The Dream

Submitted into Contest #206 in response to: Set your story in an eerie, surreal setting.... view prompt


Fiction Horror Thriller

Running through the woods, James kept glancing over his shoulder to check if it’s still chasing him. He wasn’t able to get a look at what was chasing him, but he knew it almost caught up to him several times. Racing for his life he didn’t have time to process anything except the fight or flight instinct in his brain. Seeming like it was taking centuries for him to find the walking trail he detoured from, he began to slow as his breathing quickened. Filling hopeless he began to think that maybe he should face his assailant and accept his fate. Placing his hands on his knees he struggled to regain control of his breathing. 

Uncertain what was about to happen to him he chose to make a seat out of the nearest object. A decent sized boulder, that appeared to be the most uncomfortable bench he had ever used, was to the right of where he stopped to breathe. Hesitantly, he sat on the rock while again placing his hands on his knees to better capture a decent breath. Not sure how much longer he had before his fate awaited him, he leaned against the tree nearest until he heard limbs breaking and a faint growl. Deciding that his time had come to an end, he stood up, squared his shoulders and grabbed the biggest stick he could find in a rush. Gripping it like a baseball bat, he braced himself for the attack he is sure will happen. After several moments the footsteps stopped and as his blood pressure rose, he felt sweat beginning to bead up on his forehead. Trepidation building as he prepared for a battle that would never come. 

Hearing his assailant approaching he closed his eyes to brace himself, but as the assailant jumped in his direction he waited for the impact, but instead was greeted with black.

When he opened his eyes he was looking over the rail of a patio. Looking out he viewed an autumn landscape and absorbed the breathtaking view. After moments he realized that he was uncertain how he had arrived there. Not remembering entering his car, he had no recollection of traveling to this destination. Examining his hands, he noticed they were now clean, but couldn’t remember washing. Turning to see where he was standing, he was confused by seeing the house. His last recollection was being in the woods. At that moment, he was hit by an epiphany. Maybe he was knocked delirious and had somehow wandered aimlessly stumbling upon this house. Somewhat relieved he turned to enter the front door of the house to search for the owners to thank them for their hospitality. 

Stepping across the threshold, he found himself in the sun room. Quietly scanning the surroundings he took a mental note of the room in case he needed an emergency escape route. Cautiously walking through the room, he paused at the next doorway and checked for danger before proceeding. No signs of anyone else, he entered the kitchen with an open view of the front door. Excited by the thought that there may be a vehicle in the driveway, he quickened his pace to the front door. Turning the doorknob, but finding the door locked he got frustrated when he couldn’t find the lock. Trying again, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and willed it to open. Like magic, the door opened and James was elated. Stepping outside, he stood on the porch looking for the driveway, but was extremely disappointed and even more confused by the vision. The view in the front of the house looked exactly like the rear. On the verge of tears, he put his hands through his hair with frustration. Sinking to his knees he succumbed to the despair that overtook him. Cupping his hands over his face he let the frustration go by way of tears. 

Waiting for the doctor to bring the test results a couple hover near a gurney. The woman held the hand of the man lying on the bed.

“Hello, doctor. What’s going on with our son?” the man asked.

“The EEG results show that there is brain activity, but we are still trying to discover what caused the coma. There are no signs of any type of trauma to the brain.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

“I would advise you to continue doing exactly what you are doing. He can hear you.”

“Thank you, again.”

The doctor exited the room and the couple exchanged looks without saying words. The woman took a deep sigh and rested her head on the edge of her son’s bed.

When James lifted his hands from his head he found himself behind the wheel of a vehicle. Not recognizing the street he was driving down, he used the turn signal to pull the vehicle into the nearest driveway. Uncomfortable driving somewhere he had never visited. Visibly shaking, he rubbed his eyes trying to make sense of everything. James wanted to know why and how he kept waking up in different locations with no recollection of when he got there. Putting the car in park he searched for a phone hoping he had one. Looking at the clock on the dashboard he read the time as four thirty in the morning. Feeling frustrated, he removed his possessions from his pockets hoping one of them was a phone. Wondering if the global positioning system would tell him the location, unsuccessful, he rested his head on the headrest. After a few moments, he gathered himself and began scanning his surroundings trying to recognize something. Nothing seemed familiar to him. Trying to remember details frustrated him further. Exiting the vehicle, he looked around to find the nearest open business. Spotting what looked like a deli, he was relieved to discover actual humans were inside it. 

