To prove yourself worthy of carrying the torch of not only the freedom we hold near and dear.


Stealth protection of your

Free Will.

More important than freedom.


And. No. I am not just talking out of my butt.

(appealing to the potty minds in the crowd…seeing if you are still paying attention, with me.)

You make hundreds of choices in a day.

If one happens to be the parent, the guardian of another, even more decisions, more choices.

We fault.

We fail.

We botch the recipe.

It is ok.

I am ok.

You are ok.

We are ok.


Bouncing off the energies of one another in a necessity nowadays. How? To keep up. With the boundless energy of a new pup.🙂. Keeping up with the little bundle of joy is a lesson in both patience and wonder.

We are not talking about keeping up with the Joneses.

That becomes a futile attempt and banging the head against the wall.



Not built.

Lip service.

May be the result…….

Of the unintended and con sequences of actions.

Enticements abound.

Gotta have it, him, her like so yesterday.

Except there is a lot of work to do in order to be commissioned with the protection of another.

A lot of work to do.

Devotion to someone other that the self is not for the weak or weary.

The concept of the egoism and theoism in us is complicated stuff. We all like to walk out the door and project the ultimate in confidence. Don’t we. To persevere is not only difficult.

We don’t always want to.

We feel gas lighted.

Think we are entitled to many and much things in life.

Pay back can be a bi***.

Remember to earn oneself worthy of being the recipient of

His worthy guidance and His daily lesson in humbleness.




By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

”We must not hope to be mowers,

And to gather the ripe old ears,

Unless we have first been sowers

And watered the furrows with tears.

It is not just as we take it,

This mystical world of ours,

Life’s field will yield as we make it

A harvest of thorns or of flowers.

The difference between,

”Oh thank you very much.”



We can be cutting in our own ways.



Saying what we mean and let the chips, or thorns fall where they may.

Letting and leaving someone else to pick up the pieces of the brokenness, the broken heart. The broken spirit.

The brokenness can all be repaired.

Not over night.

In some rarer cases, it may take a lifetime.

Which seems epically unfair.

God is all knowing.

He knows out to get us from point A to point B.

One way or another.

When we are at each other’s throats, we tend to bring out the very worst in one another. Stop. You may actually learn valuable information at the height of the fight.

The height of the fight.

Anything worth having—faith—is worth the daily fight. The daily doubt. The daily meltdown sometimes.

It is the dance with devil that promotes the exhaustive tendencies of oneupmanship. Not worth the two step, jig or punch square in the face. even if and when we think it will,

”Feel good.”

Patience and perseverance are a waltz.

A beautiful dance of the joy and desire to help another.

And not step all over anyone’s toes.

Know your place.

Staying in the lane is the most difficult of tasks sometimes.

I know.

He knows I know.

Blown stacks and all.

He forgives.

Implores us NOT to forget.

In repeated attempts to get back on the train.

Put our egos to the test.

Bring us back to God and His wisdom and mercies.

His mercies are new every day.

A new day.

We are given the gift to spread joy. Do good.

Scoff at dancing with the devil.


Stop it. (lk)

When a seat at the table turns out to be the test of all tests, with the family going right for the weak spot, the jugular….the reactive tendency me be to launch some potatoes right in the face of our brother, sister, cousin etcetera.

Food fight!!

All He asks of us is to yield.

In the moment.

Avoid the train wreck at all costs.

Even if others continue to participate in the demise of another.

Let them dance with their devils and demons.

And. Pray hard for their cluelessness.

November 29, 2023 16:58

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