
The sun shining through my window told me that it was a new day. Silencing my phone alarm I rose from my bed yawning and stretching.

Today is the day to start to make things right I told. I walked over to my study desk ignoring all the packed boxes and focusing on the calendar in front of me.

Glancing down at my plane ticket I focused on the date. Friday at 10 o'clock, I'll be boarding a flight. A flight that will be taking me to a new chapter in my life, to college, the college of my dreams. But before I go there are some things I still need to deal with.

Three days to get everything right or at least better than before. Removing my eyes from the ticket I looked at the clock on my wall. I have to get ready, I'm meeting with Adam for ten and it's thirty minutes past nine.

Ignoring the sinking feeling in my chest and all the nerves I took some deep breaths and got ready for today.

I need to make it right. I can't leave things the way there are.

Arriving at the park I scanned the area looking for Adam, spotting him I left the car and made my way to the table he sat at.

Deep breaths Lexi, you can do this.

"Adam, good morning," I said with a smile sitting down.

He removed his focus from his phone when I sat down. He beamed at me, his emerald green eyes sparkling as he looked at me. Those eyes that complemented his dark brown hair and olive skin.

Adam Davis, star track runner and golden boy of Sunrise High. Model student and friend, valedictorian of our graduating class. The boy that was the love of my life.

"Hi Lexi," he replied squeezing my hand that was on the table.

After a deep breath, I clasped his hand with my other, looked into his eyes and told him the truth

"Adam, I can't.... gosh this is hard. Adam, we can't see each other anymore," I cringed at my phrasing and sighed.

"What I mean is, we need to break up, this relationship isn't working out. You are a wonderful guy and I'm grateful for the time we had but not challenged by it. What I mean is that" I paused when I heard a chuckle.

I looked up from our clasped hands to see Adam laughing. His shoulders shaking as his eyes were shining with tears.

"Adam?" I asked confused and afraid by his outburst.

"Wow, no Lexi, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to laugh. But I also planned to end this relationship as well," he told me wiping the tears from his eyes.

"What?" I gasped shocked by this.

"Yeah, I'm not going to lie, I do love you Lexi but we're not right for each other. We don't push each other to be our best selves. I don't want to keep you back from your full potential," he told me while holding my hands.

I sat there speechless unsure of what to say or do. But looking into his eyes I knew that he spoke the truth and wasn't hurt by the split.

"Adam, you are truly one of a kind. I hope that you find the girl of your dreams. You never know she could be your next-door neighbour," I told him with a wink meaning every word.

After an hour of talking about school memories and what we expect to experience at university, I left to see an old friend. Someone that I needed to say sorry to.

"Good afternoon Mr George, is Naomi home?" I asked as her father opened the door.

"Oh Alexis," he replied. His smile wide as he recognized me, "yes sweetheart, she's in her room. I believe you know the way and it is so nice to see you again. It has been a while since Caleb left for college last year," he continued while letting me inside.

Hefting the laptop bag on my shoulder, I smiled at him, "thank you, and it has. I'm sorry for not visiting as I did before, Mr George," I replied. My smile dropped a bit as the guilt I felt for cutting them off from my life surfaced.

"Oh sweetie, it's okay. We understood that after the argument it would be awkward to come by the house. And stop with the formality. You are still family, it's Sam it will always be Sam," he told me before pulling me into a hug laughing.

Returning his hug I laughed as well and soaked in the warmth and love from him. Sam George was always a second father to me. He was a mediator between his children and me when we had fights. But this fight with Caleb was something he couldn't fix.

"Sam who was as the door?" I heard a melodic female voice say.

"Oh Gabriella, come see who dropped by," he replied as we moved to the sitting area.

I heard the footsteps behind us as they came from the kitchen. As they stopped by the entrance I turned to face Sam's wife, Gabriella. A woman that kept me sane through my middle school years and first year in high school. The woman that was my mother's best friend.

"Hi," I said with a small smile and wave.

She gasped before walking towards me and pulling me into a hug. I missed her hugs, they always smelt like cherry blossoms and a hint of the ocean.

Gabriella like my mother was from the Caribbean, an island called Trinidad. She was always smiling and happy despite the bad situations that happened. She taught me a lot of what I know today.

Especially hair tips. I inherited my mother's curly hair that was sometimes hard to maintain.

