Science Fiction

A scientists called Donaby Yukovic created a gaseous liquid which has the ability to react with nuclear properties and cause serious devastation to the world. He had spent ten years in his secret laboratory, making series of research in order to create this liquid. After many trials, ten years later he arrived at the exact formula he was looking for.

His target was the black market where weapons are sold in the east. There are many terrorist organization who would be willing to pay millions of dollars just to lay their hands on this formula. The International Intelligence Agency has been monitoring the activities of Dr Donaby Yukovic for a very long time. They had every reason to suspect him because of the materials he had been buying for the past ten years. According to the International Intelligence Agency, the materials he had been buying for many years can only be used to create dangerous chemical weapons.

Yukovic knew that it is only a matter of time before his secret laboratory is discovered. He had no option but to carry his formula and leave his country. He traveled to a remote island in Cambodia and lived in disguise as a fisherman. For three years the International Intelligence Agency continued searching for him because they eventually found the laboratory and carried out research to ascertain the possible chemical weapon that was developed in the laboratory.

According to them, the chemical weapon developed by Dr Yukovic has the capability to create heat waves when mixed with nuclear properties to trigger a reaction. The heat waves have the ability to travel from the place of reaction to other parts of the world within few weeks.

Things went from bad to worst when a terrorist organization from the east got the information about Dr Donaby Yukovic whereabout before the International Intelligence Agency could locate him. They arrived Cambodia and abducted Dr Yukovic and also took possession of the formula. They carried him to their base in the east and forced him to continue the process of activating the weapon by providing a nuclear reactor and nuclear properties. They encouraged him to complete the process and also promised him huge sums of money.

Dr Yukovic refused to complete the process and this made the terrorists to threaten him. They warned him to continue with the process or risk losing his life. Dr Yukovic had no alternative but to succumb to their threats. They provided the Dr with a makeshift laboratory where he continued the process of mixing the gaseous liquid with the nuclear properties to create a chemical weapon. When the process was completed, Dr Yukovic deliberately dropped the glass containing the liquid because he overhead the leader telling them to execute him after the process is completed. The glass containing the liquid broke and the content caused a heat wave that killed everybody in the compound.

The Dr and all the inhabitants of the base were burnt beyond recognition. The heat waves caused by the chemical weapon began to spread to other parts of the world. Countries that are advanced technologically, detected the heat waves spreading from the east with their Space Satellite System. These countries send messages to other countries to brace up for a heat wave that would take the world by surprise. The only way to avoid death is to go into hiding for two weeks after which the heat waves must have passed the earth to another planet. Countries of the world prepared their people rapidly and went into hiding in places that are highly secured. Where the heat waves cannot reach. People carried food supplies and water that would last them for two weeks and went into hiding. Many countries used underground bunkers. While others used caves or highly secured facilities to keep their people safe.

As the heat waves began to spread, the world became quiet because of the absence of humans. A mysterious thing happened. The heat waves did not reach a remote island in Indonesia. On this island, a boy who has been in coma for some time woke up three days after the heat waves started spreading from all over the world. He woke up from his bed in a local hospital on the island. He went outside and met an empty world with no humans. He went from one place to another, hoping to find a human being, dead or alive. There was no trace of humans after searching for a whole day. The boy went back to the hospital where he passed the night.

At another corner of the island, a man was trapped underground in a mine for two days. He spent two days digging and shifting the sand that blocked the entrance to the pit. When he finally came out of the pit, he was greeted by absolute quietness. He moved from one corner of the island to another without setting eyes on a single human being. He went to his house and found everywhere deserted.

Meanwhile, the boy at the local hospital woke up the next day hungry. He went around looking for anything edible to eat. For six days he stayed close to the hospital because he was afraid. As for the man, that came out of the mine, he was still surprised after spending some days without setting eyes on a single soul. On the sixth day, the boy was forced to leave the comfort of the hospital because of hunger. He walked to the central area of the island where he saw a grocery store. He forced the door open and saw enough food to last him months. He sat on the floor and began to devour any food he could lay hands on. The man from the mine left his house and walked to the central area of the island where he met the door of the grocery store open. He walked towards the door. As he approached the door, the boy saw a human figure approaching the door. At first, he thought he was dreaming but he later realised that it wasn't a dream. The man entered the shop and they stood dumbfounded looking at each other. They looked at each other for a very long time before the man spoke, asking the boy what happened. The boy told him he woke up six days ago from his hospital bed to find everywhere deserted. The man also narrated his story. The boy told the man that for the first time in his life, he spent six days without setting his eyes on any human. The boy later told the man that before their meeting, he thought he was the only person remaining on earth. The man told him he felt the same way before their surprise meeting.

After one week of living together and surviving on food supplies in the grocery store, they began to hear noise coming from all corners of the island. They went outside and saw people coming out from their hiding place.

April 27, 2020 15:58

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13:17 May 07, 2020

Great story. I like the twists and turns and the premise. Nice work!


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Gabriel Dallong
16:05 Apr 27, 2020

A fictional story filed with a lot of surprises.


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