
“Bye Carl!’ Sharon sighed as the flames of the incinerator engulfed the coffin. Sharon didn’t know what she would do without Carl – she had been married to him for 45 years but oculd still remember vividly the day he had proposed to her and married her.

It was her birthday – July 21st

‘The perfect day for a picnic!’ Carl had told her. 

‘We will have a very long day.’ Sharon was looking forward to this day – Carl had said that it would be her best birthday ever and she wondered what he meant. He had said that he would pick her up at 9.oo am but at 10.oo am, he had not yet arrived. Sharon had begun to worry – Carl was always on time and to miss her birthday would mean that something was wrong. She had already called him 5 times and he hadn’t answered. When she had called the sixth time, his assistant Sasha had answered and told her that he was busy and couldn’t make it. However, he will be able to take her out to lunch. Sasha assured her that he would pick her up at 11.00.

‘He didn’t even call to explain himself’ Sharon had screamed as she hung up.

Now, at 11.30, Carl had still not showed up. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable in her dress. She had already taken it off once and had to have a bathe before putting it on again. The dress was so uncomfortable – she had told Carl that it would be inappropriate for a picnic but he had insisted that she wear it today because it was going to be a very special day. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she thought to herself. ‘This is something I would wear to a wedding, not to a picnic. I look good in it though.’

The white lace dress extended to her ankles and though the sleeve was not too long, it could not be considered short either.

‘Hmm, just a veil and a bouquet and I could get married in this!’ Sharon murmured to herself. It’s too good for a picnic but I guess it could work for a lunch date – I will tell Carl that I will save this dress to wear to our wedding – that is if he ever proposes!’

As she was debating taking off the dress, the phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, she realized that it was Carl.

‘Yes darling’ she answered excitedly.

‘Sharon, I don’t know how to say this…’Carl began and she immediately knew that he wasn’t taking her anywhere. She knew that opening well. She had heard it a lot in the 3 years that they had been dating.

‘I understand.’  She replied before allowing him to finish. ‘You have to work and cannot take me to lunch again. It’s okay.’


‘Yes – sure.’ But Sharon wasn’t so sure. It had been over a month since she had last seen Carl and she had been looking forward so much to seeing him today. Since it was her birthday,   she wanted to share the day with the man she loved. However, she was beginning to wonder if Carl felt the same way about her as she did about him. If she had not called, he would not have even told her that the picnic was off. He hadn’t even told her Happy Birthday – in fact, he hadn’t even answered phone. She couldn’t understand what was happening to their 3 year old relationship. Only three months ago, they had been so close to each other but then Carl got his promotion and everything changed. He no longer had time to go out with her and had even stopped calling her after a while.  When she called him, he was always busy doing something and had no time to speak to her. She was terribly upset when she realized that he couldn’t go on the picnic to celebrate her birthday – a picnic that he himself had planned. She had felt reassured though that they would have lunch together and she was thrilled at the idea of seeing him once again. Now, even that dream was shattered. 

Sharon couldn’t help wondering if he was seeing someone else – maybe Sasha. He was very attractive and she always had to deal with girls trying to get his attention when they went out so it would be quite easy to replace her.

‘Doesn’t he know I love him and I miss him?’ She mumbled in between sobs.

When she heard the telephone ringing again, she brightened thinking that it was Carl calling to change his mind. However, she realized that it was Sheldon, her best friend. Sharon and Sheldon had gone to university together and had grown very close to each other. She had considered him as her brother but when she started to date Carl, he had disapproved of their relationship. Thus, she had distanced herself from Sheldon so that her relationship with Carl could blossom. She hadn’t heard from Sheldon or called him for so long she couldn’t even remember what his voice sounded like. It was strange though that he always seemed to know when she needed someone to talk to.

‘Hello,’ she answered the phone bursting into tears once again.

‘What’s wrong?’



‘Yes – everything!’

‘What has THAT no good done now?’ Even though she was angry with Carl, she resented the way Sheldon always referred to him as a “no good”. ‘Why can’t he understand how I feel?’ She had asked herself when Sheldon had first expressed his dislike for Carl, whom he thought was not good enough for her.

“He’s not a “no good” she snapped

‘Oh yeah! Then why are you crying on your birthday?’

It hurt to hear his words knowing that he was internally laughing at her

‘Did you call to condemn him or is it important?’

‘Okay – I am sorry! Please tell your brother what is wrong. Happy Birthday by the way.’

‘OH, you remembered!’ Her tears were unstoppable.

‘I take it he didn’t’

‘No, it’s not that! - He has to work and he won’t be able to meet me at all today. He promised to take me on a picnic - it sounded so romantic but then he had to work…’

‘I think you should forget about him.’

‘I can’t.’

‘Sharon – it’s time you let go – how long will you continue this way?’

‘I love him Sheldon!’

‘unlove him then.’

‘I wish it was that easy – you know I can’t help wondering if he is seeing someone else – I mean is he so busy he can’t call?’

