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They say that life is written in the stars, and in a prophecy once foretold the world will end, and one couple will thrive and began a life of new, they’ll have to make a society of the soon forgotten, a new world of peace, love, and prosperity.


           A woman was looking up at the stars, remembering that long foretold story that her mother, her mother’s mother, and her mother’s mother’s mother told long time ago, all before this outbreak occurred. She was the only one that survived the outbreak, or so she thought. Or so she thought. She had no idea that her world was about to change. Until Mr. Right came along.

           “I thought that prophecy was a bunch of BS, since it seems that I’m the last person alive.”

She thought going down a once full of life, now a dead empty street leaving her hometown for good. She doesn’t know where she’ll go but anywhere would be better than this. She walked, and walked still no one in sight, she the realized she came across the town called Brandon Michigan.

How long have I been walking, wait Brandon Michigan?!.... Brandon….I haven’t thought about him in seven-teen years and I’m twenty-five years old. Wait, why I’m I am getting excided he’s probably dead like everyone else’s!

           Then I got this weird feeling like someone was watching me. But I kept on walking though the town, minding my own businesses until I came across an empty bar. The bar was dark and decrypted. I sat at the bar looking for anything to drink, water…. Boozes. I grabbed the nearest bottle and started to chug.

Normally, I wouldn’t be doing this but since I’m alone in this forgotten wasteland. I have no regrets of anything, if I die of alcohol poisoning then so be it.

           Then after a few minutes of tasting that sweet, sweet poison. In my peripheral vision I saw what a figure of another human being was in the dark corner of the room. It was a man by the way of its stature. I thought it had to be the boozes, and the mixture of my loneliness became a hallucination of a sexy man. He was tall, handsome, and of Asin descendants.

It is like I have seen him before but where? Hmmm, Is he an ice cream man. Why is he smiling at me like that?

He came up closer to me, inspecting me. In my drunken stupor I knew he was not real. So, I don’t really know what fully happened next.

           “Oh, and what is a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?”

           “Hey, sexy why don’t you stay awhile….”

“Oh, god are you sauced?!”

“Maybe, I know you’re not real. So, why should I worry, no one’s real I’m all alone!”

           I slightly remember crying at one point, then I felt something touch me. I looked back and he had his hand on my shoulder.

           Ok, red flag. If he’s not real I shouldn’t be able to feel his touch, right?! So, how the hell I can feel his?!

           “I know we just meet, but you probably have a lot of questions. Listen all I can say I thought the same as you, being alone I mean. I thought I was the last person on earth, but then I meet you today.”

Wait… he looks familiar.

           “Hey, do I know you? You look officially familiar.”

“I don’t think so, unless you’ve been living here for the last seven-teen years.”

“Wait! Seven-teen years?!... So, where have you lived before because you look older than seven-teen.”

“ Well, you’re right. I’m twenty-nine years old, and I moved from Pontiac,MI when I was about Twelve, Thirteen. God I don’t remember. Though I remember a girl that I once liked, hell, maybe even loved. You kind of reminded me of her if she had grown older, but I don’t know if she survived the pandemic, I haven’t seen her in….Seven-…teen…years….Melissa, is that really you?!”

“Holy shit, Brandon is that really you?!”

Then instinctively we hugged like it was on que. We were there for a while. Then we stopped.

“So, why didn’t you come and visit me all these years?!” I said with a hurt expression.

“Well, I was going to before the outbreak, but then I realized that you wouldn’t want me to because we haven’t spoken in a long time. But ever since then I felt so bad. Melissa, I’m so sorry.”

           “Actually, I should be sorry too, I should of visit ya before all this. Actually, I should have called ya, your Father left my Grandfather your guy’s number. I really wanted too, but after ya’ll left I was bitter the first ten years…. then the last seven years I spent trying to find you on Facebook. You know I was hoping we would of meet up someday, but I would have never thought we would of meet up like this.”

           “Well, thank god we meet up before things got even more worse than it already has.” He said smiling.

           “Yeah, it’s almost like fate we were brought together, have ya ever heard that one story of the world came to an end until two people that was said to save humanity, and said they will make a new society, of peace, love, and prosperity.”

“Yeah, I think so, along time ago. My Father told me that story, and he said that his father told him that story, and my great grandfather told my grandfather.”

           “That’s funny, cause it started with my great grandmother all the way down to my mother.”

           “Hey, would you like some company, walking though these streets can be dangerous at night.”

           “What do you mean we’re the only two people left on earth!”

           “Yeah, but I mean we still have fierce creatures like monghouls, yogis, and acid flies.”

           “Monghouls,…Acid flies…. Yogies?!”

“One’s a vicious dog like creature, acid flies are giant fly that spits acid, and yogis are huge radioactive bears. We might find one walking out the door.”

“Oh, ok.”

We went out the bar after I sobered up. It was getting to be night fall and we did come across the nasty monghouls, which the name did them justice, it attacked us and Brandon killed it with his gun. Then we came across the Acid fly, I didn’t notice it at first until the acid went 2’’ passed my face. Once again Brandon had to save me with his gun. Then after we walked for a bit, we heard growling from a far distance.

           Then from out of nowhere something pushed me to the ground, darkness surrounded me as I looked up. It was 8’ tall with milky glost over eyes, razor sharp teeth that chop you in half with out hesitation. I was like a deer in headlights.

           “Melissa watch out!”

He then pulled out his gun and started firing. It hit the bear, the bear was focused on Brandon. The bear leaped forward and tried to get at Brandon. It took ten to twenty bullets to put the bear down.

           “Well you killed Muldoon……Hey, look it’s a starry night, why don’t we camp here?”

           “Are you serious, we almost got our ass handed to us, and you want camp here?!” He said with a fear tone in his voice.

           “But, look at the stars! They’re soooo lovely out tonight. Please Brandy.” I said giving a puppy dog look.

           “Ok!....ok, fine but if those creatures come back, it’s on you.”

           “Oh, Brandy…. thank you.”

           Then we stayed up all night staring up at the stars.

May 01, 2020 10:13

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1 comment

Igor Tishalovich
07:58 May 07, 2020

Well, I guess, it should really 've been placed in the "Last two persons on Earth meet", but, that's your decision. Little thrilling, somewhat funny. I cannot say I really enjoyed reading this one... I think, it is problem of my lifestyle: I don't really like such a genre of stories. But, well. "If you try hard enough, you will find your audience". I think, this is good starting point and at one moment, you will find those, who'll be hypnotized by your writing.


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