Mystery Thriller Gay

‘MUM, CAN I look at the old photo albums?’

‘Of course, you can dear.’

‘I miss Dad so much, I hope if I see his picture he will come back.’

‘Oh, darling, I’m so sorry, he will never come back.’

‘Will I see him in heaven?’

‘Don’t cry, Julie, or you’ll start me off.’

‘I’ve never seen you cry. Aren’t you sad?’

‘Of course, I am, but people show their grief in different ways. Go on up you go and look at our family snaps.’

‘Can I take your phone with me? Then I can see more recent shots?’

‘Okay, but if it rings, run down to me instantly.’

'Is that your Dad’s phone?’

‘Yes, it was on his bedside table. He let me play with it.’

‘Did he? How do you know his password code?’

‘Oh, that’s easy.’

‘How come I never knew it?’

‘Did he know yours?’

‘Um, I don’t know. He never asked.’

‘What is yours?’

‘I’m not sure I want you to know it.’

‘Oh, come on Mum, I bet I can guess. It’s either the year of your birth or the first or last four numbers of our telephone number. Right?’

‘How the hell could you work that out?’

‘Dad’s was much harder.’ She laughed.

‘Come on then, what is it?’

‘The year of his birth…’

‘No, it’s not.’

‘Wait a minute, I hadn’t finished. The year of his birth, but in reverse.’ She giggled at her mum’s face.

‘How are you getting on with reminiscing?’

‘I don’t know what it means.’

‘It’s like remembering.’

‘Yeah, good. But sometimes I want to cry again.’

‘Show me a photo that brings up good memories.’

Beth, Julie’s mum sat on the bed.

‘I like all the pics of the beach when we went on holiday.’

‘Like this one, you’ve got ice cream all over your face.’

Cuddling and laughing together cheered them both.

‘Who is that?’ Julie pointed at a man next to her Dad.

‘Oh, he’s nobody, just someone your Dad knew.’

‘Do I know him? I can’t remember,’ Julie asked. ‘But he was in the church. Sat at the back.

‘No dear not him. That’s enough of that. Come on, let’s go downstairs and eat.’

’Can I have baked beans?’

‘Again? Oh, I suppose so.’

‘Shout when it’s ready. I’ll put away the pictures.’

Heinz's most popular tin was opened, its contents warmed and spooned onto thickly cut bread with lashings of butter, Julie got stuck in. Beth watched with a smile. Then she spilled her coffee.

‘That man, you know the one I asked about. Why was he holding Dad’s hand, you know like boys and girls? There are videos of Dad and him.’

‘What? Where?’ The coffee mug was righted.

‘Here, on Daddy’s mobile.’

‘Give it to me, please. You go and watch the TV.’

The short videos were wiped plus a good number of still pictures.

‘Here is Auntie Joy, she will play with you while I go out.’

‘Okay Mum, don’t forget to buy more baked beans.’

Beth’s car pulled to a halt outside a wine shop.

‘Hello, Jeremy. How are you?’

‘I’m better than your husband.’

‘Yes, he is the reason for my visit. As much as we’ve always enjoyed your Aussie reds, it took me a long while to reason the true purpose of his regular visits to your shop. Nothing to do with the latest vintage. It was because of you.’

‘And so what?’

‘In all my years with that man, I had no idea he was bi. You and he tricked me. But luckily or unluckily for you two, he kept some shots of lovey-dovey photos. And guess what? My daughter found them.’

‘So what?’

‘So what? I don’t want Julie to think of him as a pervert.’

‘Look, the last thing I want is to ruin your daughter’s memory of him. That is why I stayed at the back of the church, I didn’t show up at your house for the wake. But I did love him.’

‘Well yes, that may be so. Did you know he left you something in his will?’

‘No, I had no idea. I didn’t expect anything.’

‘How about you put the kettle on, I’ll explain his last testament.’

‘I’ll pour, you sit down, this will come as a shock.’ Beth put some milk in the cups. ‘Do you take sugar?

‘Just one spoon please.’

‘Did you realise my husband was a wealthy man? Probably not. He didn’t show off. He has left you our condo in Pattaya. Do you know where that is?’

‘Yes, we had spoken of it. He even threatened to meet me in Thailand when he was on a business trip. Oh, sorry, you didn’t want to hear that.’

‘No. I didn’t. Anyway, you are the proud owner of a beachfront property.’

Beth refilled the teacups.

‘Maybe this is inappropriate, but would you like to share a bottle of champagne?’

‘Tea is fine for me, thank you,’ said Beth. ‘But go ahead. I’ll write down the address in Thailand and the lawyer’s name and address.

Jeremy was beaming, as he drained the last of the tea, then hunted his favourite tipple.

‘Please join me, I’d hate to drink alone,’ he said.

‘I’ll have one glass with you, if you promise not to contact Julie, and never mention your relationship with her father.’

‘I promise.’

Four tins of beans were placed on the kitchen table along with the rest of the shopping.

‘Hi Joy, Julie, I’m home. Shopping all done and cleared up a little problem.’

‘Hello big sister, we have had fun, Julie showed me her doll's house in the garden.’

‘Yes, you like it?’

‘I do, it’s grand. But I’m not sure it’s in the safest place.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You must put it away from the aconitum napellus plants. I'm sure you know it is also known as monkshood or wolfsbane. Which is a perennial herb often grown as an ornamental plant due to its attractive blue to dark purple flowers. All parts of the plant, especially the roots, contain toxins. Aconitine is the most dangerous of these toxins. But I’m sure you knew that too!’

‘I believe I taught you about gardens and gardening. How about I fix us a pot of tea? It will be better than the one I just shared.’


April 03, 2024 06:52

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