‘Why don’t you forget about him?’ Sheldon again inquired


‘Enjoy your birthday – why should the day be spoiled because he is married to his work! Have you looked outside?’

Sharon had indeed looked outside several times and wished that she was outdoors enjoying their planned picnic but here she was all dressed up with nowhere to go. It was a perfect summer’s day : birds singing in the trees, flowers in bloom, the sun in the sky – a perfect day for a picnic. Although she was angry with Carl, she hated the way Sheldon always spoke about him and felt the need to defend him.

‘You don’t understand – he is doing it to make money.’

‘For whom – didn’t he say he has no intention of getting married?’

‘He said he doesn’t want to get married in the near future but he wants to get married as soon as he has enough money to support a family.’

‘And in the meantime your relationship has to suffer?’

‘It’s worth it!’

It was amazing how she began to see things from Carl’s point of view once she had started talking to Sheldon about it. Although she had asked herself the same questions more than once before, she now felt that Carl was right in thinking the way that he did.

‘Do you feel like having some ice cream?’

‘I already had some!’

‘Willie’s – pistachio!’ Sharon remembered all those times they had gone for ice cream together – just the two of them. No Carl. ‘Those were happy times.’ She thought smiling. ‘I wish I could do it again!’ She was about to agree to his proposal when she thought of Carl working at his office. Enjoying herself while he was working for her welfare didn’t seem too appealing and she told Sheldon this.

‘I bet if you call him now, Sasha will answer the phone.’ Sheldon retorted knowing that she felt threatened by Carl’s beautiful secretary. Though Carl had told her the number he gave her was for his personal line, Sasha answered the phone quite often when she called. Carl had said that it was necessary for Sasha to use his office often because she was showing him the work. Sharon wondered what else Sasha might be showing him.

‘I’m coming over.’ Sheldon announced cutting into her thoughts. Before she could protest, he had put down the phone and was knocking at the door.

‘How did you get here so fast?’ Sharon questioned puzzled.

‘I was in the neighborhood. Let’ go celebrate a birthday!’

‘I can’t’

‘I’m not leaving here without you so we will see about that!’ Sheldon retorted throwing himself onto the sofa. Sharon knew that tone - he was determined to carry her out and nothing she could say would change his mind. This was the way Sheldon was – once he made up his mind to do something, nothing could change it.

‘Okay, just one ice cream!’ She said in resignation as she grabbed her handbag. It was a new handbag that Carl had bought with the dress and she felt a certain sense of guilt as she entered the car with Sheldon.

Although Sheldon was continually pointing out the beauty of the day, Sharon’s mood was not lifted. She continued to think of Carl and whether he was having an affair with Sasha. She was startled when Sheldon murmured.

‘Perfect day for a wedding! You are even dressed for one. Maybe we should stop here.’ Sheldon pulled up at the gardens of the civic centre which was decorated for a wedding.

‘Are you crazy!’ Sharon laughed. She knew that Sheldon and his friends often crashed weddings but she was not about to do so especially as she was dressed so conspicuously and it was her neighborhood and someone was sure to recognize her.

‘Oh come on – it will be fun.’ Sheldon insisted tugging at her arm. As there were a few people coming out of their cars, Sharon did not want to create a scene and allowed him to escort her inside.

As they entered the doorway, the band began playing ‘here comes the bride.’ Sharon had never been so embarrassed. All eyes turned to look at her. An usher rushed up to her and placed a bouquet in her hands while another placed a veil on her head.

‘No, no. You are mistaken.’ Sharon began but she was hurriedly being led to the ‘altar’

She glanced at Sheldon and he was smiling from ear to ear. Looking around, Sharon realized that all her friends and family were gathered in the audience.

‘Oh no - he can’t be doing this!’

Once she had described this exact scene to Sheldon as the perfect wedding. Was Carl right? Was Sheldon secretly in love with her all this time and now he was trying to get him to marry her? No, she would resist! She might be annoyed with Carl but she loved him and nothing Sheldon did was going to change her mind about how she felt.

‘Dearly beloved..’ The priest began but Sharon knew she had to stop this farce

‘Wait, before you begin – I need to propose first!’ 

Sharon was amazed to find Carl on his knees in front of her.

‘Sharon, would you marry me?’

‘Yes! Yes!’

Sharon finally saw the beauty in the day. The sun was shining brilliantly, the birds were singing – all the flowers were blooming and she was marrying Carl – the one she loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

June 25, 2021 19:00

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Sudhir Menon
10:59 Jun 29, 2021

A well-written romantic tale, the build-up of which to the climax is indeed superb. It appears that Sheldon assisted in the surprise wedding function, the preparations for which had been kept under wraps. Altogether, a lovely story worth a read. Keep writing and all the best. You may read my story 'A Stunning Blow', written with the same prompt.


Lynda -ann Singh
12:51 Jun 29, 2021

thank you for the kind comments. I am glad that you liked it.


Sudhir Menon
13:46 Jun 29, 2021

You're welcome.


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