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9am: M: where r u? x                                                                                                                     Sally:  Early start I’m at work, so can’t talk right now. Are you free tonight ? x                                                                                           

 M:  my mum is unwell so will call in on her on my way home, but free after that if you want to meet up for a drink and a bite to eat.

Midday: Sal: At lunch, C.V scary. possibly working from home tomorrow . meet you at 6.30 at thai restaurant n bar, cnr Elizabeth n James n sts. hope your mum has not got virus symptoms .be aware n take care. x                                                                                                            M    cool. See you then.

5.30pm. M:  held up here might be a bit late  x                                                                                                               

 Sal:  Ok not many people about. Social distancing  already started. I’ll wait inside.

6.13pm: M:  still wth mum looks like she is coming down with a cold.hope thats all it is!!!!. Might have to check on her later tonight, just warming up some soup for her now. See you asap                                    

 Sal: No worries

11.15pm: Sal:  Home safely, spooky on the tram just six people, usually heaps of theatre goers at this time. From tomorrow further safe distancing rules apply, pubs, clubs n restaurants to close. Good that we were able to catch up even if we were the only ones dining...nice meal though. Did you call on your mum? how is she? Stay in touch x

7am ( next day ) M:  just got your message. I ended up staying here with mum, she wasn’t at all well with a fever and some difficulty breathing . i am the only family she has so could be here for a good while. It’s already doing my head in. Because of her symptoms i contacted her medical Clinic. They are sending an M.O. to test for the dreaded c.virus. i’ll keep you posted M 

  Sal : OMG Have you got plenty of loo paper, lots of people are stocking up, not sure why. I’d prefer to have enough food in the pantry in preference to a clean arse lol. Can i be of help ? x

1.30pm Sal: How are things ? looks like we will be working from home tomorrow. Not having to go to work has been always a dream of mine, but suddenly i want to go......just so boring working on your own.  Getting motivated and staying disciplined will be a challenge ( you now what i'm like ). Sorry, you have your own real challenge. Can I drop anything off for you at your mum’s ? x        

 M :  still waiting for test results. the pathology technician was cute, not that i should be noticing. trying to educate mum re the importance of hand washing, coughing and sneezing etiquette and the need for social distancing, she just doesn’t get it, she even want s to go to bingo tonight “ they won’t be worried about a bit of a cold”........help!!! some bread , milk and tissues would be good.already a full cupboard of bog roll here ????, thanks heaps dear friend x

6pm M:  had TV on all day mostly for news flashes from PM ( she thinks he is gorgeous and believes every word he says ) so she is staying in. I have promised to play cards with her tonight. At least the social distancing bit has sunk in. I have been instructed to stay here until test results confirm or negate Co Virus 19. It would be my worst nightmare to be in lock down here for 14days. I ‘d have to wear old ladies  undies n all. Don’t get me wrong i do lve my mum, but we haven’t shared a living space for over 10 years.        

 Sal: : Feeling 4 u Mausie. I am worried about my m&d on the farm. .They are not at all techno savi and tele coverage out there is patchy. The best i can do is phone and stress the importance of the rapid growth of this silent global enemy, and the current restrictions in place here. Dad thinks coughing into your elbow is a load of rubbish. Of course i don’t remember the Depression, but they seem to thnk that it will be the same. Mum insists that she knows all about handwashing.....she’s raised three kids ( like der! ) . No probs with bread n milk, not sure about the tissues. i’ll leave them at the front door. Might try to get you some grundies and a bottle of wine too. Stay healthy n stay sane. X S

11pm: M:  thanx bestie I’m just about to turn in and watch a movie on my ipad...we had to watch Sale of the Century before the poker game (i let her win ). The knickers fit well, n the wine was excellent ( mum only drinks sherry...yuk ) Mums Co virus test results known tomorrow. She seems to think that her symptoms have improved, so fingers crossed. I’ll keep you posted. M                                ps. give scruffy a cuddle from me . Understand how you are so concerned about your oldies...this has become serious shit. X

9am: Sal: Missed your text last night and have just woken ( best part about working from home ). Guess it is a bit early to have test results. will text later.... better get some work done, boss waiting for the finished paper. Stay safe. Do you have a number for a support group?                                                   11am: Maureen.......yes i do have all the info i need now ta. Mum’s test was positive. It has been recommended that she stay in her own home for now, i am now in quarantine with her. I’m to phone the help line immediately if her condition worsens. You keep well, this is scary. I have been made redundant at my work, but trying not to think about that right now. Just been for a walk to get my head around all that is happening with the virus . x

5.30pm Sal: Hang in there Maureen. Take extra care with hand washing and sanitising recommendations. Not sure how i can be of help. Hope you have plenty to read. Don’t forget to watch ‘The Bachelor ‘tonight.  i ‘ll keep in touch. We will get through this. Xxxxxx                               

9am ( next morning)  M: hope you are up. Mum feeling better.she is going to teach me how to knit today, ( do you need a scarf ) ? last night i even cooked a casserole, under her guidance. No doubt there will be times when i am down and mum and i get on each others nerves, but for now not so bad. It is a good opportunity for us to re-connect.how are your folks ?                                   

Sally: That’s  the spirit, take the positives from a negative situation. M&d battling on up north. My estranged sister who lives just 20km away has made contact with them, so that’s a positive too.

6pm: Sal:  How are things, got my scarf finished? Hello to your mum, glad she is feeling better.

10 am next morning:  woke this morning with a dry cough. I’m shit scared Sal. will call later x

March 25, 2020 23:33

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Inactive User
05:37 Apr 02, 2020

Good story. I loved how you kept the story kinda in text form, to make the story feel like you are texting some one. Keep up the good work!


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