Last Conversation.

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt



Saturday, March 20th, 2020

“You think about me too much don’t you?” 

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Am I always in the back of your mind?” 

“I mean yes, but what’s that got to do with anything?” 

“I’m baked, just means I’ll be acting weird” 

“So you’re stoned or something?” 

“Stoned and drunk, four bowls, 3 shots fireball” 

“Well, that’s got to be fun lol. By yourself?” 

“No me, my brother and his roommate Brad, and Brad's girlfriend but whatever.” 

“Ah okay, are you going to remember any of this if you’re drunk?” 

“Probably not” 

“Fair enough, so did you maybe wanna hang out sometime? You know when there's no Corona crisis?” 

“What do you wanna do lmao.” 

“Whatever you want.” 

“Lol, anime and smashbros, cuz Ima loser” 

“You’re not a loser, that sounds fun,” “Your place or mine though? Cuz my parents are kinda strict.” 

“Yours lol.” 

“Okay just my parents are gonna try and embarrass me and probably watch you cuz your a boy lol.”

“That’s fine I have no intentions.” 


“You know what i mean”

“Yeah I guess I’m not your type “


“Big oof.”

“What’s so appealing about me? I don’t get it tbh.”

“Do you think I still like you or something?” 

“Idk just consistent text updates on the majority of the stuff you do. Did you make this account just to talk to me? I saw your snap score when you added mine and it was 0.” 

“No, I didn’t have any friends to add before cuz' I didn’t use it a lot. And I do that cuz’ were friends. You think I’m creepy or something?” 

“Nah, I’m just messed lol.”

“Well you tell the truth when your drunk. Shoulda’ known I was weirding you out. Guess you just want me to flatter you cuz you think I like you don’t you?”  

“Nope I don’t like compliments, well I do... I don’t know makes me feel gross.”

“How? I mean you asked what appeals about you so you must want to know, but you like that other chick so ask her.” 


“Nah I don’t want anyone too much work. I think shes the coolest outta the ones around.” 

“Jee thanks, but eh usually it’s a mutual thing you don’t have to take care of anyone you take care of each other.” 

“Might as well be honest.” 


“What do you think of me?”

“I think you’re cool, I like your art, your personality is memey which is always fun. Just not my type of gal’ you know? I don’t even know what my type is cause I’m messed up myself ya’ know? Dunno’ what to go for.”  

“Well bold of you to assume I like you I’m just friendly, but yeah I get it, too ugly for you too ugly for them all. God, I wish I was the one with a drink.”  

“Noooo not ugly looks don’t matter in a lot of ways. I’ll take personality over a lot of stuff. Cuz’ at the end of the day if you can’t talk to the person your with whats the point ya’ know?”

“That’s true. Well I guess if you really wanna know what makes you appealing it’s that your a good guy. You get me, I appreciate that. Not a lot of people do. Plus you’ve got nice eyes and when you smile it lights up the whole room. So yeah that’s what makes you so great. But life's shit for me so I’m not surprised things don’t work out. Now feel gross cuz I complimented you.” 

“That's really sweet, honestly somewhere down the road when shit is better I’d consider it lol but I’m too fucked.” 

“Well that’s what I like about you you’re not some douche who acts like he’s entitled to everything you’re.. real. You get what it’s like to be dirt poor, have family problems and not be the nicest person on the planet. You know your flaws and you admit to them. Flaws are what make people beautiful you know. So even if you’re just my friend you’re the kinda guy I want around, good people are rare you know.” 

“That's what I want lmao. And I’m not dirt poor just bad decisions from my family.” 

“I know it’s an exaggeration.” 

“Me. Daniel. and dad try the others are messed.” 

“As long as you keep trying that’s what counts. Just do me a favour and don’t remember any of this.” 

“Probably won’t,” *Sends picture of self*  “look at my eyes, don’t worry I won’t.” 

“Lol thanks. It’ll feel really stupid in the morning and make everything awkward. Just wish I could get wasted. Shits wack. Wtf is life.” 

“Who knows, just a random chance that some may experience. Where the dice is rolled a little different each time.” 

“But are they really lucky to experience it, especially when it all goes wrong? Doesn’t feel like it.” 


“Well, I won’t text you so much if it bugs you. I’ve just been kinda’ bored with the whole quarantine thing and you’re like my best friend so.” 

“Yeah I understand, must get lonely. Well I’m going to go play zombies see yah'’”  

“Yeah sure does,Ttyl night.”  

Ben has blocked you…

Based off a true story.

March 27, 2020 02:19

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