“May I use your phone?”

“Of course,” said the cashier.

The elderly woman walked to a workstation behind her and grabbed the receiver of a cordless phone and handed it to James. 

“Thank you.”

Looking around for a spot that would be somewhat private, he entered the numbers of his mom’s phone number. Placing the receiver to his ear he listened to the ring tone until someone on the other end answered. 

“Who is this?” asked the disembodied female voice.

“This is James. I’m lost. I have no idea where I am or how I got here.”

“This isn’t funny! Who are you?”

“Mom! It’s James.”

“Fuck you! This is a cruel joke.”

“Mom, it’s not a joke.”

“Whoever you are, I pray for you. My son is in a coma and you pretend to be him? This isn’t funny.”

The woman disconnected the call and James stared in disbelief. 

“How can that be? Nothing makes sense.”

Not knowing how to get home because he had no idea of his location, he began to cry again. This time almost uncontrollably. Mentally exhausted he slid to the floor not able to concentrate on his next move. Thinking he had better compose himself, he wiped his nose on his shirt sleeve and returned back to the counter. 

“Excuse me, ma’am?”

Not responding, but making eye contact she waited for further response. 

“Where am I?”

“You don’t know where you are?”


“How do you not know where you are? Did you not drive here?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Then you should know where you are.”

“Silly me. I just forgot. My exhaustion got the better of me.”

“You know where you are?”

“I do now.”

“You’re in…”

The front door opened and muffled her answer and he began to sway. Placing his hand on the counter to steady himself. Slowly turning toward the door, he began walking toward it. Feeling like his boots were made of lead, he dragged himself through the door and back to the car. Putting the transmission in drive and slowly pulling onto the highway, he slammed his hands against the steering wheel. 

Suddenly noticing the dashboard lights he spotted an icon that got his attention. Hoping that the GPS actually worked he pressed the button and a voice command emanated from the speakers. Entering the name of his home town, the GPS informed him that his destination was two days away. Not sure what to do, he pressed the accelerator and hit top speed.

James reached down to turn on the radio. When his eyes focused back onto the road, he was in a parking lot once again. Scanning the surroundings, James noticed he was in a different location. This time he recognized it. His vehicle was parked in the parking lot of the hospital. Rushing in to find his parents worried they were seriously injured, he stopped at the front desk and asked in which room they were located. After being directed in the proper location he frantically searched thinking the worst had happened. Upon entering the room, he spotted a young man lying on the bed and instantly believed he had the incorrect room. Backing out to double check the room number. Confirming the room number he returned to the nurses station to reiterate the location of his parents. After the nurse gave him the number of the room that he left, he returned confused. Entering quietly to not disturb the couple, he was gripped with horror when he recognized them as his own parents.

To get a better look at the patient, he stepped closer to the bed. Terror struck his face when he realized that he was looking at himself. Jumping, he almost knocked into the bathroom door. 

“James, sweetheart. Wake up. It’s time to go home,” the woman sobbed.

“Mom, I’m right here.”

Not getting a response, he realized that he had to wake up. Trying to remember how he opened the door earlier, he closed his eyes tight and imagined himself back in his body. When he opened his eyes, he could see his mom bent over him crying.


The woman gasped at the sound of his voice. 

“I called you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I called your cell phone.”

His parents looked at one another worried and concerned. 

“I think my dreams were reality.”

“You're delirious. You need to rest.”

“I want to talk about it when I go home.”

The couple looked at one another confused but said nothing, allowing him to rest. The man shrugged his shoulders and looked at his wife, curious about the discussion with their son.

July 08, 2023 23:34

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