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Coming of Age Fantasy Christian

From the author: Recently I have found out about near death experiences through people’s stories they have shared. This story is written based off the stories of these individuals, and my interpretation of their stories from their near death experience. Hope you like it!

Story: Whispers of the past begin flowing like in the days of old, as you hear a far away voice call out to you… something long forgotten, but still there. So long it has been, since you’ve last been awake. The warmth of this place flows through you, and the feeling is overpoweringly urging you to stay.  

“Leave me be” you hear yourself think as you stir. Moving around you find another comfortable position. Like on a winter day in a warm bed, you shift around feeling the warm blanket hug your body, convincing you that nothing is worth getting out of bed for.  

You hear the voice again, distant but growing in intensity. Almost able to be made out but, still asleep, the words roll past you like running water in a stream over a rock. You feel yourself come back to your senses a little more though, touching onto something you’ve locked away in the back of the closet.  

After a time warm loving hands pull back the blanket, and you feel them wrap around you hugging you gently. “Come now, It’s time to wake up” you hear the voice gently in your ear. The warmth from the hug, and free flowing love coming from the source bring a smile to your lips. You feel your senses rushing back bringing life to your body.  

Stretching out, you feel your form respond back to you with a feeling of joyous movement, a sense you haven't had in quite a while. Thinking back, you don't recall when the last time you were awake, but you know it's been quite a while.  

“Okay, okay… I’m getting up” You groggily say to the voice.  

The warm arms that were wrapped around you begin to pull back and you feel your conscious mind awakening as more sense and thought flows into you. You begin to rise as you tell your form to get up and you feel the soft bed you slept in pleading with you to stay with its inviting comfort. Shaking yourself awake you open your eyes and see your Father standing in front of you.  

“Hey there, Kiddo. Welcome back to the world of the living” he says with a slight chuckle, and a smile.  

“Hey…” You say while slowly blinking trying to wake yourself. 

“It’s time for you to get out and explore again, Kiddo.” Your father says. “Can’t stay in here forever you know.”

Looking around you see you're at home, and feel like this is your place of belonging. Always has been and always will be. It fits, just like an old boot on your foot that slides right into place perfectly. 

“How long have I been asleep?” You hear yourself saying through a stifled yawn

“Ohh, it's been quite a while. Come with me, kiddo. There are some people who have come home who haven't been here in a while and they want to see you”

Rising, you stretch again, and feel your form respond happily as the muscles you have long neglected come back into life. Following your father you quickly find yourself outside in a forest filled with life. Green grass tickles your feet as you walk along. A pair of bunnies run and frolic around not far away without a seeming care in the world. 

Beautiful deep green trees dance with the wind that flows through your hair and with the leaves. The light from above shining down onto your face, warms you and fills you with energy. 

Closing your eyes you take a quick moment and turn your face into the sky absorbing the beautiful heat of the light. 

“Ahh, this never gets old” you say to your father calmly while a gentle smile caresses your lips.

Chuckling lightly he responds “Yeah, can't argue with you there kiddo.”

“Who is here?” You say curiously after a moment as you look toward your father. Quickly flowing over to catch up, he responds. 

“Your friends who went out into the world and have now come back.” Father says looking back over his shoulder in your direction. Holding his hand out, you see him direct your gaze to the forms of your friends sitting on the grass next to a stream not far away. Laughter and fun loving talk being shared, you can't help but smile as you look over and see the friends you haven't seen in so long. Running down the hill past your father, you call out to them.

“Ohhh my, its you!” you say laughing.  

Looking over, they notice you and one of them quickly rises and rushes to move in your direction. Quickly you find yourself embracing, laughing and hugging. You realize your friends were never really gone, but weren't here at the same time. 

“Yeah we’re back.” the form says while laughing. “It's been quite a journey, let me tell you. So many new people, feelings and things we’ve experienced and brought home with us. Here, let me show you.” 

Suddenly you see yourself viewing a movie in your mind at super speed. Images rush by like a bullet train speeding past you on its way to its next station. As the images fly by, you feel yourself flooded with all the emotions of the scenes. Drinking it in you find yourself overwhelmed slightly as the story wraps to its end. 

“Woah…” You say while taking a breath in and blinking. “That was your life? I’ve never seen someone have such a heartache like that before…”

“Yeah, it was a tough one, but it's not all bad. I was married and had a beautiful life for a long while. Oh, Hey Father.” You hear said as the form looks past you.

“Hey, Kiddo, Welcome home," he says with a smile. “Looks like you’ve learned a lot while you were away. I’m glad you brought so many interesting things back with you.”

“Yeah, me too,” The form says.

Looking at you, your Father says “Well kiddo, now it's time for you to go into the world and have your journey.” 

Feeling a shiver run up your back you look over at him. “Are you sure I have to?”

“Yes, it's time. We’ll be here when you get back and you can teach us about all the beauty you see” Father says, resting his hand on you. 

With a tightening in your body you look over at your friends and feel their journeys spilling out of them into the world. So much beauty and many lessons, some hard learned in their lives being shared.  

“Okay” You hear yourself say in a small voice.

“Oh, don't worry.” Father says. “It won't be so bad... This is how we learn and grow. Can’t learn all these interesting things while still at home. Have to go into the world and experience them and bring us back the knowledge and lessons you learn.”

Thinking back you now remember that his words are true. You recall your experiences of the past and those of the many others touching your mind even now. Some sleeping like you were, and some in the world now experiencing it.  

Father looks you in the face and with a warm smile says “Spend some time with your friends today and enjoy them. Tomorrow you’ll begin your journey and go into the world.”

You feel a hand touch your form and see your friend's hand. Looking at you with a smile, you feel a warmth grow in you and feel the love of your friend flowing inside you. Calming you and reassuring you everything will be ok. 

“Okay, Father.” You hear yourself say more confidently while looking up into his loving eyes.  

Nodding to you with a smile you watch as his form turns to light, and floats into the sky joining the light above.  

After some time spent with your friends you find yourself weary and ready for sleep. Bidding your friends a good night you make your way back into your bed and lay down to sleep. Love flowing over you, you feel comfortable as all fades around, and your sleep consumes you.  

The next thing you feel is, something you don't quite know how to handle as you find yourself in and out of consciousness. Strange noises and feelings flood over you at different times and you find yourself in a dream of sorts.  

As time passes you find the dream becoming more intense as the emotions, feelings and sounds of your dream become more prominent. You feel yourself moving your body and becoming linked with the arms and legs of your form. Pushing out against the confines of your new world. The world responds back and contains you in a warm cocoon. Time again passes until finally you one day find yourself ejected from the warm cocoon you have been a part of.  

Light floods in around you and cold air rushes in stinging your skin. Intense in a way you haven't ever felt before you find yourself forced to cry out loud. You try to orient yourself as you feel warm hands holding you and touching you on different parts of your body. Then you feel a warmth enveloping your skin as you feel a connection with this touch. Filling you with love you sense this is the same feeling you’ve felt during the dream of your life so far, while in the cocoon. Straining, you open your eyes and after a time adjusting to the light you can see the forms of two people looking down at you. Looking down into your eyes you can feel the love of these two as they hold you. Huge smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes. You feel love flowing as you gaze upon their forms. The next steps of your journey are just beginning…

December 07, 2023 17:33

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1 comment

KC Fetch
21:34 Dec 13, 2023

I think you have a good back for flowery, flowy language that can immerse the reader in the story. This is a personal hang up, but "you feel this", "you do that" reminds me I am reading something and pulls me from the moment and the story. There were some grammatical errors that also caught me and pulled me out. Keep up the solid descriptions!


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