Romance Crime

“Are you ready? “she asked.

“Well… to be honest, I am not. I am little bit nervous. What if things don’t turn out well? “she replied as she placed her laptop on a desk.

“God will prevail. We already prayed for this sweetheart. Let me get you a cup of coffee”

“Thanks mom, “she sighed while she sat staring at the blank laptop.

This was Susan Marshall, a young middle aged lady whose father was brutally murdered in front of their home one morning while he was leaving for work. It has been 2 years since the main suspect was arrested and today, was the day of the ruling of the case. Due to the pandemic, the court So proceedings were to be held virtually, with the judge and the accused in court on the other side of the screen. To Susan and her mother, this was not easy for them since they had to wait for two years to get justice and this only meant that some wounds could be opened. She was the only daughter and child of the now deceased Mr. Peter and Patricia Marshall. Their only hope was that the accused would be declared guilty and to pay for his heinous crime, even if that meant it would not bring back her father.

As her mother, walked back in the room with her coffee, she was on phone with their lawyer who was also going to be present for the ruling from his side of the screen.

“Yes attorney, I have just logged in but the host is yet to start the meeting…I am hopeful things will go our way, with our very concrete evidence. I am sure he will get the sentence he deserves…okay thank you. See you in a bit. Hey mom, thanks for the coffee. You sure you don’t want to join in?”

Patricia shook her head as she responded, “No my love, you will let me know how it goes.”

A few minutes later the zoom meeting or court proceeding had already begun as the judge was reading out the criminal case

Lewis Mirland, hereinafter referred as the accused person is facing a charge of murder contrary to Section 203 as read with Section 204 of the penal code. In brief he was stated to have murdered Peter Marshall on the morning of April 20th 2018 outside his house, located at Rosewood street, Valley land County

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge compelling the prosecution to summon witnesses to discharge the burden of proof beyond reasonable doubt. Accused was represented at the trial by Mr. Nelson an Advocate, while the prosecution was being conducted by the senior prosecution counsel Mr. Austin. The case for the prosecution is set out in detail by the two witnesses summoned by the state.

The summary of the evidence as captured by the witnesses is set out herein under as follows: PW1 Susan Marshall, the daughter to the deceased who testified and recounted the events of that morning on 20th April 2018 as she was coming back from her morning run. In her testimony she said that as she was nearing their home she had seen her father and the accused talking before the conversation took a different turn and the accused immediately pulled out what looked like a riffle shooting Mr. Marshall in the head twice before fleeing the scene

According to PW1 testimony who, she rushed to the scene upon meeting  PW2 Mrs. Patricia Marshall who had also heard the noise from inside the house.PW1 further stated that she  immediately dialed the paramedics for help while the deceased lay there bleeding profusely…” Susan muted the meeting from her side as she whispered to her mother, “it is like repeating the whole ordeal all over again and with details. How I wish they would just fast forward to the ruling.” Mrs. Marshall just smiled as she sat some distance from the meeting while knitting.

One hour later, it was time for the ruling. Both Susan and Patricia looked anxious. Susan held her breath while the judge came to his conclusion “Accordingly, I enter a verdict of not guilty and do hereby resolve the benefit of doubt in favor of the accused person by acquitting him of what could be the substituted offence of manslaughter contrary to section 100 as read with section 400 of the Penal Code. He is at liberty unless otherwise lawfully held.”

Throwing the laptop on the floor while screaming, “NOOOOOOOOO!! It can’t be!! He is guilty! It can’t be mom!!” Patricia restrained Susan as she was about to break the whole laptop.

‘Sweetie it is okay. Calm down. Calm down. We shall figure this out. Calm down, “Patricia tried to console her uncontrollably crying daughter.

Susan suddenly disengages from her mother’s embrace and gets her phone and quickly dials a number while she wipes off the tears, “Hello… yes what happened back there?... what was not clear to that judge? I saw that guy murder my father in cold blood, described everything in details not even contradicting myself…what do you mean money? Justice over money? I want us to appeal…no... I… I don’t care how long that will take. He has to pay. He has to pay for his crime…Austin what connections does he have? Is he the president’s son? Go to hell! “she angrily hung up.

“Honey calm down, relax let us think about this first. Calmly. Look you are even shaking my dear,” her mother told her looking very worried.

