The Birthday Disaster

Submitted into Contest #105 in response to: Write a story from the point of view of three different characters.... view prompt


Thriller Kids

Lily’s POV

I’m super excited because my birthday party’s going to start! The guests will arrive any minute now! I’ve just finished decorating the whole place. Layla’s just finished making the jelly and Riley’s hanging up more balloons. I’m so lucky that they’re helping me. I never would have managed it by myself.

  I think I kind of overdid it with the invitations and invited more people than I was supposed to but never mind. The more the merrier!

  I’ve just heard a few cars park in my driveway! My birthday party is about to begin!

Layla’s POV

  People are tumbling into the house and hugging and stuffing Lily with presents. I’m very happy for her. She’s never had a proper party in a long time. 

  Anyway, I’m glad I offered to help Lily with her party because that meant I didn’t have to get her a present. I’m really bad at getting gifts. I wouldn’t know what she’d like and I’d spend a long time at gift stores choosing something.

  Everyone at our school is at Lily’s party. They're here to wish Lily. And I’m guessing they’re also here to eat the cake!

Riley’s POV

  Woah, I had no idea there would be this many people at the party. There’s gonna be loads of games and stuff. I’ve arranged it all. 

  I’d like to say that I’m a master at planning party activities. First, the guests will play musical chairs, then musical statues, there’ll be karaoke and a dance-off and then, a pinata shaped like Teddy the Poodle’s head that’s full of candy!

  I need to lead everyone to the other room. The games will be starting!

Lily’s POV

  Riley’s done a great job on the planning. The musical chairs were so fun. Jeremy Howels won.

  We had a small break before the next game. But when we started playing musical statues, Jeremy went missing. Oh well, maybe he didn’t want to play.

  Those who didn’t want to play could watch Harry Potter on the giant TV my gran gave me. Gran got married just a week ago to an old guy called Alberto. He bought a giant TV for Gran but he didn’t know she had already got one so Gran sent hers to me and kept Alberto’s one.

Layla’s POV

  John Marcus won musical statues but then everyone started feeling hungry and wanted to eat so we skipped the karaoke and dance-off and started eating. We saved the pinata for later.

  Lily cut her cake which was an oreo cheesecake baked! It tastes so good. I’ll never tell anyone the recipe. There wasn’t enough for everyone so it’s a good thing I baked two cakes.

Riley’s POV

 Jeremy Howels came out of the bathroom after all the cake was gone. I wonder what he was doing in there for so long. He missed all the cake but he didn’t seem too sad about it. 

  We all took turns whacking the Teddy the Poodle pinata. It only opened when Jeremy hit it. He must have some kind of super muscle in his arms.

  After smashing open the pinata, Jeremy stomped out of the house and went home. He didn’t even say anything or take a single candy! Well, that leaves more for us.

Lily’s POV

  Everyone danced all night long. I’m so full of the cake. It was so creamy and delicious. There was pizza at the party and I ate a whole cheese pizza. I’m so sure I put on at least a few kilos.

  When we were dancing, suddenly, the lights went out. I screamed because I’m not a big fan of jumpscares and stuff that happen suddenly.

  Then, a voice rang through the room. It said,

“Hahaha, you have fallen into my trap,”

  Maybe Riley and Layla did something to give everyone a fright? I wanted to ask them but I couldn’t find them in the crowd of people.

  Then, the lights went came back again and everyone ran outside.

Layla’s POV

  I’m not sure how Lily’s feeling right now. She might feel upset because this maybe wasn’t how she wanted her party to be but, after all, I’m sure everyone’s party isn’t what they expect it to be.

  And about that creepy voice. I bet Riley organized it. Or if not, Lily did. Maybe she wanted to give everyone a scare?

  Now, were the only ones in the house. Lily, Riley and me. Everyone got freaked out by the voice.

“Did one of you guys do that?” I asked them.

“No,” said Lily.

“No,” said Riley. “I thought you or Lily did that.”

“Well I didn’t,” I said. 

“Then who did?” asked Riley.

“I did,” said Jeremy Howels.

Riley’s POV

  We all gaped at Jeremy for a second. Where did he come from? 

“I- where did you- how-?” spluttered Layla.

  Jeremy laughed.

“The Gadzook did this,” said Jeremy. We had no idea what he was talking about.

“What’s a Gadzook?” asked Lily.

“The monster that lives in toilet bowls,” said Jeremy. “Seriously.”

“Haha,” said Layla. “Very funny.”

  Jeremy frowned. “You don’t believe me?”

I tried to say something. “I-”

  Suddenly, Jeremy turned into a yucky brown thing and punched Layla in the stomach. Layla flew to the other side of the room and hit the wall. She slid down, unconscious. I looked at Lily, terrified of what was going to happen to us. There came a really bad stink and I fainted.

Lily’s POV

  I woke up and found myself in the hospital. What was I doing here? Maybe I fainted. The doctors did a few tests on Riley and me and we were discharged. Unfortunately, Layla’s condition is worse. She broke her back. We promised to see her every day.

  Riley and I went to the library to do some research about Gadzooks. We found a book that said that Gadzooks can sort of go inside a person and make them do stuff. Jeremy Howels hasn’t returned to school. No prizes for guessing if the Gadzook is inside him. 

  I think I fainted because of the smell of the Gadzook. Jeremy said it lives in toilets. Maybe it’s made out of poop? Whatever.

  Riley and I are skipping school tomorrow. We’re going Gadzook hunting.

August 02, 2021 10:25

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Francis Daisy
02:21 Aug 12, 2021

Kirrtanaa, You really captured the young voices in your story. The sentences were simple and innocent. It made me feel like I was back in grade school and going to a friend's birthday party! We used to scare ourselves silly over bumps in the night and odd noises. I love how you created thriller using a kid's birthday party idea. Well done! -Amy


06:44 Aug 12, 2021

Thank you so much for that comment, Amy! You made my day :)


Francis Daisy
11:00 Aug 12, 2021

Always happy to make someone smile! :)


11:36 Aug 12, 2021

Aww! 😍😃


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Coco ★
02:28 Aug 03, 2021

Omg, hi Kirrtanaa!!! I'm a big fan of your stories. Happy birthday!!!! 🎈🎉🎁💎


02:55 Aug 04, 2021

What! Really? Wow, I'm so flattered, Coco! Thanks a lot for wishing! 😄❤️


Coco ★
03:04 Aug 05, 2021

No problem, heheee :) ❤️❤️


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Akshara P
19:08 Aug 02, 2021

Just read your bio, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🍰💗🥳


00:36 Aug 03, 2021

Your thoughtfulness is a gift I will always treasure. I'm so touched. Thank you so much for wishing! 😊💖


Akshara P
17:37 Aug 03, 2021

Of-course! Great story too. 😊


02:50 Aug 04, 2021



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