The Lonely Doll House.

Submitted into Contest #96 in response to: Start your story in an empty guest room.... view prompt

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Mystery Crime Suspense

Once upon a time there was a girl who stayed with her aunt Kylie every Christmas break . She had to stay in the guess room. One night while readying for bed she heard a creep. Maybe it was just her impressive imagination getting the best of her; more so because of the weather, room, and novel that she had been reading.

The next morning she smelt breakfast, bacon and waffles which happens to be her favorite thing about food, so she tried to open the door to go down stairs to the kitchen. But, to her findings the door was locked. Was that what she heard last night. Little did she know: she had been in the house, hidden away from the world, for thousands of years; aunt K's homestead was absolutely abandoned.

One day a young girl with her Papa and Nana moved into the structure on Kentmore Avenue--- two blocks from town. The child's name was Jenn. Jenn had heard scary things in reference to the formal Albers' estate. The worst came from the kids in the neighborhood in the form of things like: a ten year old girl was kidnapped in the night; Her mother or aunt was murdered there and their ghost live forever, within the walls, manifesting the horrible things that took place in the residence, through all the stuff that litters every room: mostly the photos; or both. The latter has grown so popular that much of the town folk want to burn it down. That one was told so often that Jenn had no choice but to believe it. The girl was said to have been in the room, where she died, so long that her ghost does not know how old she is or her own name--- for lack of experience hearing it. Even the fact that she is dead was unknown to the lonely girl. The poor girl, Jenn, is always scared and now she is living in a haunted house.

One morning Jenn heard a loud noise coming through the floor boards from the direction of the kitchen below. She went downstairs and to the kitchen to discover an apparition, close to her age, dress up as a fairy in green and gold, playing with a headless doll in a doll house oddly specific.

Jenn cried out, to her mom and dad, but no one was there to answer. She gathered what sounds like her name coming from what might have been her mother. But it was not. It was the siren. She looks closer: no it could not be.

"Aunt Kylie", she yelled. Jenn was so scared by the fact that the Doppelgänger of who she had known as aunt Kylie, her mom's twin sister, had beleaguered the residence.

"Jenn, where is Andrea?" Asked the spirit.

"Andrea, who is that?", Jenn whispering in fear between her sighs.

"Jenn, we are home sweetheart!", Came out of the living room, from the comforting lips of her mother.

"Mama. Papa. Who is Andrea?" She asked, as if she just woken after a strange dream that seemed to real to have been a dream.

" Oh my. Andrea is your sister." The mom picks up the doll and placed it in the house, at the table that had more food on it than Jenn had ever seen--- fake or real--- in her whole life, tears fill her eyes.

" I have a sister". Jenn says, walking over to the small size model of the place she now calls home, with tears in her eyes. Before she placed food of every kind from each pot on the plate in front of the doll.

" Me and your dad could not take care of her so she went to live with your uncle Thomas. She came to this house every Christmas, to visit your aunt Kylie and us in the winter, when school was out for the month." Taking the fork from the play set one the table and feeding the doll.

"Mother, what happened to her?"

At that time they heard someone say," hello, is someone there, hello." Coming from the bottom of the stairs in the adjacent living room.

They followed the steps to the upper rooms until they arrived at the same guess suite Jenn had been staying her visit in. The door was locked. They saw something making a shadow on the floor boards, from the other side of the door, they looked towards the foot of the wooden entrance and found a key tied to a string. They opened the door to see Andrea standing there.

"I remember her. I recall ever thing now."

"Like what sweetheart?"

" One night there was a eerie sound coming from the kitchen just below", pausing to see the reaction of the human girl, " when I got up my door was locked." Andrea said holding up a doll with the other end of the string attached to it.

They returned to the kitchen because of the loudest ringing one could ever witness.

The ghost of Andrea ran into the culinary heaven ahead of the others, "Aunt Kylie", pouring out of her lung and steaming through the air.

Looking at the horrible tell that see had never known until now.

" Aunt Kylie what happened?"

" Oh, Andrea, my dear. It was Christmas morning. I was making breakfast. I heard rumblings coming from the den and thought it was you looking through your gifts before you were able to open them." She stopped and strokes the child's cheek with a smile on her face. " Everyone knew that every year you and Jenn had to make sure you received the things you asked for. Every year. I would make breakfast and y'all young ones played in the guess room. Your mom would lock the door so you could not sneek around under the Christmas tree until after breakfast." She placed an pot on the stove and adds water.

"That is why the door was locked", Jenn asked.

"Yes but you, Andrea, had a key that you hid with the doll house. You tied it to a doll so it was never lost." Additional pots were added to the growing art in the works. ( She cooked dinner early so she could enjoy Christmas with the family and not cooking all day.)

" That day Jenn went to the bathroom and got caught, and ended up going to get a last minute gift with me forgetting about the key in her pocket, leaving you alone in the room. Your aunt Kylie would have never known about the key." Handing Andrea the gift she brought that day. A new doll to replace the one who was headless do to the dog.

" I heard who and what I thought was you." Tears now being wiped away from the leathering face. " When I got to the fireplace the gunman turn the gun to me. I ran into the kitchen and locked the door, as I did the bullets came through the door striking my heart and lungs, as fast as I could. I fell to my knees sliding down the door, dropping the key in doing this. I was locked in the room." R

The mom steps forward. " Me and Jenn were walking in when murdered at the door when the thief was leaving the house."

" I died years before in a factory fire", added the father,Walking over to the little house that was an idea home to have his family in, " I built doll houses remember", running his gifted hand along the now aged wooden box, " this one was always your favorite design. You said that it was so beautiful that you could live forever in it..."

Removing more tears, " I was locked in this... cell... Unable to bring you anything to eat. I was trying to get to you still when I hear a loud thump. It was.... Your body hitting the floor. You died of starving and dehydration. That is why you couldn't remember what happened: your brain shut down long before you expired and you might have only been able to recall correctly what happened up until that point. Like an old person who has dementia."

Jenn and Andrea adds the new doll to the house at the head of the table. She will be there tomorrow morning to see no one goes hungry. They were a family once again. The doll house wasn't so lonely anymore.

May 30, 2021 04:13

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1 comment

Drew Andrews
04:17 May 30, 2021

This story was actually written by my ten year old daughter. I'm so very proud of her and am blessed to have her in my life. So young and so much depth.


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