Susan stood quiet for like a minute then clicked her finger shouting, “aha! Connections it is. Mom, do you have Mr Proter’s number? His son is the director of criminal investigations right?” Her mother stared at her with that worried face and you could tell she thought Susan had lost her mind.

Hugging her mother, she said, “mom, do not worry I will fix this. I will honor dad. I will not let him down. He believed in me. We will fix this. It is not over. Let me step out a bit. Don’t forget to send me that number.”

For the next weeks, Susan tried to reach out to many of her father’s friends but none of them was willing to help her with her case.

“She spends most of her hours locked up in her room on her laptop, she does not want to eat on other occasions, my sister I don’t know what to do anymore. She won’t let this whole finding justice thing go. That is why I called you. She always listens to you,” Mrs. Marshall told her sister Monica who had come to see Susan after her worrying behavior since her dad’s murder ruling.

“well you know she was daddy’s girl. They were like two peas in a pod. Inseparable. Plus, her Peter’s business collapsing after his death when she was believed to be the next one in line must have had a toll on her. Have you tried therapy maybe? Because she cannot obviously open up to you,” Monica replied

As she was about to respond, suddenly Susan walked out of her room and both Monica and Patricia look astonished.

“Susan, honey, what is the meaning of all this?” Patricia asked

“Mom don’t be shocked. We all change our personal style once in a while. I am going on a date. There’s this guy I met, I think I should try him out. Plus, you always wanted me to get out of the house. Your wish is my command,” She replied as she adjusted her wig.

“Patricia, let her go and enjoy herself. She looks… well… different, not just with the makeup but also the whole wig but still let her get out of the house for once,” said Monica

“Monica you see how she looks. Is it a date or an undercover assignment? You never even wear makeup, it is not your thing, plus yo…” “uh, shh shh, yes hello handsome, yes I am actually on my way…yess.” Susan interrupted her mother as she walked out on phone. ‘Always good to see you Aunt Mo’ as she closed the door behind her

Pulling the chair for her, “Please, do have a seat beautiful”

“Thank you,” replied Susan. “Nice choice of restaurant. It must be really expensive here huh ?’she added.

“Not as expensive as you Carey. You look ravishing by the way, you have captured my attention, I don’t know how I will even speak to the waiter, I mean I can’t look away, “the gentleman responded. They both laugh as Susan acts shy. 

“Are you a poet? Because if you are, buy me a bottle of moet,” Susan jokes as they both laugh once more

“ Oh so is this how it’s going to be? A rhythmic conversation huh? Rhymes after rhymes. Am game pretty lady,”

“You started it so…anyways tell me about yourself. Who is this Mr hot stuff, at least that’s what you put on tinder, which you are by the way. But am not shooting my shot, just stating the obvious”

“someone has a crush on me already I see, well Mr hot stuff, is a simple guy with nothing to know really. With time, am sure you will understand me. There will be a next time right?”

She smiled as she replied, “don’t be too fast to conclude. Maybe I am not so impressed. Tell me, Mr. Hot stuff, any crimes under your name? I wouldn’t want to be hanging around a felon you know? Maybe I might also get caught as an accomplice or something?” He laughs while she grins staring at him

“I didn’t know she had a sense of humour…okay… I once got a ticket for DUI. It was a crazy night and I was a bit wasted. So yeah.”

She was still looking as if waiting for him to say something else before the waiter came with their orders

“I had made reservations so I had ordered what you had told me was your favourite food. Quesadillas and ice tea”

Still on him, “anything else?”she asked.

“No, unless you want anything else you can still place your order. They can make an exception because youre with me,”he replied as he grabbed his spoon

“Lucky me huh? But I meant like you have never committed any other crime? You can trust me by the way, you know I have once stabbed someone… but it was self defence he wanted to attack me.. so yeah, tell me, any blood on your hands? Maybe you shot someone… someones dad…maybe uh… in the head…”

He looked a bit uneasy as he sipped his soup before talking, “well…” he coughs “I… I am sure you’ve read the blogs and tabloids about me but none of it is true. I did not shoot that Mr. Marshall guy, I was acquitted. Not guilty. I know being the son to a famous politician comes with a lot of negative publicity. Don’t believe what you read out there. I haven’t even been in jail. All lies, I wonder why the daughter of the slain man had to make up a false testimony. But it is all in the past now. Am not a criminal. Carey are you okay?”

