The vampire human

Written in response to: Write a story about a late bloomer.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction

Everyone questions me if I'm just like them. If I'm not human. If I'm a vampire just like them. My parents are vampire pure breds which means that it's very unlikely for me to not inherit the genes. It's not common, but it's not rare either.

Once, there was a human who's parents were both vampires. However, instead of becoming a vampire at the age of 13, they went through the changes the humans go through.

Humans aren't accepted where I live. If a human dare sets foot in our town, they will instantly be kicked out. We don't humans anymore, we've become civil over the years. Just the thought of eating humans makes my stomach quesy.

My best friend, Monnie, has both a human and a vampire parent. It's also very rare for a vampire to date a human. Surprisingly, the other vampires haven't kicked out Monnie and her parents. Monnie is a half-breed. She has both the characteristics of a vampire and a human. She has her fangs since she just had her 13th birthday last weekend. She can't fly however, and her senses are as dull as a humans.

"Luna, don't worry. Your 13th birthday is in two days. Stop worrying if your going to be a vampire or not. Your parents are pure-bred vampires so there's like a 100% you will be too. Maybe your just a late bloomer."

"A late what?" I asked Monnie. We were sitting outside under a tree, the moon casting long shadows on the dewy grass. It is true that vampires can't go out in the daylight, we'll burn to death, but we don't sleep in coffins. Just the idea of being enclosed into a tight space...

"Well, who knows, you might get all your vampire stuff a few days after your birthday. It can happen you know. You just have to be patient, just once in your life."

"It's going to be really embarrassing when I'm still the same after my brithday. Everyone will judge me and hate me."

"Nobody will hate you. Vamp or not, I will still love you Luna. Your parents too. They'll make it work. And, hey, at least you can enjoy the sun and go to beaches. I can't do that anymore."

It's true. Before you become a vampire, you have all the traits of a human. However, once you turn 13, your vampire traits will take effect.

I squezzed her hand. I know Monnie wishes that she were human. She loved the sun. The way it warmed her face, the way the breeze would blow her straw colored hair across her face.

"You should go home Monnie. The sun will be out soon."

She nodded. Standing up, she wiped her hands on her jeans. Then she cupped my face and looked me deeply in the eyes. "Don't worry about your birthday, Luna. Take a moment and love the little time you left as close to a human you can get. Hopefully, you don't become a vampire and can spend the rest of your life happy and with a tan instead of pale skin."

She hugged me. Giving me one last smile, she walked off to the direction of her house.

Monnie was right. I shouldn't worry about my heritage. I'm going to be a vampire thanks to my mom and dad. 100% chance, just like she said. Who knows, I could be a late bloomer.

I went inside. My mom was at the kitchen, slicing strawberries and placing them in a bowl with blackberries and blueberries. With her back to me, I snuck a couple of berries and walked into the living room. Dad was laying on the couch, a Van Helsing book in his hands. Ironic, I know.

Not wanting to interrupt with of them, I walked into my bedroom. Popping a few berries in my mouth, I closed my door and laid down in my bed.

Dinner would be ready soon, but I just wanted to sleep. Despite everything, I'm still pretty wound up about earlier. I just needed time to think about things before I talked to mom and dad.

"Luna!! Dinners ready!!! Go wash up then sit at the table!!"

Sooner rather than later, I guess.

I quickly washed up, wanting to get this over with. I sat down at the table. Mom placed a plate with the berries and a couple of pancakes doused with syrup, just the way I like it.

Taking a couple of bites, I looked up from my plate. My mom and dad were eating, smiling at eachother. I exhaled slowly.

"I was talking to Monnie earlier." I said.

"Oh really?" Mom said. "Did she say anything about her birthday. I know that your worried about it sweetie but don't ask her if it hurts. I can tell you honetly, that it doesn't hurt. Uncomfortable, yes, but not painful."

"She said that I should enjory the sunshine while it lasts."

My Dad nodded weakly. "Yes, when you become a vampire, you can't be outside in the sun."

"Am I a late bloomer?" I asked, popping the question.

My parents exchanged a look. "Honey, there's something your father and I need to discuss with you."

Suddenly, an icy feeling overwhelmed me. This isn't good, I thought.

Holding eachothers hands, and obviously nervous, my Mom said, "Even though your father and I are both pure breeds, that doesn't mean you will be too. Your father and I don't like to talk about it but, when I was 16, I was out, trying to find myself. I've crossed with your father. I was a late bloomer so I was just starting to get used to my new physical powers. However, with them came the thirst for human blood. At first I tried to sustain it by drinking animal blood. However, later on my body started to take the toll. I was becoming weaker by the day, the thirst for that specific blood grew stronger. Until I couldn't take it no longer. I fell in love with your father before, coming out to meet him, always at night. He wanted to see me in the day, to go to the park, but I told him I had school. One night, I asked him to meet me in an abandoned alley. He didn't question me on why that abve all others because that's where we usually met, away from the eyes of others. My thirst was so strong that I couldn't think straight. I was about to hurt the one I loved. Wasting no time, driven by the hunger, I pulled his neck to the side. I sunk my new fangs into his warm flesh, pirecing the skin. Warm blood seeped into my mouth. Your father didn't scream. He was confused, dazed. Soon, I snapped back to my senses. I almost killed your father. And then I did something so risky just so I didn't lose him. I turned him into a vampire."

I stared at my mother and my father, dumbfounded. "So that means that I could be a human...."

"Yes, but you have to understand that your father and I will always love you the same."

December 20, 2021 02:59

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