Romance Funny Drama


Smoothing down the wrinkles that had formed on her marine blue skirt, Lucia Blythe — called Lucy by her close ones — pursed her lips into a thin smile as she glanced primly up at the young gentleman that had positioned himself on the seat opposite hers.

The pair sat face-to-face at a candlelit table, located in the far corner of the dim restaurant. The atmosphere was pleasant, thanks to the merry rings of laughter sounding in bursts throughout the room, and the faint classical musical playing from the overhead speakers. Framed paintings of gorgeous European scenery dotted the carmine-colored walls, and glittering chandeliers hung daintily on the checkered ceiling. 

Lucy would never have ever imagined of being set up for a blind date. She had remained single most of her life, but of course, she really didn't mind, and enjoyed the thrill of independence she felt whenever she found herself gazing at young couples whispering little nothings into their partners' ears. Sure, her days at work could get a bit lonesome at times, but at least she had the freedom to do whatever she desired, without having to worry about her significant other was doing, thinking, feeling, saying. Gracious. How suffocating that seemed.

Besides, blind dates were stupid.

Alas, here she was. 

"What did you say your name was, again?" Lucy asked politely, eyeing her partner cautiously. Lucy was known to be rather . . . proper, though she accepted the description as a compliment, rather than a scornful remark. Just because she had surrendered to going to a blind set up didn't mean she would allow herself to be enticed by whoever her assigned date was. He would, of course, have to have the proper manners.

Leaning forward and resting his elbows against the tabletop, Lucy's companion grinned. He had a mischeivous smile, the kind that Lucy absolutely hated. It meant that he was capable — and willing to — stir up trouble. Lucy did not need trouble.

She highly disapproved of his outfit, too — he had buttoned on a white collared tee under brown overalls, and his black tuxedo had been thrown onto the spare chair in an unkempt pile. It was also as if he had barely bothered to gel his disheveled blonde locks. Messy.

"Noah Pevensie," he replied, in a silky sweet voice that flowed through Lucy's ears like honey. His tone was muscular and attractive; the kind of tone that would have dozens of girls falling at his feet as if they were his peasants. "You're Lucy, right?"

Lucy couldn't help but stiffen in her seat, straightening her back and tilting her chin upwards. She would not allow this stranger to allure her. She would not be weak like those brainless little girls that obviously had nothing better to do than chase after handsome men. Not that Noah was handsome. He was attractive at most, if anything. Not handsome

"Correct." She kept her voice straight, neutral. 

"Cool beans." Noah flashed his crooked grin once more, before shifting his weight to one arm and twirling a fork with his free hand. Lucy couldn't help but feel a frown tug at her mouth.

Everything about Noah — from his lazy pose to his melodic purr, seemed to scream at her that she should leave. Give up on this stupid date before she wasted any more precious time. Time that could be spent on doing productive activities such as paying bills, or doing the dishes, or working, rather than fooling around with a man whom she hardly knew about. 

Of course, however, Lucy still had dignity. She would force herself to stay with this strange man with his unorganized behavior. She would force herself to swallow the greasy Italian pasta she had ordered, when it arrives. She would smile and laugh, and politely offer short-spoken replies to Noah's questions. 

And then, she would leave. 

Feeling reassured with her new plan, Lucy offered a bright smile — a real one, this time. She tilted her upper body forward, leaning lower until she was copying Noah's stance. "So," she said lightly, tilting her head to meet his emerald eyes. "Please. Tell me about yourself. I'm dying to know more.


Grabbing his bistro napkin from where it rested on the tabletop, Noah Pevensie wiped a bit of spaghetti from his chiseled chin while trying his absolute very best not to look up at her.

Her name was Lucy, and she most likely hated him. He could tell by the way she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her flat tone of voice, and her emotionless, cold gray eyes. Jeez, she could make the Sahara Desert freeze up with those eyes. All she had to do was give it an icy glare. 

Their meals had arrived awhile ago, and though Noah's noodles tasted wonderful, he couldn't help but feel super squirmy and restless. The pair sat in absolute silence, focusing on their food and bothering to say only one or two words every few minutes. 

Noah wasn't exactly sure why he was even attending this blind date. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was still practically hungover from his breakup with Emily, his ex. Or maybe he was just bored, and needed a new girl to play around with. Or maybe it was because he could finally distract himself from the unbearable pressure his parents dumped on him via every phone call. 

Obviously, this date would do wonders.

(Sarcasm. Ha.)

It was a tragedy, actually, that Lucy didn't seem to be fond of him. She was cute, with big hazel eyes and dimples that flashed even when she was scowling. Her hair was this dark, dark brown, and it stopped just above her collarbones. (She had amazing collarbones, but Noah was pretty sure that if he said that out loud, Lucy would most definitely sock him in the stomach.)

Unfortunately for Noah, she seemed to be one of those stuck-up rich kids that had attended his college. Her dress was this strong blue color, her pearl earrings looked pretty expensive, and she even wore a beret to match with her 'fit. (A matching beret. How rich was she?)

Her hair was neatly tucked behind her ears, and her posture was rigid, as if she spent every minute reminding herself to straighten her back. She held her fork and knife properly, and always said "please" and "thank you". Sitting by her, Noah felt like a total hobo.

Noah was definitely growing to dislike her more and more by the passing minute. (Even though she was freaking cute.)

"What do you like to do for fun?" Noah asked, dropping his napkin and draping his arms across his folded leg. As much as he felt uncomfortable under this girl's presence, he definitely could not bear the intolerable silence. 

Lucy pursed her lips. "I enjoy working," she said plainly, before dropping her eyes back down to her plate. 

"You must be fun at parties," Noah couldn't help but mutter.

Frowning, his date looked up. "Sorry. What was that?"


She obviously didn't believe him, but thankfully moved on: "What about you, Noah? What do you do for your enjoyment?" Lucy said the word enjoyment as if she were saying something strange, like bumfuzzle, or flibbertigibbet.

"Biking," Noah said merrily, flashing a grin and pretending to be engaged in their conversation. He definitely deserved a Golden Globe Award for his acting skills. Heck, in reality, he wished he could be back home, crying over pictures of Emily or binge watching shows on Netflix. Gracious, how he missed his couch. And his bed.

Definitely his pillow. Oh, how he loved his pillow.

"And snowboarding. I enjoy the outdoors. But I also loooooooove playing video games; I'm a home-body, you see. Watching television is another one of my hobbies. Do you watch any shows? I bet I'll recognize all of them."

He raised an eyebrow across the table towards Lucy, waiting for a reply as if he were convinced she would start listing her favorite TV shows. However, he doubted that she even had a television in her home. She probably did something boring, like writing essays or paying taxes. 

As expected, she shook her head.

"I don't have time for television," was all she said before she looked away. Noah could've sworn she rolled her eyes.

Gracious, the rest of the night was going to be agonizing.

End of Part 1.

August 27, 2020 04:15

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