Susan was gasping for air as she quickly stood up, “I need to go to the washroom”

“okay… are you fine? I am here in case… you know what let me call my doctor “nervous Lewis took out his phone.

 A few days later, at a city park, Susan and her father’s killer, Lewis were on yet another date. Slowly she believed she was getting closer to him so as to figure out a good time to execute her revenge plan.

Lewis put on a song and began to dance

As she smiled, “wait is that Marvin Gaye? I love his music. He is my favourite. Do you also know his all-time famous… let’s …” “GET IT ON!!” both said it at the same time while smiling at each other.

He grabbed her hand, “may I have this dance pretty lady?”

Hesitant Susan replied, “you want to dance here? In front of everyone? We are in a public place”

“Well I don’t see anyone but just the two of us” as he pulled her up and grabbed her by her waist.

An Ice cream man cycled past them, Lewis quickly called him, “I would like some vanilla sorbet while the lady can have whatever she likes”

As he was being handed his, he suddenly smears it all over Susan’s face. Susan reciprocates and it turns into a game of Ice cream smearing before they both laugh as they fell on the grass

“I have never felt this much fun in a long time.” Said Susan.

Lewis turned to face her as he caressed her face, “did I tell you what beautiful eyes you have? And how your smile lights up the whole place when am with you? I talked to my mom abou you. She would love to meet you… of course when you are ready no rush”

Susan shied away as she smiled. She looked at her wrist watch and immediately gets up, “I have to go now”

“Okay beautiful, “he quickly carries her while running as she laughs struggling to get down

“Lewis put me down, What will people say? Put me down” as people stared at them others taking pictures

“I love this lady. So bloggers here is a positive story for you today. I love this lady” He shouted as he finally put her down.

Susan and Lewis did not see each other for the next couple of weeks and Susan was always locked in her room. There were days when she’d come out but only head to the kitchen grab a packet of chips and back to her room until they were finished.

As she was having breakfast with her mother one morning.

“Honey, forgive my intrusion but what happened between you and that guy you said you were seeing? You no longer go out. You’re no longer happy. Did he hurt you?” Patricia asked

Susan was quiet. She was hesitant to speak and it looked like she was struggling to find the words

“Mom, there’s a pandemic out there. Just trying to stay safe, “she replied

“Let’s see, those days you were going out and staying late there was no pandemic? Just talk to me. Am still your friend sweetie, please”

She looked down as if she was about to cry, “I fell in love mom. I fell in love with this fool and that was not part of the plan. He is a bad person and he still managed to get me to fall for him, “she said.

Before her mother replied there was a car hooting in front of their house.

Patricia got up, “Let me go see who it is. Am sure its nobody”

One minute later Patricia was heard shouting from outside and Susan quickly rushed to see what that was all about.

It was Lewis holding a bouquet of flowers and a gift bag

“What do you want here?!! You murderer! As if killing my husband wasn’t enough!! How did you find our new home huh? Unbelievable!! I am calling the police how dare you!!” she was rushing back in as Susan stood there in shock.

“Carey? wait… you are that daughter of the man… God, I should’ve known… no wonder you looked a bit familiar under all the heavy makeup and wigs that you wore, “Lewis shouted

“Susan, why is this murderer calling you Carey?... wait… it is him right? You have been going to bed with the one person you are supposed to hate… he took away your father, what were you thinking? HE KILLED YOUR FATHER!! I am disappointed in you!” Patricia cried as she angrily hit her.

“You even had the nerve to fall in love with him!!”

Susan sobbed as she covered her face not knowing what to say

“ What was the end goal? Revenge? Huh? Make me fall in love with you then what?” a disappointed Lewis stood there

 “Or better yet since am right here before you, why don’t you just kill me. Let us end this. Justice would be served right? Because, when your father sent one of his goons to kill my father who had cancer by the way because he wanted out of their partnership, I was wrong to seek justice the best way I know how. I would understand if you want justice too but a heartbreak is the worst form of injustice. So… Susan Marshall, kill me, “a sobbing Lewis stood there

Suddenly a gunshot was heard inside the Marshall’s home and both Lewis and Susan rushed inside.

December 18, 2020 15:17

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