A Day In the Life of A Dog

Submitted into Contest #105 in response to: Write your story from the perspective of a side character.... view prompt


Adventure Drama Fiction

I follow him out the door.  The sunshine warms me, the breeze is full of all the wonderful smells of our little world.  I can smell the grasses and the flowers, our neighbors cooking.  I hear the wind whispering through trees as I walk beside my best friend.  He smells like home.

I know the way well, we walk it often.  Nothing warms my heart more than to just be with him. I love being outside and I love our walks. Even though we do not speak the same language, I know some of his words, we do understand each other. We carry a very special bond between us. It is strong and deep.  Love and loyalty are strong and deep.

I keep up. The long grass feels good.  It smells fresh and soft and like comfort. The sunshine feels good.  It feels bright and warm and safe. We pass the neighbors home in the distance.  I smell the cows, they smell sweet and strong and like innocence.  I breathe in the scent of someone’s  breakfast gently riding on the breeze, oh it smells good! But I will wait until we go back home and share breakfast with him.

The trees speak to us as their leaves rustle, they  welcome us along the shared path.  They smell like ancient wisdom and gentleness. I hear the water in the distance.  I am excited for the water, a slow rushing stream, lots of rocks to jump and play on. Cool water to drink and splash in. We are almost there! I smell the water, it is clean and cold and smells like movement.

I run to the water with excitement in my soul.  I jump! I splash! I drink! I stop to see where he is. I know he is coming.  He always does. I smell him. He smells like home. I see him! I will jump more! I will splash more! I will drink more! I am happy. 

He sits down. He watches me play in the water.  He skips rocks in the water. He throws sticks for me. I like to chase them. I always find them. I like  to bring them back to him. He likes me to bring them back to him.  The sun is shiny and warm as I shake the water off of my fur.  The birds sing a song for us. The birds smell like freedom. I sit next to him. He smells  like home. He pets me and my tail wags. I give him kisses. Love and loyalty are strong and deep.

I see something in the water. It is moving. It is moving toward us. I don’t like it. It moves slithery and back and forth. It is fast. It smells cold and scary. It smells like danger. I bark. I bark and bark and jump.  I must tell him! He must know there is danger.  I bark and jump more. Slither stands up! Slither looks at me.  I bark! “Danger, danger!” My best friend gets up.  He moves back. I try to tell the Slither, “You smell scary! You smell like danger.”  “Stay away!”  I must protect my best friend.  The birds are not singing anymore. Clouds are darkening the sky. I hear my name! He is calling me.  I am still barking, but I must go.  “You stay here Slither!”  I run to my best friend. He gives me pets and love.  He tells me I am a good girl! He tells me Slither is just a Northern Water Snake and is not dangerous.  I don’t understand but  I am happy! The clouds pass by.  The shiny warmth comes back.

We must go now. I follow him back through the trees.  They are still rustling, whispering  words of comfort.  They welcome us back.  They smell like ancient wisdom, strong and gentle. They guide us along the path to the long grass. The long grass feels good.  It smells like comfort, fresh and soft.  I smell the cows as we pass our neighbor’s house.  They smell like innocence. I am happy we are walking.  I am happy we are outside.  I am happy that I am walking next to my best friend. Love and loyalty are strong and deep.

I smell our house! We are going home.  I am excited for breakfast! I jump! I run around! He tells me we are almost home! He says he knows I want breakfast! I jump some more!  I run around! I bark! “Yes! I want breakfast!”  

The house is close! I run to the door.  I jump! I bark! “We are home!” I wait for him. My tail wags with happiness and excitement. I wait. He opens the door. I run inside. I wait.  He will do the breakfast! I lie down in the kitchen.  I try to stay out of his way.  I smell the food! Oh it smells good! I will wait.  

I see the plates! He gives me my own plate.  I eat all my food.  It is good and I am hungry! I'm finished! He still has food! I wait.  I don’t get any more food, but I am still happy. I lie down. I am tired. I close my eyes and listen.  I hear all the sounds of home. I smell all the good smells. He smells like home. 

I hear the door shut. I wake up.  I run to the door. I hear him go.  I know he will be back. I will wait.  I lie down and sleep again.  I will dream of trees and cows and Slither! I will dream of my best friend.

 I hear him! He is here! I smell him! He smells like home. He opens the door.  I jump! I bark! My tail wags with happiness and excitement.  He pets me and gives me love. He tells me I am a good girl! I give him kisses.  I follow him. We go into the kitchen! I lie down. I smell food! I get my own plate!  I bark! I eat my food.  He still has food.  I will wait.  I know it is almost bedtime. 

I follow him to bed.  He covers me with warm blankets.  I snuggle next to him. He feels like home.  I will dream of trees and cows and Slither, and I will dream of home.

July 30, 2021 23:46

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Amanda Lieser
21:21 Aug 11, 2021

Oh, Michelle, I loved this piece. I thought you captured the wonderful heart and soul of a dog exceptionally well. This piece was a great zoom in on a simple task, too which was impressive. I absolutely loved how you repeated yourself a few times in the piece because it added to the character of the dog. Thank you for writing this story.


Michelle Gregory
21:26 Aug 11, 2021

thank you for your kind words!


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Em Stolt
14:21 Aug 07, 2021

This reminded me so much of my own dog! I loved it!


Michelle Gregory
16:43 Aug 10, 2021

Thank you!


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Patrick Otvos
22:47 Aug 06, 2021

Great! Loved it. I smiled throughout the whole story. :)


Michelle Gregory
16:43 Aug 10, 2021

Thank you.


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