"Oh Lexi, it has been too long but I understand why but I've missed you so much love," she told me in her sing-song voice.

Though she may not hear it I've always loved the way she spoke when she wasn't being formal. Her accent would come out and her voice would intonate as if she was singing.

"I know, I'm sorry I am. I shouldn't have stayed away but I was hurting and upset, I'm sorry," I replied trying to keep the tears away.

She rubbed my back as she spoke her voice soft like cotton, " it's alright sweetie. Let it out, it has been a rough year for us especially you. Saying goodbye to your mother was tough."

As I inhaled her scent and she spoke those words, it was like a dam bursting. All my bottled up emotions exploded and I cried in her arms. I felt another pair of arms around me. I knew that Sam joined the embrace, his deep yet gentle voice joining in as they comforted me.

"Mom did you finish the brownies, I could kill for one right now. Mhmm I could smell them, oh I'm coming my..." The voice stopped as she stood at the bottom of the stairs looking at us.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I stepped away from the embrace towards her. She scowled at me, her eyes glaring hate with each step I took.

"Hi Naomi, I wanted to talk to you," I said fidgeting with the laptop, strap. Trying my best to keep eye contact but as her glare intensified. I found the wooden floor very interesting.

"No, I don't want to speak to you," she responded, her words clipped and full of disgust.

Sighing, I looked up to apologize and leave but Gabriella beat me to it.

"Naomi, Lexi came here to try and make amends. The least you could do is hear her out," she said, her voice firm leaving no room for argument.

"Dad.." Naomi whined but Sam folded his arms and gave her a stern look.

She rolled her eyes with a huff. "Fine but we're staying here," she said stomping over to the couch and dropping herself on it.

I turned to Sam and Gabriella with a small smile and mouthed a thank you. They smiled back and left to the kitchen, far not to hover over us but close in case a fight erupted.

Turning to face Naomi, I took some deep breaths. Sitting on a single chair that faced the couch but before I sat I gave her the laptop bag.

"What's this?" She asked as she took it from me.

"My apology," I said.

She threw the bag to the side of her, "I don't want it. You can't apologize for what you did," she said leaning back into the couch and ignoring me.

"You don't think I know that!" I cried out.

She faced me, her eyes glaring at me as she stood up, "you didn't come to my home to yell at me, and I don't want to hear anything, so it's best you leave."

She started to walk away but I held back her hand.

"Let go," she spoke her eyes shining with anger and hurt.

"No, that what I did last time, I'm not going to do that again," I told her firmly.

"You left me, you left me with her and she struck, after it happened you did nothing. You left me to deal with it by myself. ou left me when you promised me that you would always be there for me," she spoke softly, tears falling down her face.

"I know and I was wrong. I never wanted to leave you with her, I didn't expect her to do any of that after I spoke to her. But I didn't leave you, I never left you," I replied while wiping the tears from her eyes.

She remained silent, I took a deep breath as I told her the truth.

"After it happened I cornered her about it and we got into a fight. Which was why I wasn't in school the following day and week. But I was able to get her brother to help me out and we hacked the site and was able to delete every trace of the post."

"We still have a program running to find any copies or forms of it. It will delete it," I said moving to pick up the laptop to show her the program.

"I also keep enough evidence to get some justice and gave it to the principal. She's meeting with Farrah and her parents tomorrow." I gave her the laptop.

"Do you mean that it's gone?" She asked sounding hopeful.

Shaking my head I explained, " it's never gone as persons could have saved it. We can't access their personal files, but if it is ever posted it will be deleted. so one can post it unless they find away around the hack but after this video they won't," I told her before showing her it. 

"Video?" She asked confused.

"I made a video that is embarrassing about myself and spoke about what she did to you," I paused to close the laptop.

"I uploaded it last night. And it already has a million views and persons have started a trend I think," I said placing the laptop back in my bag.

"I appealed to their better side, asking them how they would feel if it was them in your situation. Asked that if anyone still had the video to delete it, some comments were mean. But the others stated that it was wrong what happened to you. And that they will delete the video," I told her and showed her the comments.

"It's not the best solution but it's okay. But the only way to move on is to accept it and express that you don't care about other people think about you. They don't dictate your feelings only you do," I told her pulling her into a hug.

"It hurts now," I pulled away to look at her.

"But as you grow you'll see that others opinions don't matter. See them as suggestions or ignore them," I told her with a smile.

"To hell with the haters," I shouted causing her to laugh.

I smiled as I got my friend back, I wish I didn't take so long. I needed everything to be ready and finished before I approached her.

"Come let's go before dad eats out the brownies," she said pulling me away from my thoughts and to the kitchen.

I spent the night and following day with Naomi and her family. It was great to catch up and reminisce on memories. I spoke to one more friend well ex-friend as she was behind the video scandal with Farrah. I told gave her a piece of my mind but forgave her because I understood the effect of peer pressure.

On Thursday, I spent it with Naomi and Adam finalizing last minutes items needed for my new chapter in life. Shopping with Naomi was fun and I got her some cute school outfits for her as well.

It was Friday morning and I was on my way to the airport when I messaged the last person I needed to talk to.

"You think he would reply?" I asked Naomi as she sang along to the radio.

" I don't know, he's been moody ever since that day," she said before belting out the next line.

I chuckled, Caleb moody, never thought I'd hear that.

I looked down at my phone as saw he read the message and was typing.

"He said yes," I told her and she smiled.

"I'm nervous," I said.

Caleb and I weren't on good terms, it was a nasty fight and he left the following day. It has taken me this long to realize that I need him in my life, that he made it better.

"Hey you need to get your boarding pass and get ready for your flight," Adam told me from the front seat as he parked the car.

Adam and Naomi were dropping me off, my dad, Gabriella and Sam were already in the airport waiting for us.

"Yeah I'll call him when I'm waiting for the plane," I replied while leaving the car and grabbing my luggage.

"Come on let's get you settled," Naomi spoke her voice soft as she took my carry on from me.

Deep breaths Lexi, you can do this.

"I'm going miss you all so much, you better message me every day," I said through the tears as I looked at my family.

"We will sweetheart. Be positive and take time for yourself. You'll do fine," Gabriella said pulling me into a hug which caused a group hug.

"I love you," I told them before walking through the gate to the waiting area waving until I didn't see them anymore.

I pulled out my phone then presses video call. I waited for him to pick up, hoping that he did.

"Hello?" A voice spoke.

"Hi Caleb," I replied as I took him in.

"Hi Alexis, umm I have to leave in ten minutes so I can't stay long," he spoke.

"Oh, no worries I'm not going to take much time. I wanted to apologize for last year. I'm sorry for what I said and I hope you can forgive me. Also, I sent a care package for you it should have arrived by now," I told him sort of rushing as he needed to leave.

"Yeah, I saw the package, didn't open it yet? Hey I gotta go, so it was nice talking to you," he said.

"Sure, goodbye," I replied as he ended the call.

Sigh, I did and said what I could, only time will tell.

"Good evening passengers, we are about to descend into Gatwick. Please buckle your seatbelt. Close your food trays and return your chair to its upright position as we prepare to land. Thank you for flying with us and have a good evening."

I'm here, finally here. I dealt with everything I needed to well almost everything. No fear. I'll continue to make things right with him. But right now, Staffordshire University here I come.

Okay, mom said that Aunt Lisa would be waiting at the entrance for me. So get the luggage, get cleared and meet Lisa.

About an hour after dealing with immigration, I finally got to Aunt Lisa.

"How was the flight?" She asked taking one of my suitcases.

"It was okay, long but fine," I told her as we walked to the exit.

We talked over the plan to get me settled in Staffordshire when I heard someone shout my name.

Confused I paused and turned towards the direction of the shout.

"Caleb?" I asked shocked and a bit nervous.

"Hi stranger," he said. His hands were in his pockets but his eyes were looking at me and his smile was wide and a little mischievous.

"You came? You actually came?" I asked walking towards him still shocked at his appearance.

"How could I not," was all he said before he pulled me into his arms crushing me in a hug.

"I missed you," I said as I returned his hug, "I'm sorry about everything, I am?" I continued knowing that I was crying.

"I'm sorry Lexi. I missed you so much and despite everything I'm not going to let you go, never again," he told me kissing my forehead.

"Never again?" I asked looking into his blue-green eyes with a hopeful smile.

"Never again."

Posted Aug 08, 2020

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