Lost in the Jazz of Midnight Reverie

Submitted into Contest #249 in response to: Write a story that begins with someone dancing in a bar.... view prompt


Romance Drama Sad

As the night fell and Alphonse Fontaine's thoughts became entangled, he found himself wandering the darkened streets of New York City. The bustling metropolis was teeming with restless energy, and flashes of lightning illuminated fleeting apparitions on the rain-soaked cobblestones. The bright lights of speeding vehicles reflected like countless tiny, shattered mirrors, adding to the city's energetic atmosphere. The moon’s silvery light guided Alphonse as he turned a corner and heard the soulful notes of a saxophone groove emanating from a nearby alleyway. The stirring notes blended with the rhythmic sound of the rain as he approached a secluded stairwell. The walls seemed to come alive, with the swaying silhouette of a voluptuous, solitary figure as if luring him to join the dance of the underground shadows.

The discreet sign of the faintly lit speakeasy beckoned Alphonse inside through its heavy wooden door, where a warm amber glow enveloped him. The soulful horns and muffled whispers created an electrifying atmosphere as he stepped inside. He inhaled, savoring the stimulating blend of roasted chestnut cigar smoke, caramel-flavored whiskey, and spicy cologne.

In search of solace from the overwhelming grief that threatened to engulf him, he sought refuge within the clandestine speakeasy. Crimson velvet curtains and gleaming brass fixtures decorated the room, exuding sophistication and enigma. The patrons, dressed in their most exquisite attire, seemed to grace a grand soirée, their refinement standing out amid the gritty underbelly of the establishment like polished gems in the rough.

Once a man of stature, Alphonse stumbled up to the bar, his demeanor a stark contrast to his former elegance. The relentless downpour had soaked his shoulders, causing them to sag under his overwhelming sorrow. His tie, once a symbol of his impeccable style, now hung around his neck in disarray. His suit, once a reflection of his prosperous life, was now chaotic. The lines of grief and weariness etched on his face stood in stark contrast to his once vibrant appearance, a testament to the depth of his pain.

That day, he laid to rest his beloved wife, Alice. His soulmate, with whom he had shared decades of his life. A flood of memories flowed over him. He remembered the laughter, warmth, and unwavering support she had given him through their challenges. Now, alone, he navigates life without her. A physical ache reminded him of the emptiness in his heart. Despite the darkness surrounding him, he hoped her spirit would guide him through the shadows and inspire him to heal.

“Jack Daniels.” His voice was hoarse and raspy. “Make it a double.” The bartender, well-acquainted with the depths of sorrow, nodded in understanding, recognizing the anguish etched on Alphonse’s face. “Keep them coming,” Alphonse said, a plea for temporary relief from the pain that gripped him. “This one’s on me,” the bartender said, sliding the medicinal potion across the bar.

Alphonse raised his glass in silent gratitude. The warmth of the drink mirrored the comforting embrace of the speakeasy, offering a fleeting escape from his inner turmoil. He found a connection in this place—a shared understanding of his pain.

Alphonse sought refuge in a dimly lit corner, away from the hustle. The captivating melody of an alto saxophone drew him in. As he looked around, his gaze settled on a lady dancing with such grace and fluidity that it took his breath away. She seemed to emerge from a hazy dream, her voluptuous figure sashaying with a heaven-sent elegance, like a swan gliding across a calm, mirror-like lake.

Just as he was about to take another sip of his whiskey, his hand froze mid-air.

His heart skipped a beat, its rhythm faltering under the sheer force of her presence. Her red sequined flapper dress swirled around her thighs as she spun across the floor, her mocha brown hair knotted back in a slick bun, tendrils of curls bouncing with each movement.

Something familiar about her made Alphonse’s heart race and his stomach flip. Could it be? Could this woman be Alice, his late wife, reincarnated? The more he watched her, the more convinced he became. “Another shot of whiskey, please,” he said to the bartender.

Her smile. Her laugh. How she tilted her head when she danced were all-encompassing of Alice. Every step she took was a spell, drawing him in, and her mesmerizing dance left him awed. She was a vision, a living embodiment of everything he had ever loved about Alice back in the 1920s—the music, the fashion, the culture. The good ol' days.

When their eyes locked, he sensed a connection. Unspoken dialogue existing beyond words. Her compelling jade eyes radiated a spark that rekindled his suppressed emotions and left him spellbound.

To Alphonse, every elegant twirl and graceful dip was a story, a memory, or a piece of Alice and his shared past. Like a lingo only they understood, her dance was for souls lost in the night, weaving intricate tales of love and loss with her flesh. The surrounding air crackled with electricity, and he felt as if their passion could transcend reality. They were experiencing something beyond themselves, and it seemed as if the universe had conspired to grant them a glimpse into the mysteries of lost love and mere existence.

As Eleanor extended her hand and introduced herself, he felt an inexplicable connection—a profound bond that transcended the boundaries of time and circumstance. “I feel as if I’ve known you for a lifetime,” she said. “I feel the same,” he confessed. “Something about you reminds me of someone very dear to me.” Her green eyes recognized him briefly, but in an instant, they transformed into polite curiosity. “Yes?” Her voice was like honey, flowing with a gentle melody.

Alphonse swallowed hard, feeling the words punch his throat. “I was wondering if I might have this dance.” She smiled and took his hand, leading him onto the dance floor. They moved together, lost in the music and the moment, and he felt like he had a second chance to hold Alice one last time.

Gliding across the ale and hop-slushed floor, Eleanor felt his magnetic pull. His arms wrapped around her with comforting strength, and their bodies moved together in perfect synchrony. They created a beautiful, unified dance, showcasing their deep and unforeseen bond. In one fleeting moment, two dancers floated across the stage, their movements filled with a mix of love and sorrow—a twirl, a twist, a dip.

With deep breaths, Alphonse looped her. Lost in the music and each other, their bodies thrust in perfect synchrony, as if they'd been honing their dancing skills for ages. Her spearmint breath cooled his skin, and her contagious laughter filled him with bubbling joy—a glass of champagne.

Atoms combusted and pulsed with the cadence of their pounding hearts. It seemed as if the universe favored their tie, awarding them the chance to dance forever in a world of music and passion. The groove swelled, lifting them higher and higher. Alphonse felt the soft brush of Eleanor's fingers through his thinned hair and the warmth of her breath on his neck, sending shivers down his spine. Their dance was a testament. To love, loss, hope, and the indomitable strength of the human spirit. The trumpets soared.

Alice’s ephemeral, omniscient return emphatically reminded him of their shared love, cherished memories, and intertwined lives. Alphonse felt a simple, beautiful moment had transported her, erasing the world outside and the city that had taken Alice from him. He allowed himself to exist in the moment, to savor the sweetness of Eleanor's touch and the warmth of her body against his.

As the other couples on the dance floor faded into a blur of movement and color, Alphonse and Eleanor danced as if in their own world. They hovered in the soft lighting, like wisps of smoke swirling in a tranquil breeze. They were in such perfect sync that they felt like one.

The band launched into a lively tune. “I’ve always loved this song,” she gasped in his ear, swinging to the music. Alphonse smiled as he recalled the day Alice had introduced him to his first speakeasy. It had been an unforgettable night filled with laughter and pure joy—a memory he cherished. “Isn’t it funny?” He remarked, his voice tinged with nostalgia. “This place evokes the same feeling.” Eleanor’s hand slipped from his in a moment of muted confusion, but she grasped it again, this time with newfound strength and determination.

She empathized with the pain of losing a loved one, feeling the unbearable loss in her own heart. Yet, she didn’t fill that void or replace Alice. Instead, she accepted and honored it, allowing him to find solace in their shared memories.

At the peak of the dance, Alphonse felt a comforting warmth envelop his soul. He felt profound gratitude for the adoration given to him. At that moment, he understood his love would endure even though his beloved wife was no longer present.

Eleanor smiled up at him with sadness and understanding shining in her verdant eyes. “I’m glad you could join me. I thought you might need this, especially tonight.” He felt her gaze studying his face, and he wondered if she could perceive the ghost of Alice lurking in the depths of his eyes. Perhaps she had an inexplicable understanding of how deeply he loved his wife. But it didn’t matter.

Eleanor held him tighter, her grip firm and reassuring. She realized he was not dancing with her but with another, someone taken too soon. She didn’t hesitate to share with him, just for tonight.

The music faded away, and for a moment, they stood there, their bodies pressed together, their hearts beating in unison. Alphonse could feel the warmth of her skin against his and the softness of her curls tickling his cheek. He inhaled, taking in her hyacinth scent, similar to Alice's. It used to linger in the air when she would dance around the apartment, laughing and singing. Dancing in the air, it weaved its way through the room like a seductive melody, leaving a trail of longing and desire in its wake. Lingering on his lips.

Alphonse led Eleanor to a quiet corner. They shared a silent exchange, their gazes lingering on the crowd around them. Within the hidden speakeasy, he had unearthed a respite from sorrow and a profound reconnection to his past, a poignant affirmation of the love that had defined his existence.

Alphonse looked down at her, his expression a mixture of gratitude and sadness. “Thank you.” His voice was little more than a hoarse rasp. “Thank you for being here with me.” Eleanor reached up and brushed a stray hair from his forehead. “Anytime, darln’.”

“I miss her so much,” he confessed. “Sometimes it feels like a part of me has gone missing, too.” She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her cheek against his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his shoulders. “I know what that feels like, but you’re not alone. Grief is a heavy burden to bear, but having someone by your side can make it a little lighter." She said.

Eleanor remained with him, offering silent support. The warmth of her presence comforted him, reminding him that he didn’t have to face his grief alone. As they stood together in a quiet embrace, he felt a sense of hope that the pain would ease one day. 

"Another whiskey, please. Make that a double. And whatever the young lady wants."

May 08, 2024 04:22

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11:23 May 10, 2024

A beautiful story of love lost and miraculously found by chance. The music, the dancing, all described in sensuous detail. Enjoyed reading this story with an ending of hope and comfort for a man who has suffered the loss of his wife. And the one who resembles her understands completely. Cool. Only one suggestion. I know what a speakeasy is and it has a unique meaning. But there are other words you could have thrown in occasionally for variety. Readers appreciate variation.


E.L. Lallak
17:03 May 10, 2024

You are absolutely right!!! Thank you!!


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Mary Bendickson
18:09 May 08, 2024

Nice movement throughout.


E.L. Lallak
20:41 May 08, 2024



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Alexis Araneta
17:53 May 08, 2024

Aaaannnd, now, I'm crying at almost 2 a.m. Wow ! Absolutely breathtaking !!! I've noticed that you are such a master at using imagery in bringing a story to life. The use in this piece is no exception. The details are just so vivid, so colourful, you made me feel as if I were there. Butter smooth flow. Very poetic feel. JUST YES ! More please. Hahahaha ! Impeccable job, as per usual !


E.L. Lallak
20:25 May 08, 2024

Ok you are my new best friend.😆 You are way too sweet love. 😘


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Martha Kowalski
18:50 May 20, 2024

I just read your tattoo parlor ashes story before this one, and all of your writing has this lovely velvety edge to it, it’s wonderful


E.L. Lallak
00:25 May 21, 2024

Ahhh Martha thank you!!!! Means a lot:)


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03:03 May 16, 2024

You used words so eloquently in this story. I pictured the bar, the people, the entire environment. This is great writing.


E.L. Lallak
22:35 May 16, 2024



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David Sweet
23:01 May 13, 2024

Great story! I'm going to be honest, it started a little slow for me, but it does match the music and the mood. I was curious to want to know more about Eleanor and why she had so much empathy for Alphonse. I love all the sensory language.


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