Solidarity and Solid Clarity.

Written in response to: Write a story that includes someone (or something) saying, “No, don’t!”... view prompt


Adventure Christian Kids

Let your conscience be your guide.




Solid Clarity.


Wonder and emotion converses with cooperation for salvation. (pf).


I will help.


I will carry.


Even if and when at times when I am called to the center of history,

it hurts.

Called to carry the weight of the world.


Destiny placed in good hands.(pf)

Immaculate entirely with the service of God. No resistance. Nothing that opposes truth and charity.


Immaculate gives us our salvation.

It is a mystery. Yes. Life is a mystery. Yes.

This life down here, our lives down here, consists of wars and battles, small battles, larger wars. Strife and Despair. We need something. Are not certain what that is, what it is we need.

Strength? Money? Powerful friends?

We should ask ourselves: Where do I place my hope?

In God’s daily guidance?(pf)

In shiny, false models? We are saturated with images every minute of every day. They may bind and abound all around us.

Where is the treasure of my heart? When we feel our weakest, do we refer to the shiny false models for confidence? The result may only be false confidence. It has been said a picture paints a thousand words.

When might it paint our deepest soul and desires?

We must return to Him in trust, repentant.

Open the doors of our heart and mind. (pf) We need guidance from the ultimate Father. Father Time and Father God are harmoniously working together to ensure we open our hearts to those who repent, earn their trusting natures.

The life of a parent. The life of a father. The life of a mother is one of total and complete protection. Even if and when her children become so angry with her ways. They do not understand that to live life in the long haul of and in Him. Anything and everything that must be done.

Must be done.

Only if it is done within the confines of His good graces. He teaches us how, the best ways.. We do not always present our best self in the moments of desperation. The mind is a very vast and powerful tool. Zero to ninety and back again it can go in seconds. Back and forth, back and forth.

He teaches us to stay with Him and within his teachings. When we falter, make a mistake, He teaches us to immediately and with certainty, make amends.

All with and within the confines of His grace. And His alone.

Otherwise? The dread continues. The lies take on a life of their own. The gargantuan becomes even less tolerable. Exploration of wrong words and actions takes over.

Nobody wins.

Everybody loses.

Thank God and goodness He is there to pick up the pieces of our broken heart.

Hurt hurts.

Love loves.

Hurt loves.

Love hurts.

Both can intertwine in many ways. They do not need, however to enmesh. Web us into the mistruths of one another. He thunderously and loudly proclaims this in our hearts and minds. If we listen, we learn the art of forgiveness. The beauty of forgiveness. The fact that to forgive does not show we are weak when we say we are truly sorry. Remorseful.

We are strong in Him. With. In His unity.

Learning this is the practice of a lifetime, our lives. The hard work. The hard and daily practice to be our best selves.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

With Him as our coach and our heart as His guide.

He challenges us to show our true colors so that he can sharpen our hues.

God knows our hearts.

He knows if they are full of hate. He knows if they are full of hurt. He knows if we have been bad or good. He wants to change our hurting hearts into beacons of love and acceptance. Open the doors of our hearts and minds. It is imperative to remember.

There are no shortcuts.

The hard work must be done.


It is hard.




At times, no fun at all.

Sneaky has a way of eeking into our souls when we are weak, lazy. He keeps our eye on the prize and our souls within His reach.

She did this, he does that.

The reply, “No! I don’t”.

Boundless ways to defend our positions when we are not feeling heard, loved. Screaming, shouting, kicking, pushing back with words of venom all in an attempt to be heard. He stands close by and guides the moment of truth with a steady hand and a steadfast heart. He wants us to shine as our best selves. Even if and when moments of the deepest hurt render our irrationality, our confusion.

Why do you do it this way?

Why do I do it that way?

He helps us to find the common ground on which we can walk forward with confidence. Assurance. And. Love.

Love is one of the most confusing emotions. Tough love is not.

His love is tough. But it is the most gracious of all the kinds of love in the world. It is gentle and kind. When we are not. He wants our souls to be replenished with the kind of love He wants shared around the world. Every minute of every day.

We can do it!

No! I don’t. Don’t want to. Don’t care. (et) He has a plan for that too.😵‍💫. He never gives up on us.

He. Never. Gives. Up.

No one, but He, knows what our future holds. That is why He holds us in the palm of His hand, His great and mighty hand. Silently takes our hand and our hurts within His reach and carries the weight of this world we feel on our shoulders until we feel strong.


We can help carry the weight of the world of another on our shoulders for them until they feel strong again.

It takes time.

It takes your time.

It takes my time.

There are no short cuts.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Practice makes perfect.

He is perfect.

Follow His ways.


Let your conscience be your guide.✌🏻

December 08, 2024 15:22

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