Ian, my robot, my friend…

Submitted into Contest #231 in response to: Write a story in the form of a list of New Year's resolutions.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Friendship

Ian, do you think I am a nice person?

Always to me, he looked surprised as why I am asking him these questions.  Have you ever hear me swearing?  Absolutely no.  Did I say something wrong and you need to…well yell at me, Mia?  

Ian, you are the sweetest, caring …I paused because I watched Ian opening his mouth to say something.   Did you meant …man?

Ian, you know you are a robot…but I would love to say you are way  beyong that. You are the most respectful, affectionate,  considerate, thoughtful …….who…who Mia…..he was so excited to hear me praising him right now.

How about a friend?   It’s more that I can call some other people lately.

I will always be your friend Mia.  I know Ian, the best I ever had.  

So tell me Mia, why were you so upset?

Because men are ….you know that bad word…I paused and looked at his face so he doesn’t repeat what I didn’t want to.  They are fake, phoney, fraud, they will lie and cheat to get what they want. 

Wow, Mia….maybe I don’t want to be a man then.  Are they all like that?  His face wasn’t too happy right now.

Well, maybe not all, but when you upset it seems as they all fall in the same category.

Mia, you said - your new years resolution will be that you change.  What exactly do you want to change about yourself?  I love everything about you, why would you want to change it?  

Well I don’t want to change my appearance but the way I think, or I should say what I think about most of the time.

…and I thought you thinking about me…Ian look at my eyes as he was looking for my acknowledgment.

Well, you are absolutely right, you are my robot. I do think about you all the time.  More like I worry about your behavior, your actions around other people, actually me included.  Are you worry I will be a bad boy?

Hmm…Ian, what exactly you consider bad boy?  

I have no idea Mia,  I watched that movie and that lady keep asking her boyfriend if he should be a bad boy today.

Ohhhhhh….its one of those movies.  Guess what Ian.  Let me get dress and we will celebrate new years among other people tonight.  I think I have an invitation to international robotics, its perfect place to bring you to mingle with other people …who knows maybe we will see some other robots.   Yea, Miaaaaaaa….he jumped with excitement.

Don’t forget to put that pink dress on and he look with his big eyes starring at me.  

How do you know about that dress?  I got ears and eyes -You know.

Ok, never mind.  Stay here, it will take me 30mins or so get ready.

Oh I can’t wait Mia. 

I don’t know if I really wanted to go out but I didn’t want to disappoint Ian.  It is his first new years…being alive.

While I was getting ready, many different thoughts were taking over my brain.  I haven’t been at the lab in a long while.  There will be people who didn’t wanted me to take Ian home.  Too many problems they said.  If Ian misbehaves during the party, will it cause any problems in the future.  Will I be able to control some of his actions.  There are some people may not agree with me on some of his untraditional conversations.

Time is up and I couldn’t back off now.  Came down as fast as I could before decide to stay home. 

Oh la..la..Ian eyes were glued to my dress.  I hope it means you like it Ian.  

I would whistle but you never thought me how.  Thats good, it don’t think it’s appropriate to whistle at the lady.

Even if you think…..precisely Ian ….I interrupted his next unusual complement.

Let me find a shawl and we are ready.

Night was slightly chilly but after few drinks I am sure I won’t have any problems, plus I know Ian would love to drive my car.

I am driving right Mia ?  You might me drinking.  That’s exactly  what I was thinking.  No arguments here, you can drive Ian.

He rushed to open my door and quickly rushed to his side.

Lab was already full with people.  Nicely decorated for the fastivities.  

Would you like some wine Mia, Ian quickly offered me a drink.  I sure going to need some tonight, yes red Cabernet Sauvignon please.  By the time Ian returned with my drink, Richard was already at my side.  Well, look who is here, -Miss Mia with her robot.  His name is Ian if you would like to meet him, it will be my pleasure to introduce him to you.  

He is quite a charmer I just heard him talking to the bartender lady.

That’s my boy, I smiled.  So like mama like son?  If that’s what’s you call it?  I suppose- I said.

Here is your drink Mia.  Thank you Ian, let me introduce you to Richard, the man that not particularly likes you.

Richard, Ian took a short pause - I assume you are jealous.

Jealous?  Richard laughed historically but quickly closed his mouth because Ian swept me off to the dancing floor -way, away from Richard.

Happy New Years!  Everyone was shouting, rising their glasses and hugging at the same time.  So what exactly your New Year’s resolution Mia? For now I will keep it to myself, if it’s ok with you Ian.

Thank you Mia for this wonderful evening. You don’t have to say any more.  It was the most exiting evening for me in a long while thanks to you Ian, so I  want to thank you.

did you forgot why you were upset earlier? Not exactly, it’s still on my mind.

I know what will make you feel better Mia….Ian put his arms around me and whispered to my ear…..

Yes, Ian you are absolutely right. And I smiled.  We walked out, He opened a door to my car and let me seat down and quickly hopped by the steering wheel and took off.  We drove in silent.  He knows it wasn’t a good day to talk.  

In 20mins we arrived at the best ice cream place.   Ian already knew my favorite vanilla almond ice cream.   Should I get double or the triple scoop?

Ah….if there is four, I will take that Ian.

Minute later…I think he was carrying a full gallon of ice cream…I looked at him…I didn’t complained.   Did you wanted to share with me Ian.  It did cross my mind but it would be better is I skip it if you still want me to drive you back home.  I laughed-  he just smiled.

Who needs any New Year’s resolution, you know how to put a smile on my face, there is absolutely no need for change, because you are the best and I started on my ice cream before it melts.

We drove off into dark and chilly night.  Happy New Year Ian.  Happy New Year Mia, and we held hands until we got home.

January 02, 2024 01:18

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