Suspense Teens & Young Adult Sad


Waking up in a coma is hard for Mariya- a 23 years old woman who has a fair skin, she has mesmerizing forest eyes that everyone liked, a pointed nose, thin lips, and her hair dyes with this description are perfect for gray coverage. Has yellow and blue pigments to cover gray.

She is now in a park watching the children play, and waiting for her best friend Vera. They're planning to bond- watch movie, play in arcade, go to her favorite fast food, and lastly picnic- she and Vera loved to go on picnic.

"BEST FRIEND!!!" the lady shout. When she looked at her back, she saw her best friend Vera running to her.

She immediately smiled and hugged her as she approached her seat. "I missed you Vera." she said.

"I missed you too..how are you? are you okay now don't you hurt or what?"

Mariya was blessed there's some who care's about her.

"I'm fine now... don't worry" she replied.

"Tell me when you feel something wrong? Understood?"

She nodded as a replied. Vera Martinez that's her best friend name. They knew each other since they were in high school. Mariya invited her best friend to begin their journey.

They take a cab- she does not own a car, her friends Vera as well. As of now Mariya can't afford to buy a car even those things she wanted- she's broke. That's why she's planning to get a job. And if your asking where her parents is.. she didn't know either. Maybe she would ask her best friend.

Minutes after when the cab driver parked the car outside the fast food chain. McDonald.

"Here we go... After so many many many minutes." Vera joked.

Mariya smiled at her best friend."Why so very impatient now, Vera?" she asked.

"Because of you!.. your so long to wake up from coma.. you stunning lady!!" her best friend shriek.

Mariya been in 2 years under of coma. They never talked about the accident that led to her in coma. She can't remember every single things before her accident-even the accident she was in.

But when she woke up all she want to do is looked at the beautiful sky above her oozed and billowed across the awakening sun, casting the meadow into a shadowy darkness.

         She believed that when she was in the accident the sky was watching him. Just waching.

“Hey… are you okay? Is there something wrong?” Vera say to her.

Is she okay?

Even she herself did not know if she was okay. Maybe yes or maybe no- physically yes but emotionally? She’s not.

“Ahh yeah I’m fine don’t worry.” She said and smiled. Mariya doesn't want to worry her best friend.

Vera frowned at her, “You are becoming more secretive to me… I’m your best friend right, tell me if you have a problem.. and if something's bothering you.” Tears willed in her face… “Mariya …” Vera approach her- a warm hug coming for her best friend is the best.

“You… you don’t need to pretend that you’re okay when you’re with me.” She caressed her hair and gently removed the tears in her cheeks. “Just breath.”

“Why I can’t remember every single things when I accident.” She cried. “Even my parents.. where are they Vera.” She looked at her best friend.

All she can see in its face is sadness.

“Ahh… Ahh.. lets eat I know your hungry too.” Vera avoiding her question.

She sighed and wipe her tears, “Vera, I know you knew something… I have the right to know the truth..”

Vera hold her hand and call a taxi. she already had an idea of ​​where they were going. They enter the cab.

“Good day! Where do you wanna go, ma’am?” The taxi driver asked.

“St. Alers Cemetery” Vera answered. She look at the lady next to her-can't look at her. Mariya held the hand of her best friend.

“I’m sorry.. I didn’t tell you the truth when you woke up.” Her best friend says sadly. It hurts. After all this time, it still hurt her. And yet she did not feel the slightest anger toward to her best friend. She understand it. She truly loves her best friend.

“I understand.. Don’t worry I’m not angry.” She replied.

Opening the passenger side door, she held it to open. Her gaze lingered on the place, she looked up and she the signage “St. Alers Cemetery”. She took a deep breath- here she goes.

“Are you ready?” Vera asked, she just nod as answered to its question. “Lets go someone is waiting for you.”

Mariya looked at his best friend who leading the way. Someone? Who? She looked confused.

“Wait someone who?” she asked. Vera just gave a half-smile.

She scanned the cemetery. There someone here too visiting their loved ones. She… she don’t have any idea who’d she visit.

“Were here.”

Mariya looked at the small tomb infront of her. She read the word on tombstone.

“Gone to be an angel….” She looked at her best friend- confused. “Vera what is the meaning of this?”

Slowly… she started to cry on what she heard.

“Your baby can’t make it.. I’m sorry”

She cried out. How?? She felt that someone hug her tight and patting her back to clam herself. But she cant.

“H-how?” she asked.

Vera cried along with her. “Y-your pa-pare-nts” when she heard that she start to shout to release her anger. Mariya heard her best friend sob. “When you told them that your pregnant and the father is Niall, they are angry at you” Vera sob again, “they asked you to abort the child you… you disagree to their idea. You plan to go along with Niall that's where their plan began.”

She let to go to her and approach her child’s grave. Why her parents do that? All of the people, why them? but she was not satisfied on what her best friend said. Mariya told to herself that she will find the truth whatever it takes. And that Niall, whoever he is?

Mariya looked at the sky, “I know this not the end… I’ll come to all of you… I’ll make you pay.” And she start to cry again and again while looking to the sky, tears by tears. 

April 29, 2020 05:34

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