Science Fiction

"Woah, woah, woah! Drop that Twinkie right now and no one gets hurt." 

Zak stared with his mouth wide open. The Twinkie was idly sitting in his hand, the wrapping already half-ripped. Finally, he found his voice again and furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey, but - I found it first! What the heck? I thought I was the only one left here on this whole damn planet! Who are you?" Who are you to claim my precious Twinkie?, Zak added silently in his head. He pointed to himself. "I've been wandering this world for six years straight now and not one human being has ever crossed my path, so don't you go claiming my Twinkie for you now, dude!"

His counterpart was taken aback, Zak could clearly see that. He snorted. Not used to things talking back, huh? 

... Damn, he could relate to that way too much. And then suddenly, he had to start laughing. "This is crazy! It's just been six freaking years and - " He had trouble catching his breath, but he just couldn't stop laughing like a maniac. " - gods, I've been looking everywhere and now when I finally settled onto living a calm, lonely life, you come along and... it's a freaking greedy bastard! It's hilarious, Dolores, it's freaking hilarious!" 

Maybe he had gone crazy after all. When he touched his face, he found tears streaming down his cheeks now. Dolores, his beautiful Dolores, was used to see him crying, but his counterpart was clearly not. Zak thought that he saw his expression change.

The other one approached him and in a heartbeat, he felt a warm embrace. 

Gods, how he had missed having someone to talk to. To hold onto. He sobbed into the other man's shoulder and tightly wrapped his arms around him. How he had longed for another human being to just be there... 

It had just been too damn long and in that moment, he let it all out.

"Woah, you're warm.. and real. ...There, there." Griffin chuckled lightly as he just stood there to hold the other man and to comfort him. He, too, felt tears creeping up, but his smile had never been wider in all these years. His eyes wandered to the ragdoll the other man had been talking to and he nodded to her respectfully. "Don't worry, not stealing your man. Just giving him a bit of comfort." He winked.

Then he turned his attention back to the human being he was currently hugging and patted the other one on the back. "... And who is the lucky person Dolores is accompanied by, if I may ask?"

His fellow survivor's sobs slowly subsided. The hug loosened as the other one brought his empty hand to his face to furiously wipe away his tears. "I'm... I'm Zak," he croaked and grinned shyly. 

Griffin tipped his hat respectfully and extended his hand. "Griffin. It is a magnificent and very unexpected pleasure to meet another human being." He smiled a warm smile and they solemnly shook hands while maintaining eye contact and it must had been minutes until they both finally burst out laughing until the tears came back again.

"I must say, this is truly ridiculous. Where did you hide yourself all this time?", Griffin probed, half-jokingly, but also in earnest, because, yes, he, too, had been looking for another sign of life in this vast debris that had been left of the earth. It had been so long that he had forgotten how it was to interact with someone who wasn't just part of his lively imagination. 

"Hide? Dude, I am living three kilometers from here under a big neon sign and just came here looking for some snacks. Where have you been? I mean, seriously? This planet can't be that big! I've walked around the earth at least twice, man."

Griffin's eyes widened. So did he. It was so much to take in. "All these years..." He absentmindedly stroked the head of his little plush chameleon in his jacket pocket, his precious Mister Sparkles. "I... have been going all over the earth to look for Twinkies," Griffin replied sheepishly. "I must admit that they are a weakness of mine. I'm sorry that I have been so rude earlier. There hadn't been quite a lot where I came from originally." Griffin felt the weight of his backpack on him, filled to the brim with Twinkies he had accumulated all these years. For when he would find his little Sarah again. He missed her so much, although part of him already knew that he would never see her again. 

"Yeah, they are really hard to find. Wonder where they all disappeared to." Zak gave him a thoughtful look and then shrugged. "Nah, don't worry about it. You can have it, greedy bastard." Zak grinned and tossed the half-opened Twinkie to him. 

Griffin let the Twinkie drop ungracefully after miserably failing to catch it, but he was still grateful. "It means a lot to me, Zak. Thank you." He automatically started to put the Twinkie away, but then again... 

Griffin reconsidered and said, "How about we share this one instead?" And in that instant he knew he had said the right thing.

Zak's face lit up like a little boy's, although the other man didn't look that much younger than him, if he had to guess. "Yeah! How about I try to find some chocolate bars and then we'll head to my current Zak cave? Uh - I mean, uh - current place to stay..." 

Griffin chuckled. "I like that. Here, I contribute my - still unopened and only expired five years ago - bottle of cola. I hope that's appropriate for dinner at the Zak cave. I also hope Alfred didn't already fix dinner for us, seeing as we have all this fancy food here."

Zak gave him a warm smile in return and Griffin found himself wanting to settle down for the first time in six years. No more Twinkie-searching... maybe. Griffin looked up at the bright red sky. Sometimes he could still hear her say 'Twinkie', which had seemed to be the only word she had been able to pronounce properly. Rest in peace, my little Sarah.


Well, it didn't look like they could be the earth's saviors and repopulate the earth or something like that. But at least, they can pass the rest of their lives in the company of each other.

"Wait, what's - ? You cheeky bastard, that's why I've never found any Twinkies anywhere all these years!"

May 01, 2020 23:20

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Yageen Faiz
13:57 May 07, 2020

there are too many names, I am getting confused


Vanie Lea
09:23 May 08, 2020

Oh, okay. Thank you! I‘m sorry I got you confused.


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Sarah Letets
18:11 May 07, 2020

This is awesome! I love how you start on something light and funny like a twinkie to show their humanity and create a vivid moment


Vanie Lea
09:24 May 08, 2020

Thank you for your nice comment!


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