
I woke up to my alarm beeping in my ear at 8:30. This morning I didn't get to wake up to my husband lying right by me. He usually works the night shift at the New York City Fire Department but this morning he got called into work due to his fellow fireman out being sick. I get out of bed and open my curtains. Today is a dreary day. Lately as I’ve been opening my curtains the sun beams in and fills my room with the sun rays. I flip on the TV in my room and turn to the news channel to see what has been going on in the world. As I am faintly listening to the TV I begin to get ready. After my shower, I throw on my low-rise embroidered jeans and pair it with a white tube top. I figured since it was a little chilly out I would throw on my jean jacket. I went into my kitchen to gather my belongings for work and grab some breakfast. At 9:00 I head out of my apartment and begin my walk down the elven flights of stairs. 

Once upon a time in a small town in Southern Indiana lived CinderJoe. He was your typical small town guy. Farming in the morning, cooking lunch, farming in the evening, and going home to cook dinner. The past few months he had been going out at nights to try and find a girlfriend. Although he was struggling to find one, he came across something that could be so good for him. There were posters posted all around the town as he was heading to the farm. These posters showed information about the upcoming hoedown that was to take place that night. The princess of their small town was going to find her prince charming by the end of the night. CinderJoe was so excited when he saw this information. He had to go.

After staring at the poster for what seemed like thirty minutes, he headed to the farm to get his work done before he went home to get ready for the hoedown. While working, all he could think about was the beautiful princess of his small town. He wanted so badly to be her prince charming. CinderJoe realized he was getting no work done at the farm so he decided to call it a day and just head home and get ready for the big night. While he was walking home, he realized his boss probably called his evil stepmother and told her that CinderJoe did not complete any of the work he was supposed to for that particular day. His boss always calls her when he doesn’t finish his work because his stepmother does not let him go do anything when that happens.

CinderJoe arrived at his house and saw his stepmother and two evil step brothers standing in the doorway with their arms crossed. 

It was the second I walked outside of my apartment building that I noticed something bad had happened. The look of fear in these people’s eyes as they run back into the apartment building has me terrified. I take another step outside and look up at the World Trade Center buildings. Nothing but smoke is filling the city and lathering the buildings. “Ma'am you need to find shelter, run!” A man dressed in uniform screamed to me from across the street. I run up the stairs in fear and make it into my apartment. I lock the door and hear the news anchor talking about a tragic event that has just taken place in my city. I set my purse down and run to the couch to see what is going on. “At 9:03 this morning United Airlines Flight 175 struck into The World Trade Center's South Tower. We have the New York City Fire and Police Department on the scene to keep our city safe.” Panic filled my whole body as I thought about my husband. I begin shaking as tears stream down my face. I try to calm myself down and tell myself he is trained at his job and knows what to do in these situations. I text him in hopes I get a response. 

As three hours go by, I am still checking my phone for a response from David. I am still perched in the same spot with my eyes glued to the TV in hopes of any update. Eventually after four and a half hours I got a text message from my husband. “Sorry to keep you so worried, I am getting released to come home in about an hour and I will be with you and surround you with comfort.” A wave of relief filled the whole room. I feel a big smile stretch across my face as I wipe away the tears that are still falling down my face. 

After the longest hour of my life, I hear the front door unlock. David ran in and hugged me as tears poured down his face. We both were shaking. “Sara everything is going to be ok. I am glad to be back home with you.” David said in a sigh of relief to be back home.

“I want you home with me forever, David.” I cried to him. We hugged each other for a good two minutes and made our way to the TV to see if any updates had been released. “The counts we are getting from the department are telling us 265 total deaths on the four planes and 1,945 immediate deaths from the attack. Many people are in critical condition as we are trying to get them all help. This is a tragic event that our police and fire department are trying their hardest to handle.” The news anchor spilled all of this information as David and I looked at each other.

“David you could’ve been one of those 1,945 people that were instantly killed.” I tried explaining to him.

“Sara I am here now and that’s all that matters. I just witnessed something many people won’t ever have to go through and I’m going to need time to get over this. I saw innocent people jumping out of the towers as limbs were falling off of them. That is traumatizing.” He said to me in a worried tone.

“I understand that, I am so glad you are ok and here with me now. Thank you for helping out our city and keeping everyone safe. I think you need to go lay in bed and I’ll cook you a good dinner.” I offered to him.

“Thank you, Sara, I would love that.” He said as he hugged me and headed off to go lay in bed. An hour later I joined him with our dinner and we sat in bed eating with a movie on. David did not want to watch the news anymore as he was scarred from what he just had been through. 

January 06, 2021 15